Investing in Land

Investing in land is good or bad?

Today people start buying land / plots not for using it, but for investing.

Earlier, farmers buy land to expand and increase their Agriculture productivity. Industrialist buy land to construct factories to increase their production and profit. Individuals buy land to live, they build houses and start living there.

But Nowadays, people buy land to Invest, not for agriculture, industry, and living. We buy land in the belief that somebody will buy from us in a higher price sooner or later, like shares, mutual funds.

Here is a true incident of buying a land and its impact, which I witnessed.

Person A bought a plot at Sriperumpudur for Rs.7000, twenty years back. He sold it to person B for one lakh after 10 years.

Person B sold his plot for Rs.3 lakhs to person C, 3 years back.

Person C sold his plot for Rs.8 lakhs to person D, a year back.

Person D bought the plot in the hope that, he will be able to sell it for more than Rs.8 lakhs. When he tries to sell his plot, there are no buyers. Nobody is interested to ‘Invest’ 10 to 12 lakhs.

I am not sure, either people are not interested or not able to invest or a plot at Sriperumpudur is not worthy of 10 – 12 lakhs.

The piece of land involved is a plot sizing 2100 sqft – nearly one ground. There are small and big returns in short and long term for A to C. They did not do anything in the plot they purchased. They did not produce anything from the land. But they got profit for their ‘investment’ by natural and sudden growth of inflation rate in those year.

But, person D seems to be in big trouble. He may get a profit in the far future. But as of now, his money is buried in the land he bought. He can not produce anything from the plot he bought. He can not live there, because the plot he purchased is far away from city and lacking in basic amenities to live.

A,B, and C seems to have profit, but our country is the looser. The amount of money buried in the land now is bigger than the profit earned by them.

If Rs.8 lakhs is spent in a normal way, like buying cloths, going to movie, tourism, food and etc – the money would be rotated with countless people. If it is invested in any industries, it will increase production. If it is invested in mutual funds or shares, there may be risk, but it will increase the production or profit of some industry either directly or indirectly.

Now, Rs.8 lakhs is buried. It may sprout out or not. Person D has to wait till the normal Price Index get increased. He has to pray for higher and faster Inflation rate to get a profit in the future. It may take a decade or more.

Eight lakhs belong to our country has become nothing as on date. Investing in land/realty/plot may seem to be profitable in the long run. But it is a loss as of now. We lost the purchasing power of Rs.8 lakhs now.

If the 8 lakhs is the hard earned – life time savings of person D, he may or may not be able to save such amount again in his life.

I realized these things after buying a land in my native place, not for producing anything from it, not for living there, but for Investing. I have buried Rs.1 lakh, it may sprout out or not. But to get the purchasing power of one lakh, I have to wait another couple of years.

Investing in anything other than production or personal use is a loss to ourself and country. We loose the purchasing power for a while. In other words, investing in anything which has no ‘easy liquidity’, is a loss as of now.

Real Honey

Buying Real Honey or Raw honey is not so easy, since deforestation or climate changes all over the world.

When I was a boy, I went with my Grandfather to buy Honey from the local tribes near our village. Those tribes live in the forest. They sell the products they ‘collect’ from forest to villagers. In turn, villagers sell those products to city people.

My grandfather always told me “don’t buy honey from shops, they are not real honey, they may be synthesized or duped honey.”

He also specify tips to Identify a real honey.

Take a glass of water. Let the single drop of Honey should fall into the glass. See how the honey drop dissolves in the water.

First honey drop should reach the bottom of the glass, without dissolving. If it starts dissolving before reaching the bottom, it is not real honey. After reaching the bottom, it has to wait for a while, before starts dissolving in the water.

It has to start dissolving slowly. If dissolving is quicker, it is not a real honey.

How long a honey drop takes to dissolve in the water, that is one of the way to identify it’s quality.

My grandfather took to me tribes in the middle of the forest. Then we walked with them. They have already spotted a honey hive. After reaching the honey hive, they asked as to smear a natural cream(?) over our exposed body parts.

Then, they started heating the honey hive. They seems to be get used with bee sting.

Once bees left the hive, they claimed the tree and cut the parts of the hive, and squish it, capture the squished honey in the vessel, they carry.

Then we returned to their hut. They pour the honey collected just now in the bottles and handed over to my grandfather. He paid money to them.

It took half a day to reach the tribe’s hut by foot. Almost full day time spent in buying raw honey directly from tribesmen. My grandfather used to say, this is real honey. Raw honey is real honey.

It is not possible to get raw honey directly from tribes or forest when monsoon fails or drought times. Bee collect honey from Flowers. If no rain, there will be no trees, plants and there will be no flowers. If there is no flowers, there will be no natural honey. We used to buy honey from shops, supermarkets though they are synthesized or duped in these periods. Something is better than nothing.

We buy from tribesmen through village mediators even nowadays. There are known and unknown health benefits of Honey to mankind.

Quran recommends Honey. Which means, honey is a God recommended food.

Post hospitalisation mediclaim

How to Claim Post hospitalisation mediclaim.

I recently admitted in surya hospital for malaria fever. At the time of admission my mediclaim card was denied due to TTK stopped processing mediclaim other than corporate policies temporarily. Hospital authorities told me to claim after getting discharged – post hospitalisation mediclaim.

So, as usual I pay my bills through my creditcard, around Rs.17000/-.

After getting discharged, I was not interested in applying for mediclaim. I believed i will not get it.

But my wife was so optimistic, she wanted to claim. I simply directed her to the ‘agent’ from whom I purchased the policy.
He guided us to proceed further.

Lot of forms. My wife filled the forms steadfastly. I put my signature reluctantly. We sent all the bills, lab reports, discharged summery, x-ray and everything to my agent. We took photocopy of the same for back up. Our agent processed the forms on behalf of us.

Everything done.

We forget it and got into our day to day life routine.

After 15 days, we received cheque from TTK for Rs.15000.

I thanked GOD. I thanked my wife. I thanked my agent.

I was skeptical about post hospitalisation mediclaim. But my post hospitalization claim went like a smooth sail.

Successful Blogging

Content is the king of Internet. Bloggers feeding the Internet with ‘contents’. Many people becoming bloggers today. It is not all the bloggers who succeed or failed. Moreover ‘blogging’ cannot be termed as success or failure. No need to assess blogging.

But some bloggers may be earning from their blog. So this is not meant that they succeed. But many writers(?) start blog for earning. Registering domains, purchasing hosting account, hiring freelance programmers and etc. But no earnings from their blog.

If you start blogging for money sooner or later you will ‘stop blogging’. You will close your site. Due to expectation and frustration you will forget your blogging site out of depression.

Successful bloggers, those who earn money from their blogs, started their blog not for earning money. In their early stage they started blogging with a passion and spirit rather than with a lust for money. They never thought of selling their blog for huge amount in the future.

They had some interest, concepts, and opinions. They like to share it with the world. They like to brainstorm the world by their blogging. For personal satisfaction, for happiness they blog. Blogging was their hobby. They write about something what stirs them, what moves them emotionally.

Even if they do not earn anything from their blogs, they will be happy. They are happy at blogging. Blog for the sake of blogging. Just to deliver their stuff to the world. Writing for sharing, educating and satisfaction. They have writer spirit. They have cultivated a ‘blogging attitude’. They write about what they like to write and when they can write.

Successful bloggers have the spirit of writing. Have the bloggers attitude. They do not target the money lurking behind their blogs. They love blogging like people love their pets. They enjoy blogging, like how people enjoy when involved in their hobby. Blogging becomes one of the way to loose the consciousness of ‘Time, Space, Self’.

If you have such attitude and spirit start blogging. Otherwise do not waste your time, energy and money in blogging. Blog for earning money by advertisement will change your focus from creating true and quality content to money making. Your blog will be full of pay per click advertisement with poor content. This is not going to work in long run. Soon you will have Blogging Stress.

Successful bloggers do not blog for money. But money may come to them for their true blogging spirit.

Opportunity Blocking

This is a different way of doing politics to put down the competitor. Never giving any opportunity to competitors. Ability is nothing without opportunity. Ability needs opportunity.

Opportunity blocking can be implemented by supervisors, managers, and those who are in lead position. They assign work to their sub-ordinates.

To implement ‘opportunity blocking’ one has to be close to the management, and able to influence it.

If ‘somebody’ is capable of challenging the manager/lead in the office, manager can prevent the opportunities and keep him idle. ‘Somebody’ can not prove or impress the management without opportunity.

Manager’s ‘target’ wants to grow, achieve. But no opportunity offered to him for proving his/her excellence. He may have to move to another company for better scope. This way manager can root out his competition.

But ‘opportunity blocking’ is very dangerous to work life balance. Manager has to divert the opportunity to somebody else. He can not do all the work. So he may prefer somebody from his ‘Piggy List’ to look after the opportunity.

These piggy people are without any individuality and skills for achievement. They are ‘piggy pathing’ the manager, because they are inferiors. Manager hands over responsibility to them, but it is his responsibility indirectly. His work load is increased. His head has a very high traffic of office issues both work and politics.

This leads to stress and low productivity. Remember the ‘piggys’ never reduce manager’s work load. They may satisfy his ego. They may not get things completed.

At this point of time, company has to hand over the task to somebody, who can get things completed. The default choice is ‘somebody’, who is put down by manager/lead without any opportunity. His head is cool, with high energy because he is without any work. He will ‘gallop’ into the task with the freshness and spirit. He makes it completed. Anyway company is benefited.

The scapegoat is ‘piggy’. Being piggy is pity but comfort. Read ‘Lord of the flies’ by William Goldings to know about piggy and politics.

Your boss is not giving good opportunities to prove your skills. He diverts it to somebody in his favors. Do not change/quit the company because you do not have any scope to progress. Please be patient, and have good spirit. It is just a delay, not a permanent state. Soon you will get your opportunities.

The situation is temporary. Soon you will be the center of action. Opportunities will come to you naturally. It will reach you when your competitor breaks down under pressure of more work in long run.

Those who blocked your opportunity can not withstand the pressure of more work. Since they have taken your opportunity along with their regular work, they have more to deliver. People break under pressure in long run.

Never develop any negative feelings when your opportunities are blocked. So never fight, compliant, and argue with your management as your opportunity is blocked.

If immediate supervisor or somebody else is blocking your opportunity to show your skills, do not get irritated or feel for it. Simply spend your time to learn new things. Have leisure time with your friends, be relaxed and cool. Increase your energy level to receive the opportunity when it ultimately reaches you.

Blogs are Literature?

Are Blogs literature? There are plenty of content written in Blogs. Are they part of Literature?

There may be copied content in Blogs. People simply copy content from another websites and post it their website with or without changing the words. This is eGarbage.

There is another type of copying is cGarbage. cGarbage is Concept Garbage. This can be referred as tGarbage – Theme Garbage too.

God Divinity Salvation
The concept of Milton’s Paradise Lost is God or divinity. The concept of Pilgrim’s Progress By John Bunyan is God or Divinity. There are various and countless works written woven around God, Divinity, Salvation. These three are copied as concept or theme for many or countless early literary works.

Love is the theme of millions of literary works from all over the world in all the languages. From Romeo and Juliet to Lila Majnu all sharing the central theme Love.

There are common themes like Revenge, Society, Humanity, Charity and etc.

There is no single concept which is unique and not copied over. Billions of books written for Personality Development.

When cGarbage can be called as Literature, eGarbage also can be called as Literature.

Existence of Blogs in Olden Days
Baccon’s essays, Charles Lamp’s essays and other coffee house publications after Renaissance can be considered as forerunner to Blogs. Those works were written in the form of blogs but in printed format since 15th century. Now the blogs are written electronically in Internet. Earlier there were few people who are educated among educated few ‘contribute’ to English Literature. Now many are educated and many are writing blogs but are the bloggers contributing to Literature?

Yes, the bloggers contributing to literature. Literature reflects the Society. Blog reflects every aspect of life in detail. Some body write about politics, some write about environment, some write about divinity, some write about health care, some write about tourism, everything from personal perspective about every aspect of life.

By reading a blog, it is possible to study about the country and its culture. If you read the technical blogs you can understand technical penetration in day today life of the country the blogger belongs to.

At the same time, efficiency in writing is different from simply writing. I am able to speak is different from, I am an Orator. But all are speeches. The quality of writing may differ but what ever is written is content and it is literature.

Blogging is Literature.

In the next centuries, Blogging literature will be studied as part of English Literature. Blogging Literature is global as well as local. Like American Literature, Indian Literature, Blogging Literature will have its niche in English Literature.

Impact Blogging and Informative Blogging

With my little experience, I distinguish the blogs into two types. Impact blogging and Informative blogging.

After reading a impact blog, there will be a change in your attitude or temperament. It may be short or long. Your belief system or the way you see the world and yourself will change. The blog you read influence you. It motivates you either positively or negatively. It has a scope to change your life.

The best example for impact blogging is It really influence its readers.

After reading the informative blog, the reader will get some data, some information to take a decision. It expand the knowledge of the reader. For example, price comparison of the IPOD will help reader to purchase the IPOD. Technical blogs, review blogs, blogs about gadgets, movies and etc. are informative blogs.

The best example for informative blog is

What type of blogger are you? Find it.

Impact Blogging

If you are an impact blogger, your chances of earning money through your blog is less or nothing by and large. You will have less traffic. There may be exception too.

An impact blogger should not expect money from his blogging. Impact blogger never thinks about what to write. Subjects explode from him spontaneously. It is spontaneous. The morals, philosophy, concept or the topic find its way through the impact blogger to reach its readers.

Impact blogger lives, observer himself, others and the life. Just record his feelings and thoughts. That’s all.

Impact blogger is not the owner of the content or concept he express in his blog. The content choose the blogger to come out and reach.

Impact blogger will not be in an urge to write. Writing happens to them. Impact blogs take its own time to find its readers. Sure it will find.

Impact blogger can stop blogging at any time. He will not loose his traffic/readers and the money he ears from his blog(if so). Because, impact concepts are in evergreen demand, but in fewer demand only.

Informative Blogging

Informative blogging is a sort of journalism or news paper, which deals with current affairs of the topic being written. If you are a informative blogger, you should be vigil on the topic you are blogging.

If you are passionate about mobile phones, you should be writing about current trend in mobile phone industry, arrival of new mobile phone models.

It is a laborious task to keep giving quality and authenticated information to your readers.

Unless you are passionate about what is the information you provide, you can not give original content. Otherwise, you will be creating ‘e-garbage’. E-garbage is not possible with impact blogging.

Information blog has good traffic and scope to earn from blogging. Within a short span, information blogs earn money from its content.

If the information blogger stop writing, his traffic and income will reduce drastically.

As long as you blog, you will have money. Residual income is not possible in information blogging.

For quick and easy money, information blog is the right choice.

Majority of blogs in the internet are informative blogs. It is easy to start a informative blog even by stealing content from other blogs, books.

The readers will find their information from informative blogs. Whereas in impact blogging, the content will find its readers.

Satan in the Office

Are you a Satan in the Office? Are you a Submitter in the Office.

Few years back wherever I work, I behaved like Satan.

I did not mingle with the management or my immediate boss or the person who established the company. I was at loggerhead with them and had friction.

I had very high ego, and I have good professional skills. With the confidence in my skill and ego, I felt superior.

I tried to create my own group of colleagues who were my admirers. I wanted to establish as a person, who can be equally par with boss. I kept distance from boss to avoid being subdued.

I wanted to have more influence, impact, power, heroic image than my Boss.

I may not express my behavior clearly. In simple words I friction with the ego of my Boss and create a ‘buzz’ for me in the office, which may ‘thrill my admirers’.

All I was doing while working in someone’s office and paid by someone but, I tried ‘Show my ego’ to someone who is the creator of the office.

If you read about the conflict between God and Satan and why God created earth, you can understand what I am trying to say.

Bible and Quran advocates such concepts.

Satan was an angel serving to God with extraordinary powers granted by God. Soon, Satan developed his ego that He can be a God. He was not ready to accept that God is his God. He challenged God. God created this world/earth for Satan to rule to make him realize that he is not capable of becoming another God.

What is the stand of Satan towards God before he fought with god that was my ‘stand’ towards my bosses few years back.

You can see an anti-incumbency spirit or aversion towards current company among employees. This is a sort of Satanic Spirit.

Hope you can guess the result.


After studying my attitude, I corrected my mistakes. I changed myself as a Submitter.

Boss is giving you an opportunity to work, money to make a living. Through work you get status in the society. In turn he expects the following from you – work for him and be dedicated to him.

Sometime, you feel that Boss gives more work to you. Sometime, you feel that Boss gives less work to you.

Sometime, you feel that he terminates your friends/colleagues who are provided to you by your Boss.

Sometime, you feel that he is giving more salary to you or less salary to you. Sometime, you feel that he gives more salary and less work to a person who is less competent than you.

Sometime, you feel that he brings you close to him. Sometime, you feel that he pushes you away from him.

He may fire you in a fine morning or apply pressure to drive you to quit.

But, you should not question any activity of your Boss. He may or may not tell you the reason for his activity. If you try to assume the reason, you will end up in indefinite assumptions. Even if he terminates you, you should accept it willingly.

Apart from salary, you will be in peace if you accept and submit.

Submitting to God

God makes you born in this world. He make somebody rich by birth and somebody poor by birth. He makes somebody rich and poor in the due course of life.

Sometimes He gives abundance of wealth to somebody who is identified by you as BAD person. Sometimes, He gives abundance of wealth to somebody who is identified by you as GOOD person.

Sometimes, God gives pain and grievances to somebody who is identified by you as GOOD or BAD person.

GOD gives you parents, brothers, sisters, wife, children, relatives, friends and neighbors. You may hate some of them and love some of them.

Sometimes, God terminates their life. If you love the person being terminated, you will lament. If you hate the person being terminated you will be happy. But, God behaves irrespective of your sentiments.

Sometime, God let a sick man to live long, and terminates a health man in his youth. Sometime God let a healthy man to live long and terminates a sick man immediately.

Sometime, you feel that God is favoring you and in other time, you feel that He is not favoring you.

You should not question anything. You should not analyze why. You have to submit and accept whatever God is doing.

Don’t equal your office boss with our Divine Boss. Otherwise you will be committing the sin of Idol Worshiping. Office boss is just a mere creation of God like other living beings. He is just a human. He is not Good always and he is not Bad always like everybody.

Both Bosses do not expect us to be their submitters. If you are a submitter or Satan, it is not going to affect both the bosses. They are intact. Do not think your Boss will favor you, if you are a submitter and harass you if you are a Satan. Boss does what he has to do or like to do irrespective of, whether you are a Satan or submitter.

But, being a Satan or Submitter has a impact in you. If you are a Submitter, you are positive, balanced and in peace. If you are a Satan you will be restless.

It is our responsibility to be a Submitter by killing our ego for our own Goodness and Peace.

If you listen to the discourses of Rashad Khalifa, you can understand what is to be a submitter.

In the recent companies I work, I behaved as submitter. I am peaceful and balanced.

The role you play has a impact in you, not to others.

I dedicate this article to the bosses to whom I was a Satan and to the bosses to whom I am a Submitter.

Mood Cycling

Mood Cycling is a psychological disease. It create genius as well as people who faced debacle. The reason for cyclic mood may be anything like chronicle depression, loss of nutrition and etc. It can be treated by consulting a psychologist.

Many people live with depression or cyclic mood problems without knowing that it is a disease happened to mind like other diseases happened to body.

People affected by “cyclic mood”, hang an in a mood without any valid reason and suddenly swift to other or opposite mood without valid reason.

Throughout our life we are traveling between moods. We stop at ‘happiness’ if any of our expectation happened. If anything happened opposite to our expectation we move to ‘sadness’.

If somebody is better performing than our self, we move to ‘hate’ and hang in jealous mood.

We move to ‘FEAR’ mood, if our life or our beloved ones life, or our career, job or our social status is at risk.

If our beloved one dies, we move into depression.

If our day to day life, the incidents happening around us and how we are reacting to the happenings are taking us to a mood. We hang on in the mood for a while. By another incident we are taken to another mood.

I was in sadness yesterday. Today by some incident, I move to happiness. Tomorrow by some incident, I will move to romantic mood. Day after tomorrow, I may move to depression by another incident.

The incidents may be countless, but the unique list of moods we get in our life time will be not more than 20.

Happiness, sadness, jealous, aversion, love, sexy, romantic, fear, angry, dullness, confidence, guts and etc. You can add your moods into the list.

We do not have control in which mood to dwell in. Our environment and incidents happening around us decide in which mood we should be.

You can not be happy or joyful when you travel in Chennai’s metro bus(Pallavan) in peak hours. It is crowded and congested. The bus swallow the passengers two to three times more than its normal capacity.

If you are standing inside the bus, you will be squeezed, you will be suffocating. You can not be joyful while traveling in such condition. You are in stress.

You will be in ‘romantic’ mood if your girl friend or lover traveling with you in the crowded bus. Here both will be in romantic mood.

All of a sudden, you move to ‘happiness’ or a sense of relief mood if you get a seat by chance in such traveling.

Same bus, same crowd but we can ‘travel from mood to mood’.

The default mood of a traveling in a crowded bus in peak hours can be overcome by additional activities.

You can overcome the travel stress by jumping into ‘serious’ discussion with co-passengers. I often do this.

It is natural that human is cycling through moods. But how a cyclic mood or “mood cycle” can be a disease.

1) No bad things happened to you, but you are sad.

2) You have come to sad mood by some incident. You are not able to shift to other moods. You stay in sad mood for longer period or forever irrespective of things happening around you.

It’s time to meet psychologist.

Enthusiasm is the best mood. It helps to over come fear of unknown, fear of failure, and propel us to achieve goals with unknown end. It helps to come out of failure, frustration and depression and any negative mood.

Do you know, what is your default mood?

Does default mood exist?

I do not know that what is the default mood or first mood of man when he born, mood of a baby in womb, mood of just born baby.

But, I pray to God to let the ‘Enthusiasm’ be my default mood.

House Wife Stress

What are the problems of stressed wives?

Money Constraint:
Live within the salary of husband or how much is given by husband.
Either house wives do not have full financial freedom or sufficient finance. Both are tough Stresses.

Routine Job:
Working women can change the company, if they not like it or get bored with it. But house wife can not change their ‘company’. Irrespective of ‘likings’, they have to do the routine job. It is the spirit of ‘love’ glue them to their families(companies).

Lack of Appreciation:
Working women are recognised or appreciated in their office. They get promotion, salary hike and in some way their hard work and achievements are recognized by the people/company to whom they serve. But the dedication and hard work of the house wives are always ignored. Every human being deserve appreciation for the role they play. But the role of house wife never get its appreciation it deserve duly. If you are a house wife and you are appreciated for successfully carrying out your task, please post/comment here.

No Leave:
House wife has to work without leave. Even on holidays, they can not escape from the duties of taking care of their children, husband. I could not think of job with holidays.

Identification Crisis:
If the wife is an “educated house wife”, their self identification will be a stress. Educated woman wants to identify herself as ‘working woman’ in her society. She wants to have professional tagging to her identification. If she is not able to or allowed to go to job due to some ‘valid reasons’, she will have a sort of stress for being an ‘Educated House Wife’.

There is no rule that a house wife must live with all or some stresses mentioned above. There might be few house wives living without the stresses discussed above. If you have any other stress to be highlighted here, please post/comment here.