Wealth Ceiling – Greed Free Society – Poverty Free Society

Excess or Greed is a crime

Need of the hour for India and World is wealth ceiling. Today’s socio-cultural-political system is allowing a single person to earn as much as possible either genuine or ingenuine ways. A person can earn as much as money, properties/realty, vehicles, jewel, invest in share markets, unlimited savings or bank balance, unlimited investments as long as he/she pays tax to the government appropriately. One can hold any amount of capital.

This unlimited hoarding of wealth in multiple aspects leading to poverty in the world. Wealth ceiling is not a recommended practice for all humanity for all the periods or time. It is a medicine for the side effects of excess practice of capitalism in current world.

There is no philosophy fits all in all the time. Wealth ceiling could not be implemented 70 years back when the human world was healing after world wars and colonization. Those time the medicine was capitalism. But today we are suffering from capitalism and globalization. Globalization was the medicine to stagnant economy of 1990s. From 2000 onwards globalization took the world economy to next level. That was a cure to the disease which world was suffering 30 years back.

Too much of anything is bad. Too much of capitalism or globalization is also bad. Now world has to distribute the wealth, resources across many people evenly as much as possible. Forcibly governments across countries have to implement wealth ceiling.

For example, an individual should not hold more than 5 lakhs rupees bank balance. If any amount deposited more than 5 lakhs, then government will take the excess amount and use it for people welfare plans. An individual should not buy property more than 3000 sqft of plot or home from realty. There should be limitation of jewels (gold/silver/platinum) allowed to posses by an individual. So 400 grams of gold is the cap. Government will confiscate more than that.

Agriculture land possession can be exception to this wealth ceiling, because large scale farming is better than small scale forming.

In terms of salary, bank balance, realty property, gold possession, share market investments there should be ceiling for an individual as how much maximum he can own.

This should be applicable to all the individuals – politicians, government employees, businessmen, industrialist, etc. Any individual tax identification number(person) should have a ceiling. Exceptions are to corporate, public limited, private limited companies based on how many employees working there and how much salary distributed.

This is will dilute the material interests of people. People will stop boasting about salary, wealth, economic status, designation, positions and etc. People will not be stressed out in job, because they know they have a salary ceiling. Businessman will not cheat or overdo the business for more profit, because, the more they earn will be confiscated by government.

There will not be political and bureaucratic scam or bribery. No use of making more money when you have a ceiling on your wealth.

There were times, when man can marry multiple wives at a time. Nowadays, this practice of polygamy is extinct. Social awareness and legal systems helped to remove polygamy from the society. Many social evils on women are eliminated from the society by government and legal system.

Excess wealth with an individual is a social disease like obesity – excess body weight.

Our society is severely affected with a disastrous hunger for wealth. Employees want more salary, businessmen want more profit, education has become a profitable business, healthcare is a profit making business, hotel, food… everything running for profit, more profit. Service is ignored, profit is focused. Need of the hour is profit ceiling.

This will change the people’s mind set towards material values. People’s belief and value system will change. Welfare governments will rise and profit making governments will disappear.

With more money, scam free honest government can provide education, shelter, healthcare, basic needs to all the people evenly.

More employment will be created instead of high earning few individuals. Jobs will be distributed as well as salary too.

We need to take the medicine of Wealth Ceiling before we die due to excess consumption of globalization and capitalization.

This is not a permanent approach towards wealth. After 50 years from now, this wealth ceiling can be abandoned. There is no rule applicable to all the time. Medicine as per disease and till we have disease. Once disease cured, stop taking medicine, live normally.

Our society is severely affected by a disease called Greed. We greed for more marks in education. We greed for more salary in employment. We greed for more profit in business. We greed for more properties, assets. We greed for more jewels. We greed for more. We greed for more material wealth. We greed for more status, we greed for more fame, we greed for more recognition, we greed for more want.

Wealth ceiling is a right medicine to cure this Greed for More.

The current socio-political-economic system is allowing individual wealth hoarding without limits even genuinely. It is accepting the greed legally. As on date, greed/excess is not a crime, might be sin, but not a crime as per current legal system. The system has to change and stop wealth hoarding without limits and enforce limiting on greed or excess.

Dynamic Definition to Material Life

If any philosophy, ideology, concept, formula give definite state or priciples to life then it will fail at some point.

No formula or philosophy or no rule fits all or suitable for all the situations.

Life is dynamic, changing from time to time and from person to person and from being to being.

Life cannot be approached with definite or rigidly structured rule or philosophy.

A dynamic definition is required to approach material life.

Practical Spirituality for Materialistic Man

Practical Spirituality for Materialistic Man

Too much of anything gives problem. No much of anything gives problem. We need to maintain a balance between too much and no much to be peaceful and balanced.

Balancing in all the needs of life and wants of life is important for a man of material life. Health, wealth, fame, recognition, importance, ego, pleasures, pains, success, failure, etc all are needed in proper dosage to be happy and stable in material life. Neither in excess nor in scarcity – balanced fulfillment of all is required to have a satisfied life.

If you are leading a material life, too much of spirituality is bad. It affects your material life. If you like or can not avoid material life, then do not involve in spirituality too much. Like pickle to curd rice ratio, keep spirituality a bit low and fulfill your materialistic demands. Distribute your efforts/time 80℅ for material life and 20℅ for spiritual life.

Identify what you want and where are you in the life and channelize your energy/efforts accordingly.

If you are into earning money, getting married, having children, bringing up children, then you need to address all the ingredients of material life.

Going to temple or your worshipping place, reading/reciting your religion’s holy books, doing prayer for material gains, doing charity, remembering God or Divine force if possible, avoid committing sins if possible, forgive other’s mistakes as well as your mistakes, pray good luck to all your loved ones as well as your hatred ones, watch your thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, speech if possible, but do not control them (you can not control them, let it be) – are your spiritual involvements. Rest you have to focus on your material life.

Mukti, samadhi, enlightenment, awakening, realizing brahman or aatma, mystical experience beyond mind, etc. are not for you if you are into material life. They are for a person who is into 100℅ spiritual life and completely detached from material life and have no commitments in material life.

There are yogic practices, breathing techniques, watching breath, strict religious process, narcotic intakes to break the crust of I or melt the crust of I to connect with Divine energy. These practices completely removes all the delusions we have, these delusions are propelling our life. If you get rid of these delusions, you will experience true nature of You, but it is not the scope or objective of family man. As a materialistic man, you do not try anything like these. You just live with the crust of I, do not break it. Live with your delusions, do not erase your delusions. It is difficult for an uprooted tree to grow again. Don’t uproot. Just undergo and experience both good and bad of life without resistance like a tree which experiences all weathers and seasons patiently.

Aging and experience will give you wisdom. Wisdom will give detachment to life, detachment from what is You gradually, yes Gradually. No sudden spikes of wisdom for family man. Wisdom will gradually dilutes your delusions. What state is attained by ardent yogic practices, that state you will gradually reach through aging, experience, wisdom. Aging, experience, wisdom is the path for family man, not yogic practices.

If you seek advice for your materialistic life problem, then get advice from an experienced person from materialistic life or atleast who is wearing your similar shoes. Do not seek advice from spiritual person for your materialistic life problems. Your material life is immaterial to spiritual person. His/her advice will not solve your problems. Be aware from whom you need to get advice. Sharing, lamenting are different from getting advice. You can share your grievance to some one you trust. But, you cannot get advice from anybody, especially from a spiritual person for your materialistic problems.

As a materialistic man/woman, you live with your fears and live with your desires. You pray for your fears and pray for your desires. Divine energy wants you to live like a human, that is why it has given you a chance to born as human. So, live, experience, die as a man/woman. Cosmic energy wants to experience, how it is to be you, so be you.

Enlightened Idiots

If you attain wisdom or enlightened, please keep quiet. Do not announce to others that you are awaken or enlightened. Please, do not start discoursing your blissful experience to others. Do not write books about your journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Your announcement, discourse, writings will not help others even little bit.

People around you, will mock behind you. People think you are mentally sick. An experience beyond words, can not be explained in words. If you try to explain your experience in words, it will confuse others.

First of all, try to understand, what people want. What is the desire. People are interested to listen about what they want, and what they like. Those who are interested in cricket, will read about cricket, watch cricket, discuss cricket with like minded people. If you are not interested in cricket, then any engagement with cricket will irritate you.

If someone aspires to pass Civil Service exam, then they will study, speak, discuss, read, analyze, and ponder over subjects to pass civil service exam.

Oh Enlightened idiots, if you talk about spirituality to people whose desire, want, interest are in some other thing, then they will get irritated with your talking or discourse.

By and large, do not push/pressure spirituality to everybody. You are enlightened, it does not mean that everybody want to be enlightened, not everybody seek wisdom. Somebody wants money, somebody wants status, somebody wants jewels, somebody wants fame…etc. If you discourse spirituality to everybody irrespective of their wants, then you will be considered as boring person. Soon, people will avoid you.

Many middle age and old people have an inclination towards spirituality. They are not actually interested in spirituality or wisdom or enlightenment or mukti, They have problems and pains in their material life. They are trying to find a solution to their problems from spirituality. What they want is solution to their problem, not enlightenment or awakening or wisdom. Don’t misunderstand that they are spiritual seekers and do not start discoursing as how to become enlightenment to them.

Enlightenment is nothing but a stone getting awareness as it is a stone. What will be the change physically or externally to the “Awakened Stone”? it still remains a stone. That’s it.

If you are enlightened or awakened or in bliss, then why are you involved in this material life. Why are you attached to worldly/material values. Abandoned your worldly identities, disappear from “your world”, beg for food alone. Do not worry about others, people will get, what they want, when they are ready as per divine chaos. You don’t need to feed spirituality to others. Don’t give me beautiful cloths, when I am in hunger. Give me food, that’s what I want, not spirituality. Spirituality is not the want or desire of everybody.

Decades ago, wherever we go, there will be a MLM person enticing you to become his/her downline. Now, wherever we go, some enlightened person, start discoursing how to become enlightened, without even knowing whether we really want it or not.

We are into Enlightenment Torture nowadays.

Spiritual Life Vs Materialistic Life – relation

How spirituality related to materialistic life? Spirituality has no impact on materialistic life and materialistic life has no impact of spirituality. A spiritually enlightened man can be either rich or poor. Enlightenment does not decide your materialistic wealth. Rich or poor life, does not enlightened you. Enlightenment decides your feelings, emotions to the events, happening in material life. It does not control events happening in material life.

Material life has it’s own rules and measurements unique to person to person by divine chaos, which are completely not related to spirituality. If you want to study well, you have to read, memorize, write, practice repeatedly to score good marks. If you are enlightened or worshipper or go to temple or meditate or do prayers, which will not guarantee that you will score good marks in your school or college or competitive exams.

Being wealthy, healthy, respectful, proud is entirely related to material life. You cannot claim respect from others in material life because you are spiritually enlightened. Material world has its own value system and measurement as how to respect or treat a person based on wealth and productivity. If you demand respect from material world, you have to fulfill what material world is expecting. If you want to travel in first class in train, then you should be in a position to pay(money) for first class ticket. Which means you should have enough money or earn enough money to buy first class ticket. No compromise.

Becoming enlightened or not is the only choice given to human. Rest, everything is determined subjectively by person to person. There are rules and there are exceptions. No theory fits for all in materialistic world.

A poor man can be enlightened, and a rich man can be enlightened. A poor man need not be enlightened, and rich man need not be enlightened. Enlightened has no relation with wealth or any materialistic resources.

If you want materialistic benefits, then you have to provide what it wants, be adhere to it’s process. Fifty Fifty. To achieve anything in materialistic life, your effort is 50% and divine chaos favoring to you is 50%. To pass you need 70% from both your effort and fate.

Your effort and your fate, decides how you live in materialistic life. But your spiritual life is 100% your choice. You can choose to be enlightened or not. If you are enlightened, it influence your feelings and emotions to events in materialistic life. It does not control happenings in materialistic life.

You need to put your effort to achieve anything in materialistic world provided you have God’s blessings(fate) for the same. You are working in a company. You want to be well paid. To be well paid, two things need to be good. One – you have to perform well, you have to contribute. Second – your company has to perform well in the industry or market. Both are tandem, complementing each other. You are performing well, but your company is not performing the business well, then you will not be paid. Your company is performing it’s business well, but you are not performing well, then you will not be paid. Both you and your company are not performing well respectively, then you will not be paid. In order to be paid well, both you and your company have to perform well. Tandem.

To be rich in material life, you need not be spiritually rich. To be spiritually rich, you need not be wealthy. This applies to health too.

True God’s grace, God’s blessings

We pray for God’s blessing to have good things and good experience and good feeling in life. We seek God’s blessings to be happy in this life. What is true blessings? Here is my hypothesis.

When somebody have a narrow escape in a road accident, we usually say it is because of God’s grace he or she escaped.

Here is a use case. Mr. Muthu is a 55 year old man. He has wife, daughter, and son. Muthu met an accident in road while going to office. He narrowly escaped from the accident with slight bruises.

His wife, family members said that he is alive, not died in accident due to God’s grace, he is Blessed.

After one month from the accident, Muthu’s daughter eloped with her lover. Muthu gone into deep agony. While searching his daughter, his son met accident and his son broke his leg and hospitalised.

Now, how Muthu is feeling. Does he think that God saved him from the accident to have and undergo bitter experience now. Does he feel that it is because of God’s grace he escaped from accident one month back?

His feeling now will be that he should have died in accident one month back so that he will not face the current problems – daughter’s elopement and son’s accident.

So Muthu’s escape from accident is a blessing or curse from God or Satan. Who saved Muthu from fatal accident? God or Satan?

When God terminate somebody’s life, we don’t know whether the death is a blessing or curse. When God saves somebody from death, we don’t know whether it is a blessing or curse.

End of wordly life means end of both pleasure and pain from this worldly life. Who knows whether you escaped from pain or pleasure or both.

Death is a true blessing which put an end to the never ending sufferings in materialistic life. Extension of life is a curse which continues the suffering of this worldly life.

Major religions of humanity believe that this worldly life is immaterial and it is a preparation phase for after life. Death takes the spirit back from earthly life and sends the spirit to after life. So true believers of the major religions should long for death, seek God’grace to die and enter into everlasting next life.

Do you seek “true blessing” from God?

Hindu philosophy and it’s various sub sects believe that once you complete experiencing your karma both good and bad, your life will be terminated. Your next life will be based on both remaining karma and new karma added.

Abrahamic religions believe that once you are thoroughly tested through good and bad by God, and the testing is over, your life will be terminated. Based on your testing result, you will be judged and your everlasting after life is decided – heaven or hell.

Both Hindu religion(s) and Abrahamic religions believe this worldly life is the preparation phase for after life. Rules and regulations to pass the test is already prescribed. You have to adhere and follow the rules to pass the test or add good karma.

Whatever religion you may follow and believe – will you seek God’s true blessing?

Education, Degree, Certifications Vs Experience

What is the value of education, degree, certifications when compared to Experience. Which is more important?

Education or degree will get you an entry into a job or profession. How you will progress in the job or profession is not decided by your degree. It is your personal learning, hard work, dedication, God’s blessings should favor you to be successful in your job or profession.

Once you sail through in your job or profession, then years passing, and you gain experience. Experience gives you salary hike, recognition, and confidence. Now there are two candidates – one with degree and other with experience. Recruiter prefers candidate with experience.

Now another scenario , three candidates – Candidate A with degree, and B with experience, and C with both degree and experience. Now recruiter will prefer candidate C with both degree and experience.

Education/degree is like 0000 (zeros). Some number(experience) has to prefix the zeros to have value 1000. Education backed by Experience is more valuable than experience or education alone.

Education for clearing UPSC/competitive exams will not help in succeeding in career. Studying will help you to pass the competitive exam and get you job, but in order to work and engage in profession, it will be different learning and skill set.

Here is the order of precedents :

Education + Experience = more valuable

Experience = valuable

Education = no value

When we compare driving a car, here is an example – You learn where is the steering, clutch, break, accelerator, horn, indicator switches, etc. Now you have education about car. But you have not driven the car in real time. You have degree – you know where and how to use steering, clutch, break, accelerator, you know their uses. But you have not taken the car out in streets/traffics/road/highway. You will experience how it is to drive the car in real time. Without knowing how to use the tools, you can not drive the car. But knowing the tools alone will not make you a driver.

Knowing the tools of car is like Education – having a degree, driving the car in real time is like gaining Experience.

Experience matters with educational foundation.

We are celebrating 76th Independence day in 2023

It has been 76 years completed since we attained independence from British. There were many known and unknown freedom fighters who sacrificed their life to get freedom. Mahatma Gandhi, Baghat Singh, Subash Chandrabose, Thilagar, Bharathiar, Vaanchinathan, Thirupur Kumaran, Va.Vu.Chidambaranar, and Veera Pandiya Kattabomman to name a few. Countless unsung heroes who fought for the Freedom, we enjoy today. Let us remember and be thankful to those all freedom fighters both known and unknown.

India has progressed forward in many areas. Our GDP has grown tremendously from 76 years back. We have schools and colleges spread across the country to educate the people without discrimination. Our healthcare system has a steep leap forward. Women’s education and empowerment has reached a level which was unimaginative before 76 years,

World is undergoing Digital Renaissance and India is part of it. We progressed scientifically, we are able to launch Chandrayan-3 – an indigenously built rocket to moon.

Our death rate is reduced and birth rate increased due to medical advancements – as a result India becomes the first country in the world in terms of population as on date.

British ruled us for 350 years. Today British prime minister Rishi Sunak is from Indian origin.

What else? but Are we deserving the freedom we enjoy today? Are we worthy to have freedom?

India has progressed in many fields post independence. But it has drawbacks too.

India is a land of both Crops and Weeds. We have both good and bad.

Women’s empowerment has reached a level which could not be imagined before 76 years back, but India is not a safe country for women as on date. Gandhiji’s dream about women, who are able to walk alone in midnight is not possible till now. Gandhiji’s vision about women is still a dream, not practically possible even after 76 years of independence.

Our materialistic education has reached international standard. Foreign students are coming to Indian universities and colleges to study. Our materialistic education system promises to transform the students to become working masses or earning professionals. But where are we morally? where are we in brotherhood?

Recent Manipur riot proved that India is still under the clutches race, caste, communal forces. India is a secular state is mentioned in Preamble only, in practical there are communal riots happening here and there in our country. Caste is deep rooted in the Indian minds. India is growing negatively in race, caste and communal drives.

Grown up and earning Indian are not free from greed, jealous, lust. Still we see incidents of people loosing their hard earned money to Chit fund fraudsters for higher interest.

Brothers and sisters fight over distributing ancestral wealth, some times they may murder each other.

After 76 years of independence, we still hear political scams and bureaucratic bribery.

Women are abused by all sections of Men from all levels.

We dont respect traffic rules. No need to say about alcohol and drugs.

We are in Digital renaissance, but we are also the victim of “digital robbery”.

What else? where are we with the freedom after 76 years of independence? was it better British continue to rule India instead of we rule our-self.

India as a land, it has both crops and weeds. We plant crops and let weeds to grow. The water we irrigate is consumed by both crops and weeds. We are continuously fighting with weeds, and spending our time, money, energy, and other resources to remove weeds.

Where are we lacking? what is our mistake? what let us to be in a situation where we do not deserve freedom?

Pre-independence, our moral educational system promises wisdom, ethics, and knowledge. Respecting fellow human, brotherhood are inbuilt in our moral educational system. A boy is taught to respect woman from his childhood. So when he grown up as adult, he respects woman instinctively. His moral values are taught in his childhood education.

We miss our moral educational system. What we have now is British designed materialistic educational system, which promises job, profession and earning. No moral values and ethics.

a² + b² = (a +b)² – 2ab ….. memorizing this formula will guarantee good marks in exam which in turn will get you good college and good job. Is this formula teaching anything about respecting woman, cast, race, communal, greed, jealous, lust? Today’s education makes a man/woman to earn, but not to live, not to respect fellow human being.

How to earn is taught by modern education. How to spend is taught by moral education. If moral values are not taught during childhood, then the grown ups will misuse the freedom we got from British.

To prove we deserve freedom, we need to train, teach our children to have brotherhood, respect woman, ignore greed, jealous, lust. Educational system has to nullify the drives of race, caste, communal from childhood. If we miss the childhood to develop moral values, then we will have “grownup adults/weeds” in the society.

We can train puppies, not dogs. We can groom children, not adults. By chance, adults may be streamlined by punishment, pain and fear, not guaranteed.

Before the conscious mind start functioning in life, moral values have to be injected into subconscious mind. This is possible only during childhood.

Law, court, police, government can punish criminals. But they can not prevent crime, they can not prevent a human becoming criminal. It is the childhood moral education only can prevent a human becoming criminal.

We as humanity the whole, transformed from barbaric life to modern day civilization. This transformation happened not because of biological or genetic evolution. It is because of cultural and scientific evolution achieved through experiments, experience and conscious mind. This cultural and scientific advancements has to be carried forward from generation to generation consciously.

Today at Independence day, we need to change our focus in childhood moral education to have better citizen of India in the future, and they should deserve the freedom. A land with only crops and no weeds. Only by changing childhood educational approach we can inculcate moral values in adults.

Solution to Problems in Life – Cult of Marriage

At young age, we feel confident mentally and physically, If somebody ask you, whether you will put your finger in fire or not, you will say with a Blind Confidence that you can put your finger in fire, because you do not know how it is to be put the finger in fire. You will come to experience the pain, burn when you actually put your finger into fire, then you realize it is very difficult to bear the burning pain. By the time you can not take out your finger from fire because you have already committed.

At young age, your subservient and cordial spouse, will make you feel, your married life will be pleasurable and commendable . Rottweiler dog when it was a puppy, it was playful, obedient. When reaching adulthood, due to hormones surges, it becomes very rough, arrogant, dictator. You can not command it easily. In the same way, after a decade, your spouse transform into different being, you can not command or control them easily. They will dictate you like anything.

Cult of Marriage, demands more from you. You have to earn continuously, you have to spend your time, energy, mind for the welfare of your family. Either you are interested or not interested, you are committed, so you have to.

To be successful in Marriage Cult, you need to earn good money, buy a car, buy a home, enroll your kids in good school or college, conduct your kids marriage expensively, let your kids land in high paying jobs, foreign tour, spend lavishly for hospitals, earn respect from others and society, do a respectable business or work in respectable career, and many more and what not. To attain all these, you have to squeeze your energy, time, intelligence, and all resources to the maximum extent. If you do not attain, any of the above, then you are considered as failure, you and your life will be stamped a failure.

Understand the commitment involved in Cult of Marriage, then do marriage. Without understanding do not engage in marriage and grieve over later, which you can not change anything. You may be male or female, both have commitment, involvement, dedication, effort, apply mind, and energy. Depending upon your role, you have to constantly cook all days, you have to look after and run behind your kids. Or someone else or mostly your mother or mother-in-law will cook and look after your kids with dedication on behalf of you. You have to ensure that fees of school and college are paid promptly and your kids are studying well. Expense after expense will arise from every nook and corner. Your monthly budget will explode. You can not shout at the expense, because that will lead to arguments and sense of inability. There are never ending EMIs. Whatever you earn, this is the case.

Paying attention to family , spending time with family.,.. my father and grand father do not come across these statements. Dependency and seeking attention, appreciation from partner – all leading to frustration and skirmish after a decade of married cult.

Irrespective of how much you earn, you will be happy or sad when comparing with others. If others earn more than you, you will be sad, if others earn lesser than you, you will be happy. It is the comparison makes you happy or sad, not the salary or money you earn.

Post forties or fifties, you may want to wander in life without aim or goal or destination. Your commitments will not let you wander, you can not abandon anything. You may wander in cosmos lonely after you die.

You feel, your life is full of problems and pressure and you start seeking intervention of God, religion, spirituality, horoscope, corporate gurus, saints, yogis, yoga, pranayama, kriya and blah blah stuff. You try to decode your Karma and resolve it. Nothing will work out and nothing can give solution to your problems. Like pain killer, they are all Problem Killers. They change the focus of your mind from your problems for a while. For a while, you will forget your problems and enjoy the ecstasy and blissfulness of those divine concepts. When they dilutes and disappear, then you are entangled with your problems as usual. Like a man drinks alcohol to forget his problems, yes forget the problems, not to resolve the problem, you can take Divine medication to forget the problems for a while. But alcohol or Divine medication, nothing changes what is happening to you. You can be addicted to either of these to forget the problems but your problems exists in reality. Unless and until what is happening to you is changed, your problems will not be resolved.

Change brings problems and Change brings solution. Change can be brought by your action or global chaos.

We bury mango seed, irrigate mango tree, but we pray and worship God to bless apple from Mango tree. How God will bless apple from mango tree? Our prayers are like this only, we did something and expect other thing. God/Nature can not break its Dhamma even we are sincere in our devotion or we do mediation or we go to temple or we do charity or etc.

What is the root cause of problems? Your action in the past is the root cause of problems in the present. You can not change the present, it is the child of your past. You have to experience and undergo the problems of your present day, which are triggered by you in your past. Divine intervention can not do anything with the nemesis of your past action. Nothing can be done now. Accept, and undergo, your problems will leave you slowly or suddenly after certain period of time.

Do not seek Divine intervention for the current problems. They can not do anything. Apply Divine rules/teachings before taking any action in the present. Consult all the philosophy, moral, ethics of spirituality before doing something in present. Act or do not act based on the recommendation of Divine teachings irrespective of your interest or impulse. Human desire or interest or impulse are always leading to problems and sufferings in the future, which even Divine intervention can not do anything. Consult with Divine rules before doing anything in the present to avoid problems in the future.

There are two things control your life. Your actions and Global Chaos. Both can bring good and bad to you. Seek Divine luck for goodness from Global Chaos which you do not have any control over it, simply accept it. You can control your actions. Apply Divine teachings and discipline and rules before doing/acting something in the present, where you have full control in your actions to avoid problems in the future.

Road Sense – We dont deserve freedom

We the people of India, dont deserve freedom. It is evident from observing our riding/driving behaviors in road. How we adhere to traffic rules, shows whether we deserve freedom or not. We dont deserve to be our rulers and administrators from observing how we build our roads, streets and how we maintain them.

We never obey traffic rules, we violate traffic rules, we never respect co-rider, co-driver. Big vehicles never respect small vehicles, small vehicles never fear about big vehicles. We overtake at will, we apply break at will, we intimidate fellow travelers in our sudden twist or movements.

During traffic jam, we move ahead in opposite lane.

We drive at mad speeds in narrow streets which are in pathetic condition.

We allow our children to ride/drive motor vehicles without driving license. We ride motorcycle without helmet and proper documents. We drive four wheelers without wearing seatbelt and without insurance.

We never be patience in traffic jam. We never be patience while standing in queue, anytime somebody will intrude the queue order, or somebody behind you, will overtake you in queue. Even in queues in temple to worship God have tension and no peace.

British should have ruled us for extra 50 years to teach road sense and road behaviors to inbuilt in our cult and build good roads and streets and teach our rulers and administrators as how to build road and street and how to maintain them.

Premature independence, freed the drunken monkeys to chaos the roads and streets. Chaos in our roads and streets.