How to Estimate a Project for successful completion

All projects need clear goal, a preamble. All sorts of tasks involved in the project must be identified and must be precisely assessed for time duration. We need to have buffer time for unidentified hidden tasks. Complete smaller tasks comfortably one by one. See the smaller task alone; don’t see the big picture of final stage while working (it should be visualized during planning), if you see then you will have implementation block or ‘Action Constipation’.

Ancient pyramid, temples, sculptures, and paintings are spark of the genius of project management.

Many projects fail or people involved the project suffer like anything is due to improper project vision. Leaving many or some tasks unidentified, and not allocating sufficient time for completing small tasks.

Improper vision leads to confusion; you don’t know what do to or what is next. Unidentified hidden task collapse the time schedule leading to ‘hurry burry’ approach. Resource allocation is a big headache when hidden tasks are identified later and intruded into the middle of the project. Project will not take of if time assessed is unusually too long. Short time frame will lead to ‘Rush to Finish’ which eventually leads to project failure due to de-scoping or lack of quality.

For a successful project execution, actors who are going to implement the project should understand the project vision precisely. Break the project into small task and identify all tasks. Also aware that they may leave some tasks as hidden, be prepared to handle the situation when it spikes to the fore. Avoid predicting too long time for more comfort then project will not take off. Avoid predicting short time to satisfy the project owners, you cannot complete the project or you cannot work in next project due to excessive burnout. Be honest in timeframe. Be true to you instinct and experience. Discuss with senior or compare other projects done already. Don’t be a miser or spend-drift. Just be generous. After predicting the time frame add 20% to 30% of the time as buffer to handle unidentified task.

Project owners or stockholders has significant role in project completion. They should ensure that, executors have clearly understood the project goal. ‘Human is to be err’. They should accept the time frame extension up to 30% of actual time frame predicted. Example: if 100 days predicted to complete a project, but it is completed by 130 days, it is a good finish. They should be anticipate and appreciate this 30% extension rather than 100% or 200% or more. The whole time frame assessment is just a prediction. Please be aware of it.

A task will take away the time required to get it complete. Time cannot be squeezed. Let everything take it’s own time to perfection.

A cordial working environment and relationship, appreciation in time, periodical rest will ease out the project execution.