Inventions Leading to Addicted Life

Inventions leading to improvements in life or need for improvements leading to inventions.

Inventions leading to improvements in life and addicted to invented products.

Did any one dream about Smart Phone twenty years back. Did any one write functional specification of what smart phone has to do twenty years back. No one thought about smart phone twenty years ago. Once smart phone was invented , promoted then people started using it and got addicted to it. Now smart phone is one of basic needs of life.

Did any one dream about Bus or Train thousand years ago? People lived with the facilities available during their era. No one wrote the functional specification of bus or train even 300 years ago. Once bus and train were invented, then people started using them and addicted to it.

Business owners investing money in research and innovations to improve their business and make more money. Scientists receiving fund from business people, doing research, innovate something, and the innovated thing or product promoted to sales by highlighting it’s usage/benefits.

Something is innovated, then it’s benefits are identified, then it is marketed and sold, then people get addicted to it, once became habitual to it.

There are some targeted medical inventions, but they are exceptions. Most cases, something is invented then marketed.

99% of inventions are made to make investors rich and make profits.

Science and Spirituality

I am writing about the similarities of science and spirituality, not the differences.

Science is a single word, but if you get into science, it has countless branches, divisions. Major branches we know are Physics, Chemistry, Biology. In biology, we divide as zoology and botany, and they are branching further. A botany scientist who is researching how cow dung is helping plants to grow, may not be interested in Quantum Computing. An astronaut may not be interested in pesticides.

But all branches of science exist and serve. One can not deny other. One may not be interested or not aware of other branches of science, but all come under science.

A scientist have fundamental knowledge of science and then focusing on specific area of interest or opportunity given. Scientist pursue his research in the interested field or opportunity provided. A scientist can not venture out in all the branches/divisions of science, one life span is not enough for that. A semi-conductor scientist can not be interested in molecular biology, but he/she can not reject molecular biology as fake or dump it. Molecular biology is true as same as semi-conductor.

At the same time, a botanist may have interest in chemistry, how? botanist will use pesticides/chemicals to grow plants.

A scientist can specialize in one division of science, or he/she can specialize in more than one divisions depending upon interest, time, resource, energy available to him/her.

But all branches of science is true, nothing is better or lower than other. All have same importance and serve the humanity on its own way.

And the more important thing is Science is still evolving.

Let us come to Spirituality now.

Spirituality is a single word, but branches out into may divisions, many religions, many practices, many visions. All are come under spirituality, but all are not same.

Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity , Judaism, Sikhism, Saivam, Vainavam, Tantric worship, Siddhar practices, different school of thinking, different philosophies all come under one roof called Spirituality. Each serves it’s sect of people. One cannot deny other, one cannot reject other.

Like branches of science co-exists and continue to evolve, these branches of Spirituality have to co-exists and continue to evolve.

Like science, spirituality is evolving. Spirituality is not a thing of past. It is present and continue to evolve. As on date (year 2024) our contemporary spiritual leaders/gurus from various branches of spirituality are torch bearers of spiritual legacy evolved thousands of years ago. After their demise, some leader will born or evolve and carry forward the spiritual torch.

You can follow Abrahamic monotheism religions. You can follow naturally evolved paganism religions. All serve it’s people on its own way. Nothing is fake or false path. All comes under Spirituality, but all are not same.

Three people are living in India, Japan, and America. They are fat, they want to reduce the weight. They have to follow diet to reduce weight. American has to follow American food diet, Japanese has to follow Japanese food diet, Indian has to follow Indian food diet. Geographically where they are located, Geographically what foods available to them, in those foods, they have to follow diet. We cannot say Japanese diet is better or lower than Indian or American diet. We cannot say only American diet will reduce weight, other’s diet will fail. This is wrong. If each one is sincerely follow what diet is prescribed to them based what foods available to them geographically, that will reduce weight, and they will be able to achieve weight loss.

In the same way, what is the spiritual path is available to you depending on your living space, your parents, your geography, your interest, you can follow that. You cannot claim yours is best, and other are false. What is “prescribed” to you will work for you, and what is “prescribed” to others, will work them. Right or Wrong is false attachment.

Paganist religions worship angels, divine forces, small gods, and God. Monotheist religions worship only God, but they don’t deny the existence of angels, divine forces, small gods.

Both paganism and monotheism are valid. You can follow what is interested, appealing, or provided to you. Whatever you follow, don’t deny other. All are valid.

Like science, the branches of Spirituality serve humanity in it’s own way. All are valid, but all may not please everybody. Human will follow either what is accessible or interested or opportunity given to him/her and pursue his/her efforts in the specialized branch.

There are 800+ crore people are living in earth as on date. Not all are scientist. Not all are spiritual seekers. Out of 800 crores people, few are scientist, and few are spiritual seekers, Not All.

Not all can become a scientist, not all can become a Spiritual person. Only few, only few who are blessed to have interest in spirituality or blessed to have interest in science, blessed to practice spirituality, blessed to practice science.

Science is Objective reality, works out for all.

Spirituality is Subjective reality, works out for few, not all.

Life is mixture of both Objective and Subjective reality. Human needs both Objective and Subjective truths.

Humans evolved science.

Humans evolved spirituality.

Science is nothing but logic. Spirituality is nothing but belief.

Logic makes wonders to humanity. Belief makes wonders to humanity.

Both science and spirituality offer many benefits to humanity.

But, both science and spirituality cannot grow hair in bald head as on date.


மனிதனுக்கு எப்போது கடவுள் தேவை? எப்போது கடவுள் தேவையில்லை?

தனக்கு நல்லது நடக்க வேண்டும் என்று எதிர்பாக்கும் பொழுது, மனிதன் கடவுளிடம் பிரார்த்திக்கிறான், கடவுளை நினைவுகூர்கின்றான் , கடவுள் இருப்பதாக நம்புகின்றான்.

பிறரிடம் கோவப்படும்போது , பிறரை திட்டும்பொழுது, பிறரை ஏமாற்றும்பொழுது, பிறரை பயன்படுத்திக்கொள்ளும்பொழுது, பிறரை மட்டப்படுத்தும்பொழுது, அகங்காரமும் ஆணவமும் பொறாமையும் தலைவிரித்து ஆடும்பொழுது, மனிதன் கடவுளை மறந்துவிடுகின்றான். பிறரை ஏமாற்றும் பொழுது, சுரண்டும் பொழுது, அதிகாரம் செய்யும்பொழுது, அடக்குமுறை செய்யும்பொழுது, பிறரை குறை சொல்லும்பொழுது , பிறர்மீது குற்றம் சுமத்தும்பொழுது, மனிதனுக்கு கடவுள் தேவையில்லை.

What do you want to think?

What do you want to think?

What do you want to speak?

What do you want to write?

What do you want to read?

What do you want to listen?

What do you want to watch?

What do you want to do?

Answer: Void

எது சரி எது தவறு

இது சரி , இது தவறு என்று எதுவும் இல்லை. வலிமையின் தரப்பு நியாயம் என்று ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள படுகிறது அல்லது திணிக்கப்படுகிறது. பலகினமானவர்களின் தரப்பு அநியாயம் என்று கற்பிக்கப்படுகிறது. இதுவே மனித உலகின் , மனிதர்களின் நியதி ஆகும்.

புலியின் நியாயம், மானுக்கு அநியாயம். மானின் நியாயம், புலிக்கு அநியாயம்.

மானை வேட்டையாடாதே பாவம் என்று புலிக்கு சொல்லமுடியாது. புலி பட்டினி கிடந்தது இறந்து விடும்.

புலியிடமிருந்து தப்பி செல்லாதே, புலி பாவம் என்று மானிடம் சொல்லமுடியாது. மான் இறந்து விடும்.

மானை கொன்ற பாவம் புலியை சேருமா, அல்லது புலியிடமிருந்து தப்பித்து புலியை பட்டினி போட்ட பாவம் மானை சேருமா. யார் சரி, யார் தவறு.

அவரவர் தரப்பு அவரவர்க்கு நியாயம்.

பகத்சிங் தவறு என்று சொன்னது பிரிட்டிஷ் அரசாங்கம். பகத்சிங் சரி என்று சொன்னது இந்தியா. வலிமையானது அதன் பார்வையில் இருந்து சரி தவறை முடிவு செய்கிறது. பிரிட்டிஷ் வலிமையில் இருந்தபோது தவறு என்று கருதப்பட்டது, இந்தியா வலிமை பெற்ற பின் சரி என்று கருதப்பட்டது.

வலிமை ஒருவரிடமிருந்து ஒருவருக்கு மாறிக்கொண்ட இருக்கும், நியதிகளும் மாறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கும், சரியும் தவறும் மாறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கும்.

சரி என்பதும் தவறு என்பதும் சுயநலத்தை அடிப்படையாகக்கொண்டு தீர்மானிக்கப்படுகிறது.

உங்களை யாரேனும் தவறு என்று கூறினால், அது அவர்களது சுயநலத்தின் அடிப்படையில் அவர்கள் உருவாக்கிக்கொண்ட ஓர் கருத்து ஆகும். உண்மையில் நீங்கள் தவறல்ல, உண்மையில் தவறென்றும் சரியென்றும் எதுவும் இல்லை.

மனித சட்டம் என்று ஒன்று உள்ளது, அது பலகினமானவர்களை தண்டிப்பதற்க்காக வலிமையானவர்களால் உருவாக்கப்பட்டதாகும். பாரபட்சமற்ற நீதி என்பது மனிதர்கள் உலகில் கிடையாது.

இயற்கையின் நியதி புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியாதது. இயற்கை, மனித நியதிகளை அது விரும்பும்போது மாற்றி அமைந்துவிடும். பாரபட்சமற்ற நீதி இயற்கையிடம் மட்டுமே உள்ளது.

What is motorcycle as bare metal?

A two wheeler with an engine to rotate the wheel provided throttle, brake to control the speed. What is motorcycle engine(petrol engine or ICE) – motorcycle engines converts heat energy into motion energy. What is electric motor – a motor which converts electric energy into motion energy.

How motorcycle differs? They differ in engine capacity, engine tuning, weight, wheelbase, height, rider sitting triangle or sitting ergonomics, suspension tuning, tire grip, fuel efficiency.

Our feelings, emotions over motorcycle are pure delusions which our mind creates. Once delusions are faded away over a period of time, then we will see a bare metal with wheels, engine, throttle, brake. We do not feel carburetor or fuel injector, battery and other internal parts till they are working fine, like our internal body parts.

Motorcycle selling companies consistently create the delusions over bikes to keep their business profitable.

Life is full of delusions and delusions give excitement to living. Delusions are required to live the materialistic life happily. Delusion is natural and a biological necessity to keep the “life” continuing. We get the “feel of life” from our delusions, like we get the “feel of bike”.

How to become Rich from salaried employee without any background or ancestral wealth?

In order to become rich from salaried employee without any background or ancestral wealth, you need three things in favor of you.

  1. You have to earn more than what do you need to live
  2. You have to invest the excess
  3. Your investment has to grow or appreciate

You have to earn excess, If you are in short of money/salary for your living too, then you will not have money for investment. So earn more than what do you need to live.

Invest the excess money in realty, gold, shares, mutual fund, bonds, in (your/other) business, in (your/other)company.

Your investment have to grow in value or appreciate in value. This is not in your control. Luck has to favor you in 3rd point. Various factors involved in the 3rd point which is beyond your control.

If you do the first two things correctly and then 3rd point also favors you, then you become rich over a period of time. You need to wait for some time for your investment to grow.

If you are not earning more than what do you need, then you can not invest the excess. If you are not investing, then there is no scope for growth or appreciation.

In order to taste the luck/appreciation, you need to invest.

Earn more, invest the excess, pray for appreciation of your investment to become rich.

But, if you want to live happily, enjoy, then SPEND the excess money. You have to earn more than what do you need to live. SPEND the excess to live happily. Spending gives you pleasurable and memorable experience in life.

To become rich, INVEST.

To live happily SPEND.

Choice is yours.

Note: Whatever is your salary, or how much is your salary… Your salary is not richness. It is a blunder to consider salary as richness. Salary is not a life long or evergreen income source. Salary will be stopped sooner or later.