True God’s grace, God’s blessings

We pray for God’s blessing to have good things and good experience and good feeling in life. We seek God’s blessings to be happy in this life. What is true blessings? Here is my hypothesis.

When somebody have a narrow escape in a road accident, we usually say it is because of God’s grace he or she escaped.

Here is a use case. Mr. Muthu is a 55 year old man. He has wife, daughter, and son. Muthu met an accident in road while going to office. He narrowly escaped from the accident with slight bruises.

His wife, family members said that he is alive, not died in accident due to God’s grace, he is Blessed.

After one month from the accident, Muthu’s daughter eloped with her lover. Muthu gone into deep agony. While searching his daughter, his son met accident and his son broke his leg and hospitalised.

Now, how Muthu is feeling. Does he think that God saved him from the accident to have and undergo bitter experience now. Does he feel that it is because of God’s grace he escaped from accident one month back?

His feeling now will be that he should have died in accident one month back so that he will not face the current problems – daughter’s elopement and son’s accident.

So Muthu’s escape from accident is a blessing or curse from God or Satan. Who saved Muthu from fatal accident? God or Satan?

When God terminate somebody’s life, we don’t know whether the death is a blessing or curse. When God saves somebody from death, we don’t know whether it is a blessing or curse.

End of wordly life means end of both pleasure and pain from this worldly life. Who knows whether you escaped from pain or pleasure or both.

Death is a true blessing which put an end to the never ending sufferings in materialistic life. Extension of life is a curse which continues the suffering of this worldly life.

Major religions of humanity believe that this worldly life is immaterial and it is a preparation phase for after life. Death takes the spirit back from earthly life and sends the spirit to after life. So true believers of the major religions should long for death, seek God’grace to die and enter into everlasting next life.

Do you seek “true blessing” from God?

Hindu philosophy and it’s various sub sects believe that once you complete experiencing your karma both good and bad, your life will be terminated. Your next life will be based on both remaining karma and new karma added.

Abrahamic religions believe that once you are thoroughly tested through good and bad by God, and the testing is over, your life will be terminated. Based on your testing result, you will be judged and your everlasting after life is decided – heaven or hell.

Both Hindu religion(s) and Abrahamic religions believe this worldly life is the preparation phase for after life. Rules and regulations to pass the test is already prescribed. You have to adhere and follow the rules to pass the test or add good karma.

Whatever religion you may follow and believe – will you seek God’s true blessing?

Practice, Repeat, Habit – NS 160 Comfortable cruising at 80KM/HR

Nowadays, I am able to comfortably cruise around 80 KM/HR speed in Highway, When I purchased the bike, initially, I feared to ride at 80 km/hr speed. My body and mind was so tense at those speeds. I thought my comfortable speed is around 50km/hr.

But years of repeated riding in highway, gradually increased my comfort zone in speed. I was comfortable around 70 km/hr for a while. That time I thought 70 was the safe speed. I continued to ride at 70 km/hr in highways. Without my effort, now my comfortable cruising is around -80+ km/hr in highway. I am bored at 60 / 70 km/hr speed now.

Initially, I thought 50 km/hr speed is my limitation both physically and psychologically. But years of repeated riding improved my limitation. Now I am thinking to upgrade to 300CC or 250CC bike to cruise at 100 or 120 km/hr speed in highway. But due to safety measures, I consciously nullify my desire to upgrade higher capacity bikes, I confine myself to cruise at -80+ km/hr speed in highway. Let it be my comfortable speed. Moreover, that is the legal speed limit in highway in India as on date. Respect the law.

I do not want to push myself to cruise at 100+ km/hr speed, though I can practice, repeat, and make it a habit to become comfortable at those speeds both physically and mentally. Non-fenced or no-barrier Indian highways are not safe at such speed even though I can be comfortable and confident at those speeds.

I do not say You are safe at 80 km/hr speed and you are at risk at 100+ kn/hr speed. You can reach your destination at any speed. Accident can happen at any speed. Even at 40 km/hr, accident can happen. Even, when you are walking, some vehicle may hit you. While walking you may skid or slip. We can not say walking is risk. ( Example : )

God controls life and death.

I have realized that by practice, repeat and making habit, provided God willing – we can master anything. If I sold out the NS160 when I purchased it, I would have been riding within my limitation – that is 50km/hr in highway. I continued to ride NS160 at 60 few months, then gradually my riding speed increased to 70 and now I cruise at -80+ km/hr in NS160 in highway. It took overall 2.5 years to get out of my limitation. Now I am confident, I can experience 100+ km/hr speed too comfortably provided God willing. But I do not want, and I do not have money to afford for new bike now financially.

We can acquire any skill, knowledge by practice -> repeat -> habit <- provided God willing. I learnt this out of my biking experience with Pulsar NS160.

My sub-conscious mind is re-programmed to cruise at -80+ km/hr speed comfortably both physically and mentally by “practice, repeat, habit, God willing”.

Education, Degree, Certifications Vs Experience

What is the value of education, degree, certifications when compared to Experience. Which is more important?

Education or degree will get you an entry into a job or profession. How you will progress in the job or profession is not decided by your degree. It is your personal learning, hard work, dedication, God’s blessings should favor you to be successful in your job or profession.

Once you sail through in your job or profession, then years passing, and you gain experience. Experience gives you salary hike, recognition, and confidence. Now there are two candidates – one with degree and other with experience. Recruiter prefers candidate with experience.

Now another scenario , three candidates – Candidate A with degree, and B with experience, and C with both degree and experience. Now recruiter will prefer candidate C with both degree and experience.

Education/degree is like 0000 (zeros). Some number(experience) has to prefix the zeros to have value 1000. Education backed by Experience is more valuable than experience or education alone.

Education for clearing UPSC/competitive exams will not help in succeeding in career. Studying will help you to pass the competitive exam and get you job, but in order to work and engage in profession, it will be different learning and skill set.

Here is the order of precedents :

Education + Experience = more valuable

Experience = valuable

Education = no value

When we compare driving a car, here is an example – You learn where is the steering, clutch, break, accelerator, horn, indicator switches, etc. Now you have education about car. But you have not driven the car in real time. You have degree – you know where and how to use steering, clutch, break, accelerator, you know their uses. But you have not taken the car out in streets/traffics/road/highway. You will experience how it is to drive the car in real time. Without knowing how to use the tools, you can not drive the car. But knowing the tools alone will not make you a driver.

Knowing the tools of car is like Education – having a degree, driving the car in real time is like gaining Experience.

Experience matters with educational foundation.