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Inventions Leading to Addicted Life
Inventions leading to improvements in life or need for improvements leading to inventions.
Inventions leading to improvements in life and addicted to invented products.
Did any one dream about Smart Phone twenty years back. Did any one write functional specification of what smart phone has to do twenty years back. No one thought about smart phone twenty years ago. Once smart phone was invented , promoted then people started using it and got addicted to it. Now smart phone is one of basic needs of life.
Did any one dream about Bus or Train thousand years ago? People lived with the facilities available during their era. No one wrote the functional specification of bus or train even 300 years ago. Once bus and train were invented, then people started using them and addicted to it.
Business owners investing money in research and innovations to improve their business and make more money. Scientists receiving fund from business people, doing research, innovate something, and the innovated thing or product promoted to sales by highlighting it’s usage/benefits.
Something is innovated, then it’s benefits are identified, then it is marketed and sold, then people get addicted to it, once became habitual to it.
There are some targeted medical inventions, but they are exceptions. Most cases, something is invented then marketed.
99% of inventions are made to make investors rich and make profits.