Internet Literature

Is everything written in internet are literature? There are plenty of content written in Internet. Are the part of Literature?

If a word spoken is language, everything written is literature. There may copied content in Internet. People simply copy content from another websites and post it their website with or without changing the words. This is eGarbage.

There is another type of copying is cGarbage. That is Concept Garbage.

God Divinity Salvation
The concept of plot of Milton’s Paradise Lost is God or divinity. The concept of Pilgrim’s Progress By John Bunyan is God or Divinity. There are various and countless works written woven around God, Divinity, Salvation. These three are copied as concept or theme for many or countless early literary works.

Love is the theme of millions of literary works from all over the world in all the languages. From Romeo and Juliet to Lila Majnu all sharing the central theme Love.

There is no single concept which is unique and not copied over. When cGarbage can be called as Literature, eGarbage also can be called as Literature.

Efficiency in writing is different from simply writing.
I am able to speak is different from, I am an Orator. But all are speeches. The quality of writing may differ but what ever is written is content and it is literature.

Internet is Literature.

In the next centuries, Internet literature will be studied as part of English Literature. Internet Literature is global. Like American Literature, Indian Literature, Internet Literature will have its niche in English Literature.