Upfront Decision

When we take decision and we do not know our decision is right or wrong, then how do we move forward?

Unless we walk in the path, we do not know about the path.

The best way to rely on taking a decision is depend on our experience.  Experience matters when taking decision.  Experience will help us to make decisions correctly.

If we do not have sufficient experience then, only way to know the result is execute the decision – walk in the path.  In such NO EXPERIENCE scenario, we can take UPRONT DECISION

Upfront Decision is, take a decision, execute it, and try your best.  If it works out, then continue else revert from your decision.  When you are starting a business, spend less money, time, energy initially – If the business takes off, then involve more, else ramp off.  Upfront decision is try out your plan for a while with less expenditure and without expectation.  If your plan fails, then nothing to loose big.

When we do not know, what will click, then we could try many Upfront Business Models.

We should not take upfront decision in marriage or life partner,  We cannot take upfront decision in buying a home.  We can try upfront decisions in renting homes. I wanted to buy a MTB cycle.  But, I am hesitating whether MTB will suit me.  If it does not suit me, then it becomes useless, money spent to buy the cycle will be waste.  If I manage to rent the MTD cycle for a day or week and ride it, will help me to know whether the cycle will suits me or not.  If it suits me, I will buy it, otherwise I will drop.  Renting before buying is upfront decision.

The Blunder called Belief

Belief is a cognitive blunder in the evolution of mind.

When we believe something, which means it does not exist in reality.  We expect it to be. We do not need to believe a fact.  We believe in God, we believe in religion, we believe in this that.

When we are not certain about something, we develop a belief about the uncertainty to make it certain as per our convenience or as per our like.

Somebody believe in God, somebody do not believe in God.  Both are believes.  Both parties believe something.  In reality, we do not know whether God exists or not.

In day today life, we have various believes about relationships, events, products we use.  We believe soap could kill germs.  We believe education will secure source of income.  We believe good things will happen to good people, bad things will happen to bad people.  We believe struggling for money, being middle class is a symptom of good nature.

We believe in savings is good.  We believe spending is bad.  We have a belief about money, we believe somebody is good and somebody is bad.

Without logic and without facts, we have many believes in life.  We have to question our belief.  Assume something and believe the assumption, this is the way our belief system develops.

Depend on logic and facts.  When facts are not available, then have a belief as per your like but understand that it just a hypothesis.  Be ready to remove your belief when facts available against your belief.  Do not be adamant with your belief when facts are against it.