Fate in Life

Many things in our life seem to be decided by fate. Overall belief in all the religions is Birth and Death is already fixed but few exceptions in Hinduism. Some believe everything is fate. Even I am writing this scribblets, it may be due to fate, and you read this article that is too is due to fate. Do not thing as you landed here unexpectedly by Search Engines.

True friends, becomes enemy. True lovers get fractured. All such situation can not be due to ego or misunderstanding. Many things are by fate. We never expect such incident before it happens. After it happened, we are obsessed with the thoughts as how we could handle the situation in better way. Our intellect, awareness, consciousness nothing can stop few things happened by fate.

Fate is always good. It does what is good. It is a balancer. If you believe in past life (previous birth), fate is a reflection of your past karma. Fate is a way to realize uncertainty of our life. Reality of our true value in front of God, Universe, and life. The value is nothing.

You never thought of breaking relationship with somebody. But all of a sudden you are driven to break it. It is a fate. You thought it is impossible to rejoin the broken friendship, but it will happen because it is a fate. Mind thinks hundred possibilities. Fate will come in hundred and one (101st) possibility. Fate breaks our attachment to life and creates detachment to life.

There is no use of worrying after fate played bad dance in our life. It is foolish to be obsessed with thoughts as we could have prevented such bad incident by so many if’s. No guilty feelings. Be positive and Be progressive. Everything is for the Goodness. Everything is God willing. What was happened and what is happening and what will be happening, everything is for the goodness. So just relax. Let things go. Let things happenings.

Old flowers died for giving way to new flowers. You lost something to possess something new. God knows what should be given to you. He will give it at right time at right place. Not what you ask or desire, but what God decides right to you. Whatever comes be happy and be cheerful. Live without expectation or ignoring frustration is a best way to adjust with fate. Till you adjust with fate, it will keep you tossing.

Fill your heart with God then the changes in the worldly affairs by fate will not affect.

Accept and do not Expect is a good way to deal fate.

Which is best investment

We do lot of investment for our future. Using money we invest in land, FD, Mutual fund, and shares, etc. Which is the best investment? Nothing is best.

Time is the best investment. Investing your time properly is the best investment for future as well as present. Every one has twenty four hours. The way we invest our time makes the different. Do not waste your time in unhealthy arguments, debates. They are going to yield nothing. Instead they spoil the relationship with debates. Invest your time in learning or planning yields best returns. Research and development yields best returns.

Invest your time as per your role. If you are a manager invest your time in managerial works rather than clerical or labor intensive works. If you are a software project manager invest your time in Analyzing business models, Team building, ensuring quality of the software. It is foolish to invest your time in data entry to populate database. You can depute some body in the lower hierarchy to do it.

Investing your time to relax after tiresome work, make you ready for another round of work.

Whether you spend or invest or don’t use your time, time will be lost. Time is an illusion. It is a Maya. Actually Time does not exist. There is no time, if there are no events.

There is a difference between spending and investing. You can not invest all your time then you can not live. You spend your time in the morning to reach office. Then you do your office work to earn. These things are not investment. Watching movie, entertainment are not investment. They are spending. You must spend your time.

What do you do with your remaining time you have after office hours and when you are free in the office? I am referring a time frame which is not spent for earning. We sell our time to buy money. We are not selling twenty four hours. Six to eight hours we spend for earning. That must be spent. What we do with the remaining hours. They can be invested in gaining knowledge, future benefits, relaxation and etc.

Invest your time in divinity is the best investment. Invest your time to create and establish new relationship.

Invest your time for good returns in the future. What you get in the present, which are the returns of your past investment.

Offline English Quran without Internet

Here you can download Offline English Quran, which works without internet connection. You can read, search, go any sura.ayat. Text version work well without net. Moreover, you do not need to download any app. Just access this Quran web app from you mobile or desktop browser. That’s it.

In order to play audio, you would need to be connected with internet. Otherwise, you do not need net connectivity.

Click here to visit Offline English Quran

Power of Now cures the effects of OCD Depression in Action

My friend is suffering from OCD, and depression. Reading Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle has given some awareness and relief from his mental disabilities.

He is undergoing psychiatric treatment for his illness – OCD and depression.

He was suffering from repeatative thought patterns which haunt him continuesly. Fear of loosing job, uncertainty of future, insecurity about everything, children future, job tension are his obsessive tensions.

He is having Sizodon, Lamosyn – but those medicines are not able to relieve him. He has undergone Sudarshan kriya from Art of Living and Shambhavi Maha mudra from Isha yoga. Both did not have positive effect on him.

While watching YouTube videos about depression, he stumbled upon Eckhart Tolle videos. He was impressed by Eckhart Tolle’s simplicity and speech about Karma. Later my friend, come to know about the book Power of Now written by Eckhart Tolle.

He purchased the book.

Power of Now is not a self motivational book. It is a book about mind and thought process. It explains how mind behaves. It is about Enlightment.

Reading the Power of Now gave relief to my friend. It gave him awareness about mind and thoughts. It made him understand that he is not his thoughts. It taught how he has to differentiate himself from his thoughts.

My friend felt much better after reading the book, he is somewhat relieved from his anxieties. Power of Now mitigated his OCD, and Depression. My friend is not cured completely, but he is able to manage OCD and Depression with the awareness he learnt from that book.

Power of Now did not control his thoughts, but mitigated the influence of thoughts in his actions with awareness.

For safer side, he continues having medicine and regular checkup with doctor. He did not try for enlightenment told in the book.

Online English Quran Rashad Khalifa No Apps

This web app enable you to recite, search English translation of Quran by Rashad Khalifa.

Click to Visit online english quran.

No need to install any app. Access the link from you mobile browser. Best viewed in mobile browser.

You can listen, read verse by verse either by manually or play automatically.

You go to any sura.ayat by providing sura and ayat number.

You can read quran verse by verse – Ayat by Ayat and Sura wise.
1) using navigation buthtons .

2) SWIPE left or right.

3) You go to any ayat by providing sura and ayat number, separated by dot.

4) Set the delay between each ayat recitation – applied when audio start playing automatically.

5) Search in Quran for specific keyword(s) – Click Search button to go to Search page.

6) In search screen, by toggling to Sura, any sura can read with full ayats.

Customize the back, front color and size of fonts.

Take Quran in your pocket/hand. Great app for submitters who do not know Arabic to walk in the path of submission.

Click to visit online english quran.