Job Hopping due to colleague’s resignation

How do you feel, if you colleague moving to better company with better offer?

You may like your current employer. You are so comfortable there. You are recognized by your current employer. You feel happy at your pay. Medium work load. Everything is going well. When your colleague gets offer from a better company with better pay your feelings towards the company is changing.

Your pay, work load, your comfort level, and everything are same, which you were satisfied with. When your colleague got offer you start comparing and loose your sleep. You start to hate the features from your current employer, which you liked them in the past.

For example in India, software industry is thriving well. Different level of companies is there from one employee companies to companies having employees in hundreds to thousands. The top ones are CMM level 5 companies like Wipro, TCS, CTS, Patni, Infosys, HCL, and etc. Employees keep changing the companies till they reach the CMM level 5 companies. But job hopping is happening in all sorts of companies, from small to CMM level 5. Employee working in small and medium size companies dream for CMM level 5 companies, but there are employees who quit/change from CMM level too. Job hopping is everywhere in all type of companies.

You work in a medium size company. You pay is little lower than CMM level/MNC companies. Any how you are satisfied. When your next sitting colleague get offer from a CMM level or MNC company, you get upset. You start to hate what you like in current company, you to want to move like your ex-colleague. You update your resume, start attending interviews. You prepare a mind state artificially as you cannot work in the current company any more. You start giving negative comments about current company. You may get offer from CMM level or MNC companies like your ex-colleague or you may get offer from same level of companies like your current company.

Since you have developed a ‘hate’ attitude towards your current company, you can not work any more. You forget that you started to hate your company after your colleague get offer from a big company; otherwise you will be keep loving your current company. You start to believe that the company is bad. You cannot work any more in the ‘worst work culture’, which was liked by you in the past.

Due to this artificial psychological pressure or an illusion, you accept offer from another company like your current company (just another company), because you cannot wait for CMM level or MNC company offer. You fail to notify the reason for your colleague’s move. They did not have prior plan or ‘interview efforts’ to enroll into big company. His/her move may be a chance or timing opportunity S/he did not move because the current employer is bad. They move because the future company is the best. They did not have negative feelings about the company like you. They made a ‘vertical upwards move’ in their career. You made a ‘Horizontal move’. Horizontal move is not necessary unless for valid reasons like relocation.

You move vertical or horizontal, but job hopping is done. But try to avoid horizontal move, if you are influenced by your colleague’s positive move. Be aware of your feelings about the company before and after colleague’s move. Regulate your feelings and keep them positive towards company. Be calm, for your turn. Don’t rush.

Remember there are employees who quit from your dream company for the same reasons like you try to quit from your current company. Certain situations are same everywhere.

Literature reflects its society

Literature Mirrors its society

Human personification and attitude towards life is related with its time and age. Human moral values are changing according to time and age. What was valuable in two hundred years back, is now neglected, what will be neglected in two hundred years is the center of attraction now.

Joint family was worshiped by generation before the last generation. But nowadays joint family is considered as foolish system. Society accepts the individual selfishness. Tradition and culture are keep changing along with time and age. Both language and civilization are not the exception from changing.

Everything is changing without giving trace for the deserted. How a youth can know about his grandfather’s life style. How to know about tradition, civilization, and moral values of our ancestors. No museum is portraying the life style of past generations.

But, literature portrays everything. Literature is a mirror of its time of creation. The characters depicted in the literature are the sample pieces of real human beings of its time. To get the unique features and common manners of a society at a particular time, going through the characters and society depicted by the literature of the time is enough.

The character and theme for the literature are taken from the real life characters and society of its time.

If you want to know about sixteenth century, study the sixteenth century literature. Do you like to know the impact of British rule in India or India’s attitude towards British rule. Study the literature of particular time.

In the world history, we can not find such a rapid changes in eighteenth and nineteenth century, in other centuries. Those two countries is a period of transition.

Literature of these two countries clearly revealed everything. The joint family system began to loss its value. A new class of people, called middle class are emerged in great number. They are mostly hypocritic.

Literature at the time of two world wars showed the complete denigration of old tradition and morals.

The novels like ‘Mrs.Dalloway, The spire,The Anglo-Saxen Attitude’ are tool to get the clear picture of psychological changes in people.

Works of T.S.Eliot, Bernard Shaw show the corroded pattern of their society. American literature gives the reason for their domestic failure, disappearance of family system, no value for love and religion.

If we go through the literature from the very beginning to current, We can find out the unnecessary changes in the role of human in society, in the name of development.

Stress Free Programmer

Software industry is highly stressful. But not all the software engineers are working stress fully. Only few, rest working without stress.

There are three types of programmers. Stress free programmer, Stressful programmer, and Smart Programmer. They are technically strong, having good experience, have communications skills etc. Especially in outsourcing companies, you can find the first two types of programmers.

Stress free programmers are always cool. Only clients or supervisor or immediate boss who is extracting work from them will get stressed out. They put the pressure on programmer. But stress free programmer sends the pressure back to those who give it.

Their logic is simple. Do what is easy to them. Stress free programmer do what they like and what is easy to them. Never work hard to fulfill the real requirement.

There is a module which has ten tasks. Four are easy and six are very tough. After completing the four easy tasks, stress free programmer will inform the module is ‘completed’.

It is their superior or client has to test and point out the remaining six tasks.

The lazy programmer will avoid the work in various ways. They simply drag the days without accomplishing anything. They stay in the office for days and nights but without little progress.

For stress free programmer asking ‘help’ means give the code not guidance.

They intelligently stimulate other hard working – result yielding programmers by asking ‘help’. Hard working programmer squeeze his brain to solve the task assigned to lazy programmer.

Somehow the stress free programmer get the code from hard working programmer and paste in his file. There are several ways he tries to get the task done without breaking his head.

Some time the client get stressed out by getting the job done from stress free programmer. He will close the contract and move to other company. Soon, the cool programmer will be relaxing in bench.

Here is an example of how stress free programmer work without stress and make his client go mad. Programmer and client may sitting across the continent or sitting in same office.

The task is creating a HTML form for reservation booking. In the form there are fields to enter ‘From’ and ‘To’ date. Both must be validated.

Assume that current date is : 2007, March.

Programmer will validate the fields are empty or left out. He conveys to client as the form is completed. Now client test the form, he will raise a bug ticket as the system is allowing expired dates. If the current year is 2007, booking can be done for future years, but not 2006 or 2005 or below.

The programmer ask the client to explain the bug in detail. Soon he will do some work in the form and conveys the bug is fixed.

Client will raise another bug as current year is not allowed in booking. Programmer will argue as he has done as per previous bug. Booking can be done for future years. So current year is not possible.

Client has to explain as if the current month and year is March 2007, booking can be done for April, May… of the current year as well as future year. Programmer will fix and close the bug.

Client will rise another bug as month is not validated. After several rounds of ‘bug re-opening’ and heated arguments, programmer will fix the month as current month or future months. He closes the bug.

Client will raise another bug as month names older than current month is not allowed to book. System should allow months older than the current month. Programmer will argue as he did exactly as per the previous bug – current month or previous month alone allowed in the booking. If the current month is march, January or February cannot be booked. He will argue with client as he did exactly as client required earlier.

Client has to explain if the current month and year is March 2007, Jan Feb of 2007 should not be allowed. But Jan Feb of 2008, 2009 or more can be allowed. Now Programmer will fix month validation and close the bug.

Again client will find another bug in date. The logic applied to month has to be applied for date/day too. Client will not raise the bug now. Because of the stress in getting the job done from stress free programmer, he will close the contract move to another company or keep the reservation process manually.

Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds have to validated in a sequence in reservation process.

Stress free programmers keep the stress at client end.

Aging Process Happens at Mind

Aging process is reflected in body. But ‘aging process’ actually happens in mind, then reflected in body. Everybody has their one self-image. This self image is vary from stage to stage. During teen age, youth, middle age, at fourties, fifties, pre-sixty and post sixty, in every stage self image is vary from other stages.

This biological suit(body) changes as per change in mind. When years passed the composition , consciousness, awareness of mind is also changing. Consciousness is added with many garbage. We notice only the body’s aging process. But we miss to observe ‘psychological aging process’ in the due course of time.

People becoming fat and overweight , do not realize it day by day. But these everyday life activities slowly but steadily increase it. After few months or few years, they realize it all of sudden.

Like that mind changes slowly but steadily. But we do not realize the changes in mind forever. We let it change. Mind is a medium to interpret life. But we do not have any other tool to interpret mind.

A stress free and relaxed mind with a sense of well being can slow down ‘MENTAL AGING PROCESS’. Which ultimately slows down body’s aging process.

Job Hopping True Reasons

Job hopping is keeping the HR active in corporate world. Of course they too jump. It is very rare to find an employee working in same company for more than one year. From office boys to top management executive everybody finds difficult to work in the same company. Why people switch between jobs.

People change the working place, their colleagues, their Bosses but they do not stop working.

Polite and decent reason for job hopping are ‘Career Growth, Salary hike, Need to relocate’. Of course few job changing done for the above three reasons.

But not all the job hopping are done for the above three reasons. Real reasons are hidden. No one is daring to convey the real reason for appearing in the interview or leaving the current office.

Somebody decide to change the office but without knowing which drive them to change the office.

There are interview tips to tell ‘Career Growth’ as the reason. But the resume can tell whether career growth is the real reason or something else. If too much company names in the resume, it makes clear that Career Growth is not the only reason for that candidate. It means none of the companies he worked has scope for his/her growth. This cannot be true.

I like to introspect, what may be the other reason for job hopping, which is really ‘ changing office’. Job hopping can be termed as Office Hopping. People change office but do not quit the job.

Relationship stress

Stress is the reason in many jobs hopping. Type of stress may be anything. Here I am focusing Relationship stress.

Relationship between two people may lead the relationship stress in long run. Every relationship has impact on the people related.

Relation between colleagues, relation between superior and subordinate, relation between staff and the customer who utilize the service of the staff, here customer is a person out side of the company, a type of relationship evolved between employee and his/her family due to office.

Relationship between spouses will change according to their respective relationship with their office. Some time it may lead to break the bondage from spouse.

If the relationship between superior and subordinate is getting fractioned and stressful, the immediate solution is job hopping.

If the relationship between colleagues becomes stressful then job change will be a solution after long patience.

Relationship between office and staff. It will get stressful if the employee forced work in inhuman ways like no appreciation or recognition for work. Expect to work in long hours continuously. ‘Work theft’ by other staff with the support of office. There are many inhuman resource management practices to spoil the relationship between office and staff.

People aware of their ‘self-value’ change the office quickly or never allow others to execute inhuman practices over them.

People, who are mesmerized by loyalty and other illusions, realize after long time or after being a scapegoat.

What we eat has a by product wastage. Every food after digestion leaves wastage in our body, which has to be removed. Excretion.

Like that every relationship has a negative residue. Initially the quantity of ‘relationship wastage’ is very less. But in due course of time, it becomes piled and beyond tolerance. We do not know how to remove this relationship wastage and maintain the relationship forever.

When somebody joins the company, the new person is good to the office, and the office seems to be good to the new employee. No employee will remark negatively at the time of reporting. This is true that new staff never have any type of relationship with the company. This is same to company.

Later on their feelings will change or reverse.

How to avoid such relationship friction.

There are many etiquette to maintain relationship. Whatever you maintain that will collapse. All maintainable will collapse once maintenance is stopped.

During the interview or reporting time everybody will act, nobody behaves in their original character or attitude. Once the act ends friction begins.

You are able to move with a person with out any fear and hesitation, and you are allowed to be as you are. You are accepted as you are. You can sit as per your comfort in front of the person, speak as per your comfort, you can behave as per your comfort.

If you are not highly conscious about your behavior in front of the person, your relationship will not have residue. When you do not ‘maintain’ your relationship, and let it be as it is then your relationship is frictionless.

In simple words if your heart beat is not changing often while accompanying the person then it is frictionless.

It is very difficult to find such frictionless relationship in office atmosphere. Even in home too. It is possible only among true friends, that is why friendship last for ever.

What ever relationship is maintained which will be broken after stop maintaining it. As long as you maintain it, you will have relationship residue.

Job hopping is not a way to stop dumping wastages by relationship stress. It is not a way to stop a person who is dumping relationship wastages over you.

If the relationship stress is the true reason behind office changing, you are wrong. Soon you will get in to the same situation in the new office. Other person will dump over you soon in your new office. There will be no end.

Everything is same everywhere. You have to stay in a company learn to adapt to all the situations, learn to fight for your rights without breaking relationship. Learn to keep yourself at comfort in all the situations as possible it can. Learn to ignore rather than fight some times. Learn all politics in the office.

Everybody in the office is not stressed out like you. Learn from other colleagues who handle the situation successfully where you failed.

Never change the job if the reason for changing is everywhere.

Visitor Tracker in Blogs

Do you know how dangerous it is to use third party visitor tracker in your blog? It affects number of organic search driving traffic to your blog (visitor coming to your site by searching in the search engines) . It will definitely reduce your blog’s page rank and increase the page rank of the free script provider you are using.

I have a bitter experience with using third party free tracker script.

Last year I wanted to track my visitors. I searched in the net and found a tracker site, which offers free tracking service. All you have to do is register in their site, you will be provided a javascript to integrated in blog (In all the pages). Later you can login to the site and check/view your visitors.

I do not like to tell their name.

I integrated the javascript code which tracks my visitor.

After two days, I was excited to see the visitors movements in my blog. An average 30-40 unique visitors per day. All have landed to my blog by search engine results. I checked the referrer url of every visitors. This was going well. There are many repeated visitors.

After a couple of week, I noticed that users driven to my site by organic search results get reduced. They are now from 20 – 30, or some time 15.

I doubted that, there might be fluctuation in the traffic spike. It is common.

After a month or two, this figure does not improve. Average users driven by organic search result was 20. Before integrating the Third party tracker code it was 40.

The tracker code inserted in all the pages of my blog by integrating in to the template. So in every page there is an out going link or out bound link.

Any webmaster can understand the importance of having more inbound links and less outbound links.

What is the impact of more outbound links? Outbound links which are irrelevant to your site. Search the net and know it.

So without my awareness, I created hundreds of out bound links from my blog by integrating tracker code, which points to a domain out of my domain.

After tracing out this issue, I removed the visitor tracker code from my site.

After a month, the visitors driven by search engines got increased. It comes to previous figure. I hope it will increase.

Well, I need to track my visitors, and how they are navigating, what are the pages they are visiting, etc.

So, I decided to have a visitor tracker software deployed in my server/domain.

The software should not increase the load of my server.

I decided my own visitor tracker script, with simplified or limited features.

I developed it in PHP/MySQL. It is simple one.

I installed it my server. I integrated its tracker code.
Now the tracker code points to a subfolder in my server. No links pointing out of my domain. A visitor tracker without creating outbound links

So my search engine driven traffic will not get affected by visitor tracker script, since it is operated withing my domain.

Freelancing – Project Price, Time Estimate

Newbies in freelancing will break their head for Project Price and Time Estimate for project. Of course, pricing and time estimate is one of the deciding factors in winning the project bid. How to quote correct price and time estimate in freelancing? Is there any logic or easy solution for price and time estimate?

Time Estimate:
There is no standard time estimate for any software projects. It is the programmer who asses the time as per his experience, skill set and pursue the client by convincing why he require such time. The more experience , skills, and confidence level the programmer has, will require less time at higher cost.

Follow your experience and instinct in estimating time. If you have already done projects which are similar to the requirement, time estimate will be easy for you. You can replicate the same time here. If the requirement is new to you, use function point analysis or use case analysis.

Honestly, what is right to you mention it. Never think if you commit for short duration, you will get the project in freelancing. Even if you mention long duration to complete the project, there is no rule that you will loose the project. All you have to do is give proper reasons for the time you required. Why do you require such time. Justify your stand. Break up the overall duration into simple units will be easy for the client to assess you.

If the client pressures you for short duration, never agree or skip the project. Finishing the project earlier than the agreed duration will earn you good feedback rather agree to short time and complete the project in extraaaa time. Your reviews/rating are important in long run.

Use your experience or use case model approach to estimate time. Be true to yourself and educate your client why you need such time duration to get the project done.

Project Pricing
Do not think if you quote lower than other bidders, you will win the project. Do non think if you quote higher than all the bidders, you will loose the project.

You need to finalize what is your rate per hour. Depending the experience, skill set, location, working time, you can fix your cost per hour. For a beginner $5 per hour or less is best deal. The more reviews you have, you can increase the per hour rate to $10 or $15 or more.

Multiply your per hour rate with the time estimate. Without any inferiority complex as whether you are worthy of such price or etc. quote the price.

Price Negotiations:
If you are dear need of project/income, you can negotiate your price upto fifty percent. Instead of doing nothing do something atleast get under paid.

If you are busy with project(s), you have sufficient bank balance and regular clients, never negotiate the price.

At any point of time never negotiate the time you estimated. You will be in stress if you negotiate project duration. Moreover even you reduce the cost for winning a project without reducing the time, you can manage the loss by getting other small projects in buffer time. You can work in two projects – one big project and one small cum easy project. Such way you can meet your cost, reduce at one place and gain at other place. By any means, keep the ball rolling.

Same task can be done at different timings and pricing depending upon the programmer’s expertise. For example: WordPresstheme customization: This can be done within 15 hour by an Joomla expert. The same can be done around 1 week or more by a Joomla learner. Both can complete the task in their respective duration. Both have their own costing difference.

Client will choose bidder as per his budget and urgency to get the job done. If he needs Joomla them customization to be done within 2 days he will choose the expert irrespective of the price. If he does not worry about the duration (let it takes 1 week or more to get the job done), but his concern is price, he will choose newbie at lower price.

Both expert and newbie have equal chance in winning the bid, depending upon client’s situation and how truthful are they to them self.

Do not avoid projects(?) whose cost is very low. I won a project, its cost was $5. It was a complex bug fix in javascript. The client was from UK. When I fixed the bug, my client released the payment, I received around $3 after deducting commission. I was not fed up. The client contacted me again directly and asking me to fix other bugs. Slowly the relationship developed. Later my client did not post projects in bidding site or forums. She contacted me directly over to my email or chat. She paid me directly, so no commission deduction. Later on, I billed her around $300 to $400 per month. The business lasted for a year. Later when I moved to higher salary, I handed over my client to my friend who was a newbie in freelancing and struggling to get a project outsourced.

Some clients want to test the skill and reliability of the freelancer. So they come up with simple budget. Do not ignore them. It is like an ice berg. You may be seeing the tip of the ice berg.

As a freelancer, you should be aware of your skills, quote according to it. Never fake the client. If you fake, you may win the project, but you may not get paid. Never never never fake your client.

Outsourcing and freelancing succeeds across the continents when reliability and relationship established, not because of price or time estimate alone.

Wrong Lifestyle Causes Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure due to Wrong Life Style

Human Blood pressure is 120/80. Many people in the world are suffering from high blood pressure. These are many reasons for blood pressure. I like to discuss here the biggest and major reason called LIFE STYLE. Life style stimulated blood pressure cannot be cured by medicine.

BP is not a disease. It is an abnormal state of body. Consistent exposure to tense situation or working without taking rest, are all leading to rise in blood pressure. Tense, fear, stress are part of life. We get tense by some incident for a while soon we will back to normal mood. But continuous exposure to tense situation, make the tense as permanent stage of body.

For example when you go to your office lately. 9’o clock office you reach by 9.45 or after, when you are going to the first time, you don’t get tense and nobody makes the issue big. If you go often your superior will shout at you. Then whenever you start lately to your office, you get tense. If you continuously go to your office then every morning will become tensed morning. Even when you start early still you feel tense. Thing is subconsciously you have programmed your body to get tense in the morning. This lead to rise in BP level.

Whatever medicine you take, your blood pressure will not come down to normal. This can come down only after you change your attitude towards office going. If you start going early to office, you feel relaxed and normal within one or two months.

People going to office lately are prone to BP in later ages.

Many wrong attitude tends to rise in BP. People who hurry, burry for anything and everything, people who do not plan and work, instead of makes thing mess up, people who always criticize others. People who are not able to accept others as they are, people who are working long hours without rest/change, people who do not have proper sleep are all subject to rise in BP. For these kind of persons changing their attitude is the only medicine.

Obsessive thinking are also prone to BP.

If you are a boss and your subordinates are not obeying you and you are not able to fire them and this is consistently existing, you are prone to get high blood pressure. Be satisfied at obedient and reliable subordinate than intelligent sub-ordinate who never obeys you. When I was leading a team of programmers, I had this issue. I have to implement a ‘office politics’ to get those ‘guys’ out of my team. After recruiting fresher or obedient people I feel comfortable. Hope God forgive me for that.

Attitude, relationship management, self and people management are playing more role than food behavior to rise BP.

If your body weight is normal your BMI(body mass index)is perfect, but you have BP then it is due to one or more reason explained in the above paragraphs. Because I had all such attitude, and my BP raised little bit of the age 30. My BMI was perfect. Doctors gave only sleeping medicine. BP goes down to normal when I am taking sleeping tablets, prescribed by Doctors. Once I stopped the tablet my Blood Pressure raised little bit. I changed doctors . Thank God, One of the doctor advised me it is my change in lifestyle can set right my blood pressure.

I analyzed my Daily life. I went to office late in all days. Tension in all morning. My working hours was long an average 14 hours per day(software). Everyday was the deadline and lot of tension and fear in my office. I thought of learning yoga for relaxation, but I didn’t have time to practice yoga.

Then I changed my office where my working hour is 8 to 10 per day. No tension . I changed my home nearer to my office. No long travel and no late goings. I start to spend more time with my family. I played with my kid, chat with friends, visit relative homes.

I changed my life style. No more fault finder. Accepted peoples as they are. Started the habit of walking long whenever I have the time. Magic happens, of course it is not a magic. My Blood Pressure come down to normal level.

I had the medical records for the rise in my BP and for normal too. Nowadays I received offers from other companies with increased pay. All are far away from my home, must have long travel everyday. May lead to Late Reporting. But I denied all and I will deny all as long as my present company gives a life style with a sense well being.

I will be happy, if any one in the world is benefited by reading this information. If anyone is aware of impact of life style on our health by reading this article, I feel pleased. Blood Pressure is not the only problem stimulated by life style. There are many mind and body problems due to wrong life style. We consult doctors take medicine, spend money but no cure. If we have the awareness of lifestyle then we can cure it. Or even we can avoid it.

Drupal SEO

Today I meet one of my Internet dwelling friend. He does many research in internet. He is a SEO specialist. He is a blogger.

He told wordpress is best for Search Engine Optimization during the discussion. He suggested to use WordPress for blogging instead of Drupal. But I disagree.

I used Drupal for anything and everything. It feel it is a multi purpose framework. Lot of contributed modules are there.

Drupal has few special modules for search engine optimization. ‘URL Alias’ and ‘Path Auto’ are best for generating search engine friendly urls. These modules convert page title into url. This requires mod-rewrite enabled apache server.

Meta tags like ‘description’ and ‘keyword’ are also important for SEO. Drupal has ‘node-words’ module to specify keywords and description for each and every page. Users is powered with specifing keyword and description for home page, individual pages, and default setup too.

Drupal has ‘gsitemap’ module to generate sitemap dynamically.

It has ping-O-matic ability.

Technicall Drupal is powered to meet out SEO standard.

Above all, keyword density or content is the most important factor for search engine optimization. Those things has to be taken care by the web master. The software used is nothing to do with content.

A framework can not be specially designed for SEO. Search Engine Optimization is depending upon the content displayed in the browser. It is not depending on how the framework is running or what framework is used, which I feel.

It is the content which is going to decide the search enging ranking, not the software used either Drupal or WordPress. Both has the ability to meet out basic SEO requirement like Friendly url, description and keyword setup, and pingOmatic.

I was using Drupal for many years. So, I have discussed here what are the technical abilities of Drupal for SEO. If you know anything better, please share.

How to do freelancing / outsourcing

This is about software freelancing. How do get software work from US, UK, CANADA, UK, Australia and other developed countries.

Many of my friends who got fired or laid off from their companies. They asked me about how to do outsourcing as a freelance programmer. My platform is LAMP(PHP, MySQL). Here I will share my outsourcing experience as Web Application Programmer. I may not write things in a organized way, but sure you will get a better idea about outsourcing.

Here is the checklist to start your freelancing:

3 years of professional Experience
Your platform may be anything, but you must have 3 years of experience in your domain to be successful in freelancing. You must have minimum 3 years of regular/professional work experience from a company.

Three years of real time programing/project experience. Which means you must complete at least 3000 hrs of programing. Your bench period should not be calculated.

You must work independently at least for a year. Without the support or technical help from your senior/team-tech lead/friends, etc. You must be self-starter. No one should trigger you do start or do the work. This self-initiation is very important in freelancing. You must be a ‘commando’ in your domain without any supervision.

English Language Proficiency
You should be comfortable in your written English(reading and writing). You need not possess very high standard in English language, but you should be able to convey what you like to say.
I hope if you are able to understand my English, you can understand your client’s written communication.

You must have good computer with a high speed broadband internet connection. You should be familiar with Skype, Whatsapp, and other chat engines.

If you are working and need to do freelancing for extra income, never never never use your office infrastructure and office hours for your freelancing. It will create fear, tension and reduce you quality and productivity both in office and freelancing.

When you need to do freelancing/Outsourcing

Do freelancing when you really need to do it. Successful freelancers, either freelance or go to job. They do not mix both. If you are going to a job and your salary is sufficient then do not freelance. Combining both will create stress and affect your quality of life.

Please do not freelance if your salary is more than enough to fulfill your material needs of your life. Spend your ‘after office hours’ with your friends, family, and other activities which you like to do without expecting any return.

I either freelance or go to job. My friend who is successful in both job and freelancing, either pursue a job or freelance, but not both at a time.

The best practice is do freelancing when you do not have job or your salary is insufficient to fulfill your basic needs.

What I have mentioned here are Maturity, Attitude, Expertise, and Infrastructure. You may posses all or lack in something. Even you lack in something, you can start outsourcing if you are in dear need of money. Need is Skill. Sooner or later you will automatically develop the skills needed to be a freelancer if you keep trying.

Hi geek, if the information provided in this page is not sufficient to you, please look in other pages.