Google Vs Youtube

Google was the major source of coding for programmers. Not only techies, but for anything and everything google was the reference point.

But, Google days are over now.

It is time for youtube. Log of video tutorials for techies in youtube. From kitchen to nano technology anything can be seen from youtube.

I started using youtube rather than google. One screenshot is equal to thousand words. One video is equal to thousand screenshots.

“Google it” is over, it is time for “Youtube it”.

Google bought youtube few years back diligently. So text or video content Google Inc is still the provider.

Hitler Concentration Camps are back

Hitler’s concentration camp is re-created in Companies when they plan for layoff or downsizing or head count reduction.

If you work in such company, you know that everyday will be a nightmare. You hear rumors saying, 5% lay off, 10% lay off, suddenly 30% lay off or total shutdown.

Fear, rumors, anxiety are the prevailing moods in companies when they become concentration camps.

Everyday you work is your lucky day. You are survived by one more day. Nobody knows who is next, but everybody fears. Some try to establish rapport with their managers, believing that they will be secured. Poor guys, they do not know, manager is also an employee, he is too subjected to downsizing.

Many quit, because of fear of being fired. They want to join to other companies before being pinked.

You should know how to handle your fear, anxiety. Otherwise, you will quit by fear of lay off, when there are chances you may be retained.

Fragile and empty showcase of big corporates are exposing now. All these have direct impact on professional colleges and indirect impact on people’s value system over education and job market.

Funny thing is in spite of all these fragility, still corporate employees are prey to loan market. Failure of corporate will have severe impact on banking industry.

Used cycles in chennai

Used cycles or second hand cycles can be bought in K.K.Nagar. There may be many places in Chennai. But this shop has come to my knowledge and i purchased 2 used cycles from there.

Before buying my new cycle(Rs.4000), I was searching for a second hand cycle shop. There was no specific shop details available in internet. Then I purchased new cycle. The same cycle can be bought at the second hand shop for Rs.1500 to 2000. But I missed.

Somehow, I got this shop address. I went there and bought two cycles for my kids(daughter and son). Each Rs.1000. I could bargain further, but I did not. Because thousand rupees is a surprise to me when the same cycle price at new cycle shop is 2500 to 3000+ Rupees.

While purchasing used cycles, make sure the cycle parts and condition are sound, because you can not expect any warranty or guarantee.

Here is the exact location of the cycle using google maps:
If you ride from Udayam Theater/Ashok Pillar towards kk.nager bus depot, there will be roundana where you can take right to P.T.Rajan road. Do not take the right, it just a land mark. Before that roundana or signal, there are few shops on the left side of Anna Road as per map. Within 100 meter before the signal, there is old cycle shop. If you ask there, you will be guided.
Other land mark is it is near/after KK.Nagar bus depot.
Since, no name board for the shop, I have to explain in detail.
Click the link (View Large…) or find this co-ordination in google maps : 13.035708,80.204909

View Larger Map

Praising the Past

I see many old people who praise the past and frustrate with the present.

“Those days were paradise, clean air, no scarcity, people were good and honest, women were obedient. But nowadays everything is deteriorated compare to the past, the whole life is machine….”

But truth is every grown up man has positive view about his past and negative view about his current days. Men belong to all the centuries feel the same.

I read few short stories of ‘Pudumaipittan’, (Tamil literature). The stories I read were written around the life and society of Tamilnadu, especially Madras/Chennai during second world war (Before Independence). Pudumaipittan criticize the poverty, hypocrisy of the society. In between lines he satires the politicians of his day. The society he depicted is not much different from my society in terms of attitude towards fellow human being.

Apart from the scientific progress through the centuries, Human attitude is not changed in all the times.

Praising the past is meaningless, apart from technological comforts to those who can avail it, the past and the present are same in the attitude towards life. If past were paradise, no need for Bhudda or Mahavira and other spiritual leaders.

Why still people praise the past? It has to be studied in different view.

If you watch the kids or boys or youths, they do not praise the past. They enjoy the present. when the same youngsters, grow up as middle age or old people they started praising the past. At least they praise their boyhood and youthful periods.

So, praising the past is psychological rather than living standard or life style issue.

For everybody till their youth life is carefree. The overall mood is happiness. From middle age onwards commitment, needs, chasing the time and stress are become ingredients of life. The overall mood is frustration, a sense of disgruntled.

Those who enjoy the current life never praise the past. Those who last the happiness in current life, think old is gold.

No kid or boy or youngster praise the past.

Blogetting – Blogetter

Blogetter – the word I coin from the two words, blogger and marketer. In the same way Blogetting from blogging and marketing.

To earn money, a marketer promotes a product. In the same way, if a blogger wants to earn money from his blog, s/he has to promote a product/service in his blog.

When a blog is used as a platform to promote something, it’s blogger is doing marketing. He is marketing a product to his visitors. So the blogger becomes blogetter and the blogetter is doing blogetting.

The review blogs or tech blogs are earning money than any other type of blogs, because they promote a product – mobile phone, hand held devices, a software and etc. ‘Review Blogger’ or tech blogger are actually doing blogetting.

If you want to earn money from your blog, choose a product or product of your passion which is highly demanded by society, especially by the internet accessing society. Then transform yourself a blogetter, start doing blogetting. That’s it.

How God Punish You

When you born in this world, you are not deciding your relatives, siblings. When you go to new home, you are not deciding your neighbors. When you go to new office, you are deciding your colleagues.

If you are not deciding your people around you, who decides it. It may be Fate or ‘by chance’. Sometimes the relationship between you and your ‘people’ may be comfortable to you and dis-comfortable to you in other times.

Somebody has to ‘fight’ with their spouse throughout their life, For somebody their spouse is ‘made for each other’.

Brothers and sisters are affectionate to somebody and irritating to somebody.

Level of Jealous, Fear, Ego, tolerance, giving room for privacy, admitting the biological space, love, sacrifice and many attitude and economy related factors decide the flavor of your relationship with others.

If you lost peace of mind by the people around you, do not get angry at them. It is the fate or God’s plan. When God wants to punish or test you, He would not come in person. He punish you through the people around you.

God strikes you through your wife/husband, if He is in very angry with you.

If you have bad relationship with your Boss/immediate supervisor, God wants to show your how would you suffer in the hell fire.

If your mother and sisters see you as their enemy, often engage in verbal violence or execute domestic violence with you after your marriage, God alone can save you, because God wants to show you ‘love with expectation’ is fragile.

If you have a bad neighbor, God get aversion at the sight of you.

If you have tense relationship with your sons and daughters in your old age, God wants to show you, what is wealth and health.

When you are tortured by a person whom you have to interact often, please pray to God. Either God is testing or punishing you. God alone can save you.

If you retaliate or fight back, God will show you what is hell in this human life, your soul will be burning when you are alive.

Praying God is the only solution rather than ‘doing’ anything.

Remember, you are completely broke in selecting your parents, siblings, relatives, and neighbors. ‘Broke’ means, something can sooth you or harm you but you can not control what is suppose to happen at your will. You are lost. You can only ‘accept’. You have to let things happening to you. Now you are broke.

When you are broke, leave things to God and hope for the best. Things will happen at the will of God.

Do not judge a person or relationship. A relationship can be changed upside down at the will of God. When a relationship sooth you, be thankful to God. When a relationship hurts you, Pray to God for peace. Never Never Never, retaliate your parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, spouse, Boss, and Kids.

Solar Current

I am charged by Solar Current. After realty, I am tempting to jump in Solar Electricity.

Ten years back, I was hijacked by Web Application wave. 6 Years back I eloped with “Blogging”. Two years back my mantra become Realty.

Like Sea is having ‘water currents’ in different directions at various depths, everybody’s life has different current, sometime ‘drifting’ too.

We should be very careful before ‘Slipping’ into a current. I decided not to Slip into this Solar current. After spending 8 to 10 hours in the office, I could not afford for anything other than this ‘partial writing’ or blogging. Weekends – OOPs – lot of lessons from the past how to use weekends. Weekends are very precious in my life.

I do not have time and money to research with Solar current. If any company/individual innovates something and sell a Solar domestic plant, I could buy it if it is affordable to me. Other than this stand, trying to innovate or create something to reduce Solar plant cost or increase its productivity from 15% are not possible to my life style.

Buy a domestic Solar plant if affordable to me. That’s it.

I was lost away by many current in the past. Every current drop me somewhere at the end. It give me some knowledge. experience to me. Both good and bad experience.

Running Free Internet Classifieds –, was a failure, but it gave me a career, earnings, salary to have a decent living.

Blogging is utter flap as of now, but I know everything about blogging now. Last year, I earned ‘peanuts’ from my blog through Google Adsense. Indeed, it helped me to pay my daughter’s school fee. It does not cover whole fee, but covered mostly.

Realty is neither failure or success, but I bought a 2BHK flat in Chennai outskirts, and a piece of land in my native place.

Whenever I come across a current, I jumped immediately without thinking. Now, I consciously decide to avoid Solar Current. I may go for a Solar Lamp, Charger in a Slow Phased manner as middle class consumer. That’s it.

We can not stop depending on GRID all of a sudden. Moreover, Solar buzz in my district(Tamilnadu) will disappear once the ‘drama’ at Koodangulam atomic power plant is over.

Solar Engineering

B.E Solar Engineering will attain the status of B.E Computer Science within couple of decades. Parents will be buying the Solar Engineering seats for their son/daughter in order to get high paying jobs like Information Technology today. Fathers of daughters will be very eager to give their daughters to Solar Engineers. Everything will happen when Conducting Electricity via internet is made possible like data.

Electricity can be exported to western countries from the Solar farms in India. Not only India, all the countries which fall under equator region where sun shine is abundance throughout the year.

There is large employment opportunity will arise in Solar Energy industry in order to setup, maintain, manage Solar Forms.

Like water cans served in domestic market – homes, Batteries charged with Solar electricity will be served to homes at retail level.

Once the small and medium sized indigenous players jump into Solar Energy business, Corporates will slowly enter into the market.

Offshore Solar plantation will be setup with foreign investment and maintained by indigenous human resources. Electricity harvested will be exported to Western countries.

Like today’s Offshore IT managers, Solar Plant managers have to send PPT to their onshore stake holders, saying ‘we improved the process, so our plant is able to produce 12000 watts of electricity from 10000 watts OR we were spending $1000 per day to produce 10000 watts of energy per day. After implementing our new innovation, we are spending $700 per day to produce 10000 watts. We saved $300 per day, so $9000 per month – $108000 per year….”

Solar Energy is going to be cheapest once Solar Panel price is reduced. The Chinese Solar panels seem to be cheapest of all. But the challenge here is Storage and Transport. Capacity of batteries have to be improved like storage capacity increased in computers(hard disk).

Once we are able to transport electricity over internet like data, inter continental energy business will be corporatised.

Unlike western countries, sun shine is almost throughout the year in Asian countries and African countries. Cheap labor readily available to work in Solar Plantation. Thousands of highly qualified English Speaking Solar Engineers will be produced from Indian Colleges. They will be ready to work from African deserts to Arabian deserts. Western countries have to invest, that’s it. Otherwise they have to depend on ever ticking nuclear plants.

Instead of waiting for Asian/African countries initiate Solar Plants, Western countries have to initiate Solar Plants in equator region, Storage and Conduct Electricity at safe and cheap way to meet out their Energy demand in eco friendly way.

Unlike IT, Solar Engineers need not work in late nights, but they have start working from early morning.

Organization Culture – Office Politics

Organization culture and office politics has a relation. Among two types of culture – Strong Culture and Weak Culture, which allows office politics to groom?

Among the offices I worked, the management policy towards administration has key role in allowing or not allowing politics and ‘groupism’ in work place.

If the mid level managers or supervisors are granted extreme powers to control their sub ordinates, there is less scope for politics.

Even if the manager fires his sub ordinate, his higher authority should not question his action. In those type of administration politics has no scope.

For Example:
There is a CEO. Below the CEO there are Managers – Marketing manager, accounts manager, software manager, hr manager.

Marketing manager has a Senior Salesman. Senior Salesman has a team of salesmen. In this case, CEO will not communicate with salesman or Senior Salesman directly regarding business affairs. CEO’s point of contact is always Marketing Manager.

In the same way, marketing manager communicates with his Senior Salesman not with salesmen team directly regarding business affairs.

If the Senior Salesman fires any of his salesman, he should not be questioned by Marketing manager or CEO.

Senior Sales man recruits anybody to his sales team, which will not be questioned by Marketing manager.

The salary he fixes to his sales man should not be questioned as long as it is within the company’s budget range for a salesman.

In the same way, Marketing Manager can fire his Senior sales man without giving reason to CEO. The same is applicable to recruitment. He can recruit or promote anybody from sales team as Senior Salesman.

Every head has formidable power over their sub ordinates without external interventions. The power ranges from work allocation, salary fixation, recruitment, leave sanction, and termination.

In these type of administration, no or less scope for office politics. But there are higher scope for immediate boss harassment.

I am not sure whether this is a Strong Culture or Weak Culture.

I assume it as Strong Culture. If I am wrong correct me.

On the other hand, the immediate bosses or heads at every level vested with limited powers. They can not recruit or terminate anybody as they like. Here the immediate supervisor’s position is weak compare to previous administration described above.

In this type of administration has great scope of office politics.

Here CEO can override his marketing manager and communicate with senior-salesman or salesman.

For Example:
The Senior salesman has a rapport with CEO. Now if the Marketing Manager does not like the Senior Salesman in any aspects, he can not terminate him. He has to explain to CEO, because of the rapport between CEO and Senior Salesman. Senior salesman has an advantage to play a ‘parallel manager role’ because of his rapport with CEO.

This type of environment has less scope for immediate boss harassment but greater scope for office politics.

I am not sure whether this is a Strong Culture or Weak Culture.

I assume it as Weak Culture. If I am wrong correct me.

The Sales team example can be applied to any type of team like software, accounts, housekeeping etc.

If the hierarchy is strictly maintained, less scope for office politics but more scope for immediate boss harassment.

If the hierarchy is loosely maintained, less cope for immediate boss harassment but more scope for office politics.

Immediate boss harassment and office politics – both are different, not same.

An organization can allow any type of culture or change the culture at anytime for the advantage of its growth. It can allow pseudo culture – both mixture of strong and weak culture.

Job Hopping is happening due to both Immediate Boss Harassment and Office Politics. Both are equally keeping the HR busy.

Is this Thought Required Now?

Is this thought required now? Have you question your thought like this?

There are countless loosely coupled thought originating in a day. Many or all of them are not required.

Whenever I have a stream of thoughts, I question them, Are they required now? Logically, the answer is NO. I am not referring ‘day dreams’. I am talking about stream of thoughts or racing thoughts which stir our emotions and leading to action. Later we feel guilty for behaving like that.

Day dreams do not force us to act. Any thought, which are capable of binding with emotion, have high chances of getting into action than day dreams.

We have such kind of unnecessary thoughts, and we will end up unnecessary actions and unnecessary consequences.

When, I started questioning my ‘emotion packed thoughts‘, I realize they are not needed at all.

My physical energy level increased when I stop the racing thoughts. I do not know the relationship between physical energy and thoughts.

I am not emotionally hijacked when I avoid the thoughts bind with emotion.

Emotions suck body energy. When we are emotionally balanced more energy retained in the body.

Avoiding unnecessary thoughts, avoid unnecessary emotions, which avoid energy loss.

To by physically energetic, ask yourself, Is this thought required now.