Divorce can Recover Marriage Expense

In a marriage there are recoverable and non-recoverable expenses. In case of divorce non-recoverable expenses can not be redeemed.

The money spent for Marriage hall, rich food, light music, decorations, bridal and bridegroom makeups, if Bus or Van arranged to pick and drop relatives, printing invitations are can not be redeemed by divorce.

The jewels given as dowry, cost of dresses for spouses not for relatives (In some marriages new dresses will be gifted to relatives), vessels presented to Bride are can be redeemed.

In short money, spent to buy asset in marriage can be redeemed after divorce. Money spent for services in marriages can not be redeemed after divorce.

One of my neighbor spent around 4 lakhs for food alone in their daughter’s marriage. Within six months she returned home and applied for divorce. The 4 lakhs spent for the food which was served to more than 2000 people attended the marriage can not be recovered. They may need to spend another 4 lakhs or less for her second/next marriage.

Nowadays, divorce seems to be happening often. Many love marriages are ended in divorce like ‘bounce back’ after marriages. Couple might have been loving for years and years, but after marriages they get divorced quickly.

Arranged marriage done bombastically by the parents with their ‘last money’. If the marriage get divorced, they are empty to cover the expense of another marriage.

An government employee who spent is retirement fund to his daughter marriage. He lavishly spent all his money in the marriage. Within 2 years his daughter’s marriage life broken. Either she divorced or got divorced. Now the ’emptied’ father does not have money to do the second marriage.

It is better to avoid spending too much in marriages since there is no guarantee that the marriages will last for long time. Keep some reserve fund for second marriage if divorce happened.

If you are the father and about to spend 10 lakhs for your daughter’s marriage, here are the options to manage second marriage.

1) keep a reserve fund.

2) Do not spend too much in marriage, like finish off the marriage within 1 or 2 lakhs. Give the portion of the amount periodically to your daughter in the next years. This may avoid the divorce initiated from your son-in-law since year s/he will receive some lump sum amount. During these years they might have settled down to live and adjust with each other with their respective negatives.

It is similar to the periodical payout release in Reverse Mortgage Loan.

If you belong to middle class or upper middle class income group, beware of spending too much or emptying yourself in your kids marriages.

Divorce has penetrated the middle class society. Divorce is no longer the property of Cine actor/actress. Educated middle and upper middle class couples are engaging in divorce casually. For them ‘divorce’ is not a big word or unreachable horizon like previous generations.

Parents may need to get their kids marry once, twice, or more. So reduce the expense spent for marriages.

Blogging Literature reflects life

Does Blogging literature reflects life? There are plenty of content written in Blogs. Are they qualified to be Literature?

Blogging is a Digital Literature. It reflects the life in all the aspects when it is written.

Blogging reflects the life of the blogger from individual point of view to traditional and national level. It reflects the current trend his time and place. By reading a blog we can come to know about the person who writes it. By reading the blogs of particular language or particular country it is possible to extract the information about the country. If we read the blogs for period of time, we can know the trends and currents in those period.

Five years back there were more technical content in internet. Now more personal content. Now more product reviews, personal review of a products are available. In the future something may be dominating as content which may be different from now. The trend of a time, trend of a place is clearly and vividly recorded in blogs.

Blogs help us to study regional wise, national wise, race wise.

Blogs of Israel tell the happenings in Israel. Tech blogs tell the technical advancement in the society.

Samsung Marine a mobile phone is introduced in India. By reading an Indian blog an European can come to know about Samsung Marine, which is not sold in Europe.

Culture and traditional changes of every society and country is clearly reflected in blogs.

Blogging does the role of ancient literature to us. When our period becomes ancient to future generations our blogs will help them to study of life, history, culture like we study the ancient time through its literature.

CIBIL – Defaulter Vs NPA

NPA stands for Non Performing Asset.

Are you listed in CIBIL defaulter list? If so, do not get panic. Listed as defaulter is not so serious like NPA. Many do not aware of NPA. Defaulter status does not eliminate your chances to get next loans completely.

Even if you miss one EMI you can be declared as ‘Defaulter’ though you complete the loan later. If your next creditor or bank denying to issue loan since you are defaulted in the EMI in last loan, you can give valid reason to Justify why did you defaulted and you are having a scope to convince the loan issuing authority. You can give reason for why you have defaulted your EMI. Like, You are sick, you are fired and etc provided you should have cleared your loan.

What is more serious than ‘defaulter’ is NPA. If you are listed in NPA list, you are at dead end. You can not get loan from any nationalised or private banks. If a bank manager issues loan to a person who is listed in NPA, can be sued. The person issues loan has to justify why he has given loan to person who is listed by CIBIL as NPA.

NPA is deadly than Defaulter.

If you miss out an EMI, you can be listed as Defaulter. Next month you continue to pay your EMI including the pending EMIs. In case you fail to pay the EMI for the next three months, your loan is a Non Performing Asset to the Bank.

If any loan does not yield result(EMIs) for 90 days, it is a Non Performing Asset( NPA ). The loan holder’s creditability is completely damaged. If any loan which is not functional for more than 90 days, it has to be mentioned in NPA, otherwise the manager or authorised person has to give reason why the loan is not listed in NPA.

How to avoid listed in CIBIL defaulter list

If you know that you are not able to pay your EMI for next month or so, you can inform the bank in advance in writing and confirm that you can pay cumulatively later on. So that your case may not be informed to CIBIL by your bank.

Keep good relationship with your bank. Inform your situation if things go wrong, in advance and confirm that you can pay the loan even if you fail one or two EMIs, in writing. This will maintain your creditability with the institution where you get loan and may avoid you get listed in CIBIL defaulter list.

How to avoid listed in NPA list

If you are listed in defaulter do not worry, but resume paying your EMI within 90 days.

NPA is a killer status than Defaulter.

Heart Attacks False Belief and Hypothesis

Sugar, Blood Pressure and Heart Attacks. Which is the worst disease? Can diet and exercise prevent them? Are they genetically induced?

The above three are not induced by external bacteria or virus. They are body’s by products from our diet and depending upon the metabolic rate of our body. Metabolic rate varies from individual to individual.

There are various belief system or hypothesis prevailing in the society about heart attack.

Avoid eating oily foods to prevent Blood Pressure and cholesterol. It is really true? I am not sure and nobody gives guarantee for that. You consult a doctor, ask him a written guarantee as you will not have Blood Pressure Or cholesterol or heart diseases if you avoid oily foods. OK, include meat in the avoiding list. You become vegetarian.

Now consult a doctor and ask a written guarantee from him as you will not have sugar, BP, and heart diseases. Doctor will not give a written guarantee.

Because, he can not also give a written guarantee as people eat oily foods, meat must have sugar, BP, and heart diseases.

In reality there is no rule that eating oily foods, meat, and a heavy diet should bring sugar, BP, heart diseases.

In the same way, there is no rule that avoiding oily foods, meat, and a heavy diet should not bring sugar, BP, heart diseases..

Got it?

There are various hypothesis about foods and its effect in body.

The impact of food over body varies from individual to individual depending upon the metabolic rate.

Eating rice will bring Sugar, so eat Chappati(wheat). Eating Chappati will increase your body weight. So you will have Blood Pressure. Anyway you will have Sugar or Blood Pressure even though you avoid Rice or eat rice.

Skipping break fast will bring heart attack. Drinking hot water reduce cholesterol level.

Is it a scientific fact or hypothesis?

If a disease is genetically programmed to you by birth, what is the role of food in bringing the disease. If Sugar is genetically programmed, irrespective of you eat rice-sweet items or don’t, you will be a Sugar patient sooner or later.

If you cholesterol is secreted by your body which is programmed genetically, damn sure you will die by heart attack even you avoid meat and oily foods.

The role of Gene and Diet in bringing the disease is still a mystery, so leading to countless hypothesis and belief and ‘sayings’.

I like bajji (Capsium and onion) very much, but because of the fear of Blood Pressure, fat, cholesterol and heart attack I avoid eating it. There are list of foods I avoid because of the fear of disease and death irrespective of my likings.

I am not sure if Bajji brings the disease or I am genetically programmed.

I walk nearly four to five kilo meters a day to avoid disease. You must know it is painful to walk everyday when you are walking because of the fear of disease rather than you like to walk.

Walking for the sake of interest and walking for the sake of disease are totally different.

Act by fear and Act by like – both have drastic different. I feel walking by fear of disease brings other sort of disease psychologically or physically. It is better to stop walking out of fear, which may land you up on some other misery or mystery.

Walking can prevent the killer diseases or it can not prevent the killer diseases. I am not sure. I feel believing anything is a hypothesis. Because it works for somebody and does not work for others.

What works for me may not work for my brother or sister or friend. But what I do is if anything works out for me I started creating a new hypothesis and spread it. Rest of the people blindly follow it.

If a doctor cures your disease you immediately start recommending everybody to that doctor. But there is no guarantee that he can cure all.

When I look into the ‘sayings’, practices, prevention tactics, diet controls and etc to avoid Sugar, Blood Pressure, and Heart Attack, I feel the whole humanity is living by hypothesis. Life is full of hypothesis.

Heart Attack is not a disease. It is a call. Call to bid farewell to this world. It is better to die by heart attack within minutes rather suffering for years and years in Sugar and Blood Pressure.

Even many saints and yogis ‘leave this world’ by heart attack, because it is quick and easy.

Preventing Sugar, Blood Pressure, Heart Attack is not going to stop you from Death. It is a fact not hypothesis.

Whether you follow diet control, exercise, regular checkup with doctor all may help you prevent the killer diseases, but you can not escape from Death. You may not die by sugar, bp or heart attack, but you will be die by some other disease or by accident.

The worst disease is ‘Health Conscious’, not Sugar or Blood Pressure or Heart disease.

‘Health Conscious’ prohibits you from eating what you like to eat and doing what you like to do. It forces you to eat what you do not like to eat and do what you do not like to do.

Health conscious people do exercise, maintain their diet to avoid Sugar, Blood Pressure, and cholesterol.

By having too much health conscious some people avoid those diseases but bring uncurable mental disease called fear.

Fear of disease, fear of death itself a psychological disease.


Right now everybody has Coltan in their hand, pocket, and bags. It is kept close to human chest and head.

Coltan at micro level mingles with everybody in the Age of Semi Conductors.

Coltan is a hard ore used in high performance semi conductors as capacitors to control the current flow. It is notable for its high heat resistance.

Coltan is widely used in mobile phone and hand held devices industry. It is used in Laptops and IPODs too.

There is a sudden demand for Coltan since 2000 due to expanding mobile phone market.

Awareness of Coltan and its impact in Globe especially in Central Africa is not known to common man who use mobile phones. It’s awareness is at the techie level.

Common man should have the awareness of Coltan and its appliances and its impact to humanity and environment.

A Century back Coal and Fossil fuels were unearthed. Now we face the nemesis. Now Coltan is unearthed, who is going to face its nemesis in the future.

Life of Addiction – Silicon Civilization

Addiction is a very important behavior in human life. It is a way to program our brain. Biological to mental many behavior and many things are happening because of addiction only. With or without our awareness we get addicted to many things. Some addictions are good and some are bad. Some addictions are genetically passed.

Once you are get addicted it is very difficult to give up. You must be well aware of ‘Practical Awareness’ to give up any habit or addiction.

From smoking to going late to office everything is addiction only. There are few people who always come lately to office. Because they addicted to ‘going late’. Even they do not know why they are late.

Some people are always happy and some are always sad. Somebody get friction with colleagues, superior, management wherever they work, they get addicted to office politics. Some people will change their job in short intervals, because they get addicted to ‘Job Hopping’.

I am going to discuss some addictions of ‘Silicon Civilization’, which are waste of time and energy.

Browsing Addiction
Browsing addiction which are major addiction to people who work with internet. More than 90% of the browsing is un purpose. Just a digression from why we start browsing.

Many software related people or anybody with access to internet browse in a useless way. For example, you are a web application programmer. You access internet or browse while programming or searching some technical help. But What do you do when you do not have anything to work, you are in ‘bench’. Even now you browse, without your awareness as why you are browsing.

Do not cheat yourself as studying or learning. If you browse one hour per day for learning which will have great impact in your career positively.

Many time, when I was sitting in front of computer without any work. I watched some feelings in my fingers. Even I do not have any purpose to browse, my fingers tempt to type something move the mouse, search something, finally browsing begins. It is because of addiction. If you are addicted to browsing, you will browse even without any true purpose.

Take an observation when you do not have any work and sitting in front of computer with internet access. No purpose of searching or browsing. Now watch and record all your activities. Many browsing are un-necessary. You land in a gaming site or chatting with a ‘friend’ or viewing porn or listen to music or reading this article or checking your email for 76th time.

When you do not have any work, sit in front of computer and try not to touch the key board and mouse at least for one hour. Now you can feel what is ‘addiction’. Some times without your intention your hands will ply over keyboard. Your mind creates so many flimsy reason to browse.

Empty mind is devil’s workshop is 100% true for programmers in bench and people who browse without any purpose. Try not to touch the keyboard for one hour a day while sitting in front of the computer.

Mobile addiction: Some people can not live without using Whatsupp, Facebook. Addicted to Whatsapp, facebook and keep disturbing others. Without any purpose use their study time and office hours to engage in Whatsapp.

In the same way people addicted to talk over mobile phone. The talk is no-stop. They keep talking, words and words. All are useless. Waste of time. Many people get into problem because of addicted to ‘non stop mobile talk’. For the sake of speaking discussing personal things, gossips, creating rumors, bad comments about others. Moreover speaking in public places, without the awareness that others can listen your speech.

Because of the mobile addiction, mobile phone and telephone networking companies are profiting. I heard a news as leading mobile company proprietor do not use mobile phone personally as not necessary to him. Mobile phone addiction is part and parcel of Silicon Civilization.

Chaos Theory – Coltan – Mobile Phone Usage

Chaos Theory can be understood from using mobile phones.

Are you using mobile phone? If yes, You are killing Gorillas. You force many people in central Africa to be a smugglers, slave labors, and miners. Many boys are driven to work in mines because you are using mobile phones.

Can you believe it? Yes, it is true. Every mobile phone users are causing civil war among the African Nations Congo, Rwandan, Uganda and Burundi. This is chaos theory. Your mobile phone craze is creating war in Central Asia. Hand digged central African mines are exploited for you.

Here is how the chaos Theory worked out with Mobile phone users:

Mobile phone needs a hard mineral called Tantalum. Tantalum is the industrial name. This Tantalum or tantalite is mainly mined in Congo a African Country. The original name of Tantalite in Congo is COLTAN.

Coltan has the higher heat resistance. It is used as capacitors in high performance semi conductors. It is used/needed in high performance circuit boards of hand held widgets. Coltan used to control the current flow in circuit boards of the mobile phones. Without Coltan or tantalite mobile phones may not have such a high performance. Or there is no alternative to coltan is found so far. Your mobile phones circuit board uses Coltan or tantalite to control the current flow.

To make a mobile phone Coltan is needed. Coltan is mined in Congo forest areas. No need to say how much demand is for Coltan in this Age of Semi Conductor. Like Gold Rush in California in mid 18th century, now a Coltan rush in Congo.

So Congo forest are ‘cleared’ for mining Coltan. The main area where Coltan is mined, also contains the Kahuzi Biega National Park, home of the Mountain Gorilla. No need to say what will happen to wild animals when deforestation done. You can understand that the count of Gorilla is getting reduced. Soon, mountain Gorillas in Congo will be listed in Endangered species (might be already listed).

Because of the high price and demand people started smuggling the Coltan from the Congo miners and sell it for high cost. Rwandan, Uganda and Burundi are selling Coltan even though they do not have Coltan mines. Coltan war and Coltan smuggling are happening at the borders of Congo,Rwandan, Uganda and Burundi.

Due to the rapid expanding mobile industry, there is a greedy demand for Coltan which resulted in emergence of Coltan Mines Labours. Coltan mines labor includes all age group of people. Like pressure on Indian software developers, Coltan miners are under constant pressure to dig more and more.

When you receive a call, attend a call, send sms, receive sms, listen to songs, watch videos and photos in your mobile phone or other hand held devices, please aware of the consequences of your action which impacting other part of the globe.

You and we are part of chaos Theory. Every call we make at the cost of disturbing the Gorillas life, some body smuggles and some body engage in war and some body works days and night in mines.

The environmental issues of using Coltan is yet to be researched.

How to Avoid Emotional Hijack

Emotional Hijack can be avoided by three ways.

1) Emotional Intelligence Quotient( EQ)

2) Ventilate emotions then and there

3) Unconditional love towards rest of the world.

Emotional Intelligence Quotient(EQ)

EQ is about managing your emotions. You should not be explosive in your emotions. You should be having control over expressing your emotions. Top business management people have high EQ. You can not read the emotions or reactions or feelings of the leaders or successful bosses in the world easily.

People having high Emotional Quotient never get hijacked by emotions.

Ventilate emotions then and there

Ventilating emotions then and there will avoid emotional hijack. You are not bottle necking or suppressing any emotions. Even your negative emotions are emptied after expressing it.

This approach is not possible for all the people.

Suppose in your office, your boss or immediate supervisor irritating you. You are angry because of their tossing. You can not express your anger to them then and there. If you do so, you may loose your job. So you have to suppress it behind a smiling face. Once you go home, you can ventilate the latent anger to your family members in some way.

Only the Bosses or leaders or people with the ability to provide can follow this approach – express your emotions then and there.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love will avoid emotional hijack. You will not have negative feelings to suppress by other’s activity. You treat everybody as your child or kid. So you will not get angry or irritated by other’s behavior towards you. So there is no chance for emotional hijack if you follow unconditional love.

Unconditional love is possible to you when you get rid off your inner negatives. Which is not possible for an average people who are obsessed to dodge wealth, health, pride, and other physical and ego needs.

The best way to avoid emotional hijack out of the three approaches is learn and improve your Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ).

The best example for EQ is Black Mamba character in Kill Bill movie. The role was done by Uma Thurman. I am not aware whether Uma Thurman has EQ or not. But her role in Kill Bill I & II can be an example for having EQ.

When she wake up after bed ridden for several years, she does not express her emotions for loosing her lover and child. She does not cry. Till revenging everybody she does not let her emotions blow out.

Even while facing and fighting with the offenders she did not weep or get angry, but she supposed to be like that.

After killing the boss Bill, she returns to home. She cry for what happened so far in her rest room at the end of the movie while her kid watching TV.

She let her emotions when she decide to ventilate. Such control over emotions is perfect EQ.

Office Politics

People working for few tens as salary to few millions as salary. All are doing office politics. I do not know why people are doing politics.

Here is my analysis or hypothesis about Office Politicians.

People have no big inner motive to do politics.

Some motives are, Get closer to the Boss, by separating others. They keep blaming others and act well as good they are. They show more interest in the organization more than the Boss.

Make the boss feel so important to them. They are so favorable to him. All are fake, just politics. Getting close to Boss is a simple ego game.

All are acting. They are the people who run away from back doors during emergency. Politicians are good escapers.

All are due to fears. They fear for job security. If they do not have fear of loosing job, they do not do office politics.

Office Politicians pollute the friendly working atmosphere.

Skilled people never do politics. They do not have time to think of politics. They speak through their work. They have confidence and knowledge and real experience to survive anywhere and everywhere at anytime and all time. They give earnings to the

Office Politicians suck the company.

They make the really talented good human resource to move away from the company. They do all sort of cheap politics to disturb talented human resource by the fear that they may lose importance.

They keep disturbing the employees who really bring income to company. They have the urge to dominate employee who is economically beneficial to company. Many bosses are fools; they believe the hypnotism of cheap politicians.

Be aware of corporate politicians and their politics. This awareness will help to safeguard our self and also to counter play.

Job Hopping due to colleague’s resignation

How do you feel, if you colleague moving to better company with better offer?

You may like your current employer. You are so comfortable there. You are recognized by your current employer. You feel happy at your pay. Medium work load. Everything is going well. When your colleague gets offer from a better company with better pay your feelings towards the company is changing.

Your pay, work load, your comfort level, and everything are same, which you were satisfied with. When your colleague got offer you start comparing and loose your sleep. You start to hate the features from your current employer, which you liked them in the past.

For example in India, software industry is thriving well. Different level of companies is there from one employee companies to companies having employees in hundreds to thousands. The top ones are CMM level 5 companies like Wipro, TCS, CTS, Patni, Infosys, HCL, and etc. Employees keep changing the companies till they reach the CMM level 5 companies. But job hopping is happening in all sorts of companies, from small to CMM level 5. Employee working in small and medium size companies dream for CMM level 5 companies, but there are employees who quit/change from CMM level too. Job hopping is everywhere in all type of companies.

You work in a medium size company. You pay is little lower than CMM level/MNC companies. Any how you are satisfied. When your next sitting colleague get offer from a CMM level or MNC company, you get upset. You start to hate what you like in current company, you to want to move like your ex-colleague. You update your resume, start attending interviews. You prepare a mind state artificially as you cannot work in the current company any more. You start giving negative comments about current company. You may get offer from CMM level or MNC companies like your ex-colleague or you may get offer from same level of companies like your current company.

Since you have developed a ‘hate’ attitude towards your current company, you can not work any more. You forget that you started to hate your company after your colleague get offer from a big company; otherwise you will be keep loving your current company. You start to believe that the company is bad. You cannot work any more in the ‘worst work culture’, which was liked by you in the past.

Due to this artificial psychological pressure or an illusion, you accept offer from another company like your current company (just another company), because you cannot wait for CMM level or MNC company offer. You fail to notify the reason for your colleague’s move. They did not have prior plan or ‘interview efforts’ to enroll into big company. His/her move may be a chance or timing opportunity S/he did not move because the current employer is bad. They move because the future company is the best. They did not have negative feelings about the company like you. They made a ‘vertical upwards move’ in their career. You made a ‘Horizontal move’. Horizontal move is not necessary unless for valid reasons like relocation.

You move vertical or horizontal, but job hopping is done. But try to avoid horizontal move, if you are influenced by your colleague’s positive move. Be aware of your feelings about the company before and after colleague’s move. Regulate your feelings and keep them positive towards company. Be calm, for your turn. Don’t rush.

Remember there are employees who quit from your dream company for the same reasons like you try to quit from your current company. Certain situations are same everywhere.