Dress and Civilization and Globalization

Dress makes the complete man. An animal wears dress is man.

The primitive cloth of man were leaves and animal skin. There is no proper reason why man invented dress. It might be for prevention from natural forces like cold, winter, sun rays, and rain. It might be because of human’s natural instinct to look better and differently. Though dress might be for natural forces, later man developed a Sense of Dressing because of his instinct to appear beautifully.

Before the advent of dress, man was protected from natural forces by his hair running throughout the body. A thick layer of hair ran over his body. When he started to wear something, the need of hair was relaxed. Later human skin did not relay on hair for protection.

According to the theory of ‘Natural Selection’ the thick layer of hair began to fade from the body. It was fading from generation to generation. From generation to generation the quality of cloth and pattern of dress were developed better than previous form. As well as dress developed the layer of hair disappeared. Finally dress becomes like outer skin the human body.

Now dress is a mark of civilization. There are numerous civilization in the world. Like human, Civilization born, grow, change, and die. Great civilizations died in the past. Few civilizations are still thriving. Some are changing. One or two are about to born (Silicon civilization or Age of Semiconductors).

The pattern of dress depends upon the civilization and climate and major crop of its territory.

But nowadays the pattern of dress is becoming global. All over the world man wear pants and shirts for official purpose. Traditional dresses are occasional dresses. They are only for traditional festivals and functions.

In India the traditional dress of woman – ‘Sarees’ is becoming obsolete. Now in India the protocol of dress pattern for females are modernizing because of the influence of western civilization through globalization.

The traditional dress lost its value all over the world.

Very few people in small number stick with traditional wear. We can not do anything for this change of dress code.

What is traditional now was a new trend in the past. What is new today will be traditional in the future.