How to stop thoughts – thinking

How to stop thoughts… Concentrate on breathing, watch your breathing – inhale exhale, breath-in breath-out, watch your thoughts…blah blah all complex stupid efforts are useless, waste of time.

More involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger more thoughts. Less involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger less thoughts. Thoughts will reduce or have no thoughts at ease without your efforts, if you detach from this worldly life . Man in deep sleep and dead man have no thoughts or thinking. Both are in a state where they are completely disconnected from this world. Thats it.

But, don’t worry whether you have thoughts or not, thoughts are natural reflexes of mind for your interaction with worldly matters. Without thoughts you can not interact with world. Let it be as long as you like to or need to interact with worldly life. We speak orally, we think mentally. Both required to live. Be moderate in speech as well as thinking.