Road Sense – We dont deserve freedom

We the people of India, dont deserve freedom. It is evident from observing our riding/driving behaviors in road. How we adhere to traffic rules, shows whether we deserve freedom or not. We dont deserve to be our rulers and administrators from observing how we build our roads, streets and how we maintain them.

We never obey traffic rules, we violate traffic rules, we never respect co-rider, co-driver. Big vehicles never respect small vehicles, small vehicles never fear about big vehicles. We overtake at will, we apply break at will, we intimidate fellow travelers in our sudden twist or movements.

During traffic jam, we move ahead in opposite lane.

We drive at mad speeds in narrow streets which are in pathetic condition.

We allow our children to ride/drive motor vehicles without driving license. We ride motorcycle without helmet and proper documents. We drive four wheelers without wearing seatbelt and without insurance.

We never be patience in traffic jam. We never be patience while standing in queue, anytime somebody will intrude the queue order, or somebody behind you, will overtake you in queue. Even in queues in temple to worship God have tension and no peace.

British should have ruled us for extra 50 years to teach road sense and road behaviors to inbuilt in our cult and build good roads and streets and teach our rulers and administrators as how to build road and street and how to maintain them.

Premature independence, freed the drunken monkeys to chaos the roads and streets. Chaos in our roads and streets.

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Who Am I

I am Gunaseelan Perumal, people call me Guna. I am from Chennai, India. I make out a living from Programming career in PHP technology.

Writing is my hobby, some times passion, some times an outlet, mostly my reaction to internal and external world.

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Fate Tension Anxiety Gene

If you are destined to be tense, have anxiety, then whatever you do, wherever you go, you will have tension.

Earlier, I thought that job stress was the only source of tension and anxiety. If I join a relaxed job, then i will not have tension, I thought such way.

Luckily, i got a relaxed job. No job stress, no tension and anxiety related to job. Am I peaceful now? No, i am not peaceful.

Tension from other sources occupied me. Tension about reducing bank balance due to more expense. Expense is exceeding income.

Car and bike anxieties are torchering me like anything.

Son not going to school on time or promptly.

My websites are not getting sufficient traffic to earn money.

All these anxieties were existing before when I was working with tenseful job. Due to job tension, I ignored other anxities. Only tension I had was job tension. Tenseful job gave more salary/income.

Now job is relaxed, but i have anxiety from other sources. Trivial things graped my attention and bothering me.

Anxiety or tension originates from your gene. If you are prone to anxiety genetically, then external factors can easily trigger tension in you.

If you are not prone to tension genetically, then external events can not make you tense easily.

Source of anxiety is not external, it is internal. If you are genetically programmed to have anxiety, then even small problems gives you anxiety.

What is in the seed, that becomes the tree. What is in the gene/fate, you become that.

It is very difficult or impossible to change genetic patterns. If the pattern is wrong, you have to suffer. Recent scientific researches found that we can change our genetic pattern through belief and life style changes.

If you are genetically prone to tension, then you need a conscious awareness to ignore tension, don’t act by tension.

You have to remember that you are prone to tension, ignore it when it catches you. Definitely, you will have anxiety, if you are vulnerable genetically, but remember that and ignore it.

If you have fire, you will fire up when contacting cotton, try leaves, try wooden logs or any inflammable things. If you don’t have fire, then you will not fire up when contacting any or all inflammable things.

It is the fire you have is burning the cotton. Cotton is not creating fire in you. If no fire in you, you will not burn cotton.

Enforcing Education as a social baseline – big blunder

Education sucks

Education is a serious benchmark for everybody’s survival, status, success in this materialistic world. For the last 50+ years in India or all over the world post British Colonial era – education has attained a prominent state in the society.

Without education or literacy, it is very hard to survive and lead a economically decent life in this society. Till fifty years back, people without education managed to live, earn, got married, brought up children and lived their life to the fullest. There were lot of scope for uneducated man to live on olden days. Nowadays, it is not possible to live without education.

We are living in a worst social period which is conditioned by education, and everybody is forced to educate themself.

There were times, when hunters were recognized, later farmers were recognized, later soldiers were recognized, later poets, painters, sculptures were recognized. Before independence freedom fighters were recognized, nowadays there is no scope for freedom fighters.

Everything is a niche skillset, man have it either by birth and trained it. Not everybody was a good hunter, or farmer or soldier, or poets. Each is a special skill – either trained or having by birth. Not everybody can succeed in all fields or professions.

Like that, education is a special skill set, it requires reading, comprehend, and retell/vomit what was memorized. Not all the people on the earth are good at reading, memorizing, and vomiting/retelling. Everybody can speak, but not all can be an orator. Speaking and giving a speech are different skill sets. It need to train your brain or have such brain by birth.

British, spread their western education in India to train, recruit employees for their administrative tasks. An educational system grooming students for administrative or clerical task is still practiced in post independence era. An administrative education is the benchmark or baseline for everything in India. In this context, think about the state of people who do not have skill sets to thrive in education or who can not train themselves to read, memorize, and vomit.

Today, society is enforcing everybody to read, memorize, and vomit though not everybody is good at studying. Many people may not have the brain skill sets for studying. They may have natural skill set in some other domain or fields. Society is not ready to experiment or identify the skill set of every individuals. Its only path is read, memorize, vomit. That’s it.

Assume that if everybody to is asked to run fast, Running fast is the social baseline for everything. Those who run fast will get jobs, status, recognition, etc. So every children will be given training to run fast from childhood. Those who do not or can not run fast will be dumped down. Running is a special niche or skill set, one has to train themselves or have that skill by birth. Others struggle.

In the similar way, we are – the society – the world is enforcing a specialized skill set(reading, memorizing, vomiting) on everybody globally. Those who do not have the skill set, are struggling. What a stupidity. Those who do not have the skill set to study are in pathetic situation in current era.

Journey of a Dust

Dust particles floating in ray of light

What could be the journey of a dust? Does dust can have its goal, ambition, desire, destination?

We see dust particles moving here and there. In ray of sun light, movement of dust particles are visible to naked eyes.

Can a dust move on its own? Can a dust decide it’s path? When the air blows, dust move in the direction of wind. Dust move at the speed of wind. Dust seized to move when wind stops blowing. Thats it.

It is the air or wind which makes the dust move, float, arise, get velocity, etc.

Assume that dust has desire, mind, thoughts, ambition, destination. Can a dust do anything for its desire or goal or destination? It has to wait for the wind to blow to have movement.

What a pity, if dust have desires but it can not do anything on its own to attain it’s desires. Even if wind blows it is no guarantee that wind will take the dust to its destination. Dust has to develop/change desires, goal, destination according to wind.

We are all dust particles in the Divine Chaos. We move here and there based on Chaos. Chaos has to propel us. It is very pathetic to have desires in the Cosmic chaos. Humans have goals which are equal to goal of dust.

There is no meaning of dust having desires, it may or may not be realised depending on wind blow. In the same way human desires may or may not be realised based on Cosmic Chaos. Chaos has to favour our desires, destination.

Can a dust be proud of having reached its destination? Can a dust be ashame of not reaching its destination? First of all, can a dust have a destination of its own?

But, humans will be proud of achieving their goals, will be ashame of not achieving goals. When Divine chaos lifts us in worldly life, we feel proud as we lifted ourself by our effort. When Divine chaos drops us in worldly life, we feel sad as we fall or reached lower state by our mistakes.

We are nothing more than dust in Divine chaos, our desires, goals, ambition are like a dust having it’s desires, goals, destination.

How to stop thoughts – thinking

How to stop thoughts… Concentrate on breathing, watch your breathing – inhale exhale, breath-in breath-out, watch your thoughts…blah blah all complex stupid efforts are useless, waste of time.

More involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger more thoughts. Less involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger less thoughts. Thoughts will reduce or have no thoughts at ease without your efforts, if you detach from this worldly life . Man in deep sleep and dead man have no thoughts or thinking. Both are in a state where they are completely disconnected from this world. Thats it.

But, don’t worry whether you have thoughts or not, thoughts are natural reflexes of mind for your interaction with worldly matters. Without thoughts you can not interact with world. Let it be as long as you like to or need to interact with worldly life. We speak orally, we think mentally. Both required to live. Be moderate in speech as well as thinking.

Divine Chaos driving life

This life events are caused by divine chaos. With human intelligence and logic, we can not understand the divine logic behind divine chaos.

Most of the people who speaks spirituality are speaking from what they read, hear. They understand/digest what they read and hear and re-tell their own version. They don’t speak out of their true experience or wisdom.

Even if few may undergo true spiritual experience by God’s will or have wisdom from birth by God’s blessing, have no need to speak and they don’t speak. Even if they speak out of their true experience or own wisdom, people can not differentiate between those who speak from what they read, listen and those who speak out of experience. Both looks same.

Nobody can understand Divine Chaos, whatever book we read, whatever speech we listen, whatever we study, analyse about mind, whatever meditation we do, what ever experience we have, whatever wisdom we have, we can not understand this Chaos.

Once, we realise that we can not understand Cosmic Chaos…. Spirituality ends, we become enlightened.

Enlightenment comes from God.

Life of Lottery

Life is full of lottery. Many people buy Lottery to become rich. To be honest, somebody is selected and got lottery prize, and become rich. Many people did not won and loose lottery.

Those who won lottery, can not think that they got money because of their effort, perseverance, intelligence and etc. Winning lottery is purely luck.

In the same way, those who lost in lottery can not think that they lost because of their stupidity, laziness, effortlessness, wrong planning, and etc. Loosing a lottery is purely bad luck.

But, to be qualified to be a winner in lottery by chance, you need to buy a lottery ticket. If you don’t buy a lottery ticket, you are out of the competition to be a winner by luck.

People try many things in their life. Many fails and few succeed in their endeavours. Those who succeed, declares that they got success because of their intelligence, effort, planning, perseverance, and etc. Those who failed in their endeavour, dumped down as stupid, effortless, poor planning, wrong decision, and etc.

Truth is nobody knows the true reason as why they succeed or failed. Otherwise, everyone in the world can succeed, no failures. Those who considered succeed, find reasons to boost their ego and start motivating and advising others. Those who considered failed will have low self esteem, find reasons why they failed.

To be honest, whatever endeavour we take, we succeed by chance and fail by chance. All is luck or bad luck. We will find reasons and justifications later on.

What you need to do is buy a lottery, that is have a try – rest is waiting for luck or bad luck to embrace you.

There are people who buy lottery throught their life but not a single winning. Somebody wins lottery at a young too.

Whatever you try throught your life, there is no guarantee that you will succeed – luck has to favours you.

If you don’t try, you will never have a chance to win. But, there is no guarantee that you will succeed because you try.

All success are conditional success, and all failures are conditional failures.

Man always assume reasons and justifications to what happened, but man can not understand Divine Logic.

Do your best and leave the rest to God.