Involvement is one of the important attitudes for success.
When people are required to work as team, only those who are getting involved will inspire and lead others. If more number of individuals get involved in a team then it will out perform the opposition.
The good example is cricket match. Eleven people in a team. Two teams have to combat. All the eleven guys are not performing well up to their ability. All players in a team will not be satisfied with their performance. Even some may not have chance to play. Even they win or loose some are satisfied and many are not satisfied. Cricket is the only game where all the guys playing in a match can not be happy or satisfied even they won. Those who are batted well or bowled well and lead the team to victory will be happy; others who did not bat or bowl well will not be happy even their team wins, may be acting or managing as being happy.
If you play the game (cricket) you can realize it. If you bat well, but your team lost, still you will be happy by your individual performance. Your team wins but you did not bat well, then you will be disappointed personally. This is applicable from street cricket to International cricket.
Involvement is the main factor for individual performance and satisfaction while working in team. Depending upon the level of involvement your chances of performing well will get increased. More involvement leads to more performance.
Any type of team-work from software development to war fare need involvement from its collection of individuals to succeed. Involvers contribute more; get more credits then those who are not involved. Involvers get more return, benefits, fame than ‘Un-involvers’. Involvers move to front, un-involvers pushed behind
All the people who have interest are not given equal opportunity to get involved. From cricket to software development and from politics to war fare opportunity to grow is in-equal. People who have influence and management support and able to express ‘themselves’ are given the opportunity first. Some time they steal the opportunity of others. Rarely opportunity is left open to people who are skilled but inferior in ‘politics’ after superior people failed to perform well.
Even you get the opportunity to involve, you have skills but you must have good time, positive mindset, above all God’s grace. Involvement, Opportunity, skill, and ‘timing’ all should work in a sequence.
In the above features involvement is the most important thing. Those who are trying to involve alone get the opportunity or snatch the opportunity or create opportunity. For others opportunity will be given when ‘not used’. Even you have God’s grace but you are not involving then no way to utilize God’s grace.
Your quest to grap the opportunity to get involved is very important to succeed any where and every where. If you hesitate or wait for your turn, then if involvers failed by their bad time, then you will be given the ‘unused’ or ‘forced’ opportunity. But it is very rare, because the hunger of an involver is more intense than non-involvers.
So involve with a positive mindset that you will perform well and succeed and grab the first opportunity to succeed.