What is motorcycle as bare metal?

A two wheeler with an engine to rotate the wheel provided throttle, brake to control the speed. What is motorcycle engine(petrol engine or ICE) – motorcycle engines converts heat energy into motion energy. What is electric motor – a motor which converts electric energy into motion energy.

How motorcycle differs? They differ in engine capacity, engine tuning, weight, wheelbase, height, rider sitting triangle or sitting ergonomics, suspension tuning, tire grip, fuel efficiency.

Our feelings, emotions over motorcycle are pure delusions which our mind creates. Once delusions are faded away over a period of time, then we will see a bare metal with wheels, engine, throttle, brake. We do not feel carburetor or fuel injector, battery and other internal parts till they are working fine, like our internal body parts.

Motorcycle selling companies consistently create the delusions over bikes to keep their business profitable.

Life is full of delusions and delusions give excitement to living. Delusions are required to live the materialistic life happily. Delusion is natural and a biological necessity to keep the “life” continuing. We get the “feel of life” from our delusions, like we get the “feel of bike”.

How to become Rich from salaried employee without any background or ancestral wealth?

In order to become rich from salaried employee without any background or ancestral wealth, you need three things in favor of you.

  1. You have to earn more than what do you need to live
  2. You have to invest the excess
  3. Your investment has to grow or appreciate

You have to earn excess, If you are in short of money/salary for your living too, then you will not have money for investment. So earn more than what do you need to live.

Invest the excess money in realty, gold, shares, mutual fund, bonds, in (your/other) business, in (your/other)company.

Your investment have to grow in value or appreciate in value. This is not in your control. Luck has to favor you in 3rd point. Various factors involved in the 3rd point which is beyond your control.

If you do the first two things correctly and then 3rd point also favors you, then you become rich over a period of time. You need to wait for some time for your investment to grow.

If you are not earning more than what do you need, then you can not invest the excess. If you are not investing, then there is no scope for growth or appreciation.

In order to taste the luck/appreciation, you need to invest.

Earn more, invest the excess, pray for appreciation of your investment to become rich.

But, if you want to live happily, enjoy, then SPEND the excess money. You have to earn more than what do you need to live. SPEND the excess to live happily. Spending gives you pleasurable and memorable experience in life.

To become rich, INVEST.

To live happily SPEND.

Choice is yours.

Note: Whatever is your salary, or how much is your salary… Your salary is not richness. It is a blunder to consider salary as richness. Salary is not a life long or evergreen income source. Salary will be stopped sooner or later.

Wealth Ceiling – Greed Free Society – Poverty Free Society

Excess or Greed is a crime

Need of the hour for India and World is wealth ceiling. Today’s socio-cultural-political system is allowing a single person to earn as much as possible either genuine or ingenuine ways. A person can earn as much as money, properties/realty, vehicles, jewel, invest in share markets, unlimited savings or bank balance, unlimited investments as long as he/she pays tax to the government appropriately. One can hold any amount of capital.

This unlimited hoarding of wealth in multiple aspects leading to poverty in the world. Wealth ceiling is not a recommended practice for all humanity for all the periods or time. It is a medicine for the side effects of excess practice of capitalism in current world.

There is no philosophy fits all in all the time. Wealth ceiling could not be implemented 70 years back when the human world was healing after world wars and colonization. Those time the medicine was capitalism. But today we are suffering from capitalism and globalization. Globalization was the medicine to stagnant economy of 1990s. From 2000 onwards globalization took the world economy to next level. That was a cure to the disease which world was suffering 30 years back.

Too much of anything is bad. Too much of capitalism or globalization is also bad. Now world has to distribute the wealth, resources across many people evenly as much as possible. Forcibly governments across countries have to implement wealth ceiling.

For example, an individual should not hold more than 5 lakhs rupees bank balance. If any amount deposited more than 5 lakhs, then government will take the excess amount and use it for people welfare plans. An individual should not buy property more than 3000 sqft of plot or home from realty. There should be limitation of jewels (gold/silver/platinum) allowed to posses by an individual. So 400 grams of gold is the cap. Government will confiscate more than that.

Agriculture land possession can be exception to this wealth ceiling, because large scale farming is better than small scale forming.

In terms of salary, bank balance, realty property, gold possession, share market investments there should be ceiling for an individual as how much maximum he can own.

This should be applicable to all the individuals – politicians, government employees, businessmen, industrialist, etc. Any individual tax identification number(person) should have a ceiling. Exceptions are to corporate, public limited, private limited companies based on how many employees working there and how much salary distributed.

This is will dilute the material interests of people. People will stop boasting about salary, wealth, economic status, designation, positions and etc. People will not be stressed out in job, because they know they have a salary ceiling. Businessman will not cheat or overdo the business for more profit, because, the more they earn will be confiscated by government.

There will not be political and bureaucratic scam or bribery. No use of making more money when you have a ceiling on your wealth.

There were times, when man can marry multiple wives at a time. Nowadays, this practice of polygamy is extinct. Social awareness and legal systems helped to remove polygamy from the society. Many social evils on women are eliminated from the society by government and legal system.

Excess wealth with an individual is a social disease like obesity – excess body weight.

Our society is severely affected with a disastrous hunger for wealth. Employees want more salary, businessmen want more profit, education has become a profitable business, healthcare is a profit making business, hotel, food… everything running for profit, more profit. Service is ignored, profit is focused. Need of the hour is profit ceiling.

This will change the people’s mind set towards material values. People’s belief and value system will change. Welfare governments will rise and profit making governments will disappear.

With more money, scam free honest government can provide education, shelter, healthcare, basic needs to all the people evenly.

More employment will be created instead of high earning few individuals. Jobs will be distributed as well as salary too.

We need to take the medicine of Wealth Ceiling before we die due to excess consumption of globalization and capitalization.

This is not a permanent approach towards wealth. After 50 years from now, this wealth ceiling can be abandoned. There is no rule applicable to all the time. Medicine as per disease and till we have disease. Once disease cured, stop taking medicine, live normally.

Our society is severely affected by a disease called Greed. We greed for more marks in education. We greed for more salary in employment. We greed for more profit in business. We greed for more properties, assets. We greed for more jewels. We greed for more. We greed for more material wealth. We greed for more status, we greed for more fame, we greed for more recognition, we greed for more want.

Wealth ceiling is a right medicine to cure this Greed for More.

The current socio-political-economic system is allowing individual wealth hoarding without limits even genuinely. It is accepting the greed legally. As on date, greed/excess is not a crime, might be sin, but not a crime as per current legal system. The system has to change and stop wealth hoarding without limits and enforce limiting on greed or excess.

Dynamic Definition to Material Life

If any philosophy, ideology, concept, formula give definite state or priciples to life then it will fail at some point.

No formula or philosophy or no rule fits all or suitable for all the situations.

Life is dynamic, changing from time to time and from person to person and from being to being.

Life cannot be approached with definite or rigidly structured rule or philosophy.

A dynamic definition is required to approach material life.

True God’s grace, God’s blessings

We pray for God’s blessing to have good things and good experience and good feeling in life. We seek God’s blessings to be happy in this life. What is true blessings? Here is my hypothesis.

When somebody have a narrow escape in a road accident, we usually say it is because of God’s grace he or she escaped.

Here is a use case. Mr. Muthu is a 55 year old man. He has wife, daughter, and son. Muthu met an accident in road while going to office. He narrowly escaped from the accident with slight bruises.

His wife, family members said that he is alive, not died in accident due to God’s grace, he is Blessed.

After one month from the accident, Muthu’s daughter eloped with her lover. Muthu gone into deep agony. While searching his daughter, his son met accident and his son broke his leg and hospitalised.

Now, how Muthu is feeling. Does he think that God saved him from the accident to have and undergo bitter experience now. Does he feel that it is because of God’s grace he escaped from accident one month back?

His feeling now will be that he should have died in accident one month back so that he will not face the current problems – daughter’s elopement and son’s accident.

So Muthu’s escape from accident is a blessing or curse from God or Satan. Who saved Muthu from fatal accident? God or Satan?

When God terminate somebody’s life, we don’t know whether the death is a blessing or curse. When God saves somebody from death, we don’t know whether it is a blessing or curse.

End of wordly life means end of both pleasure and pain from this worldly life. Who knows whether you escaped from pain or pleasure or both.

Death is a true blessing which put an end to the never ending sufferings in materialistic life. Extension of life is a curse which continues the suffering of this worldly life.

Major religions of humanity believe that this worldly life is immaterial and it is a preparation phase for after life. Death takes the spirit back from earthly life and sends the spirit to after life. So true believers of the major religions should long for death, seek God’grace to die and enter into everlasting next life.

Do you seek “true blessing” from God?

Hindu philosophy and it’s various sub sects believe that once you complete experiencing your karma both good and bad, your life will be terminated. Your next life will be based on both remaining karma and new karma added.

Abrahamic religions believe that once you are thoroughly tested through good and bad by God, and the testing is over, your life will be terminated. Based on your testing result, you will be judged and your everlasting after life is decided – heaven or hell.

Both Hindu religion(s) and Abrahamic religions believe this worldly life is the preparation phase for after life. Rules and regulations to pass the test is already prescribed. You have to adhere and follow the rules to pass the test or add good karma.

Whatever religion you may follow and believe – will you seek God’s true blessing?

Journey of a Dust

Dust particles floating in ray of light

What could be the journey of a dust? Does dust can have its goal, ambition, desire, destination?

We see dust particles moving here and there. In ray of sun light, movement of dust particles are visible to naked eyes.

Can a dust move on its own? Can a dust decide it’s path? When the air blows, dust move in the direction of wind. Dust move at the speed of wind. Dust seized to move when wind stops blowing. Thats it.

It is the air or wind which makes the dust move, float, arise, get velocity, etc.

Assume that dust has desire, mind, thoughts, ambition, destination. Can a dust do anything for its desire or goal or destination? It has to wait for the wind to blow to have movement.

What a pity, if dust have desires but it can not do anything on its own to attain it’s desires. Even if wind blows it is no guarantee that wind will take the dust to its destination. Dust has to develop/change desires, goal, destination according to wind.

We are all dust particles in the Divine Chaos. We move here and there based on Chaos. Chaos has to propel us. It is very pathetic to have desires in the Cosmic chaos. Humans have goals which are equal to goal of dust.

There is no meaning of dust having desires, it may or may not be realised depending on wind blow. In the same way human desires may or may not be realised based on Cosmic Chaos. Chaos has to favour our desires, destination.

Can a dust be proud of having reached its destination? Can a dust be ashame of not reaching its destination? First of all, can a dust have a destination of its own?

But, humans will be proud of achieving their goals, will be ashame of not achieving goals. When Divine chaos lifts us in worldly life, we feel proud as we lifted ourself by our effort. When Divine chaos drops us in worldly life, we feel sad as we fall or reached lower state by our mistakes.

We are nothing more than dust in Divine chaos, our desires, goals, ambition are like a dust having it’s desires, goals, destination.

How to stop thoughts – thinking

How to stop thoughts… Concentrate on breathing, watch your breathing – inhale exhale, breath-in breath-out, watch your thoughts…blah blah all complex stupid efforts are useless, waste of time.

More involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger more thoughts. Less involvement, attachment in this worldly life will trigger less thoughts. Thoughts will reduce or have no thoughts at ease without your efforts, if you detach from this worldly life . Man in deep sleep and dead man have no thoughts or thinking. Both are in a state where they are completely disconnected from this world. Thats it.

But, don’t worry whether you have thoughts or not, thoughts are natural reflexes of mind for your interaction with worldly matters. Without thoughts you can not interact with world. Let it be as long as you like to or need to interact with worldly life. We speak orally, we think mentally. Both required to live. Be moderate in speech as well as thinking.

Divine Chaos driving life

This life events are caused by divine chaos. With human intelligence and logic, we can not understand the divine logic behind divine chaos.

Most of the people who speaks spirituality are speaking from what they read, hear. They understand/digest what they read and hear and re-tell their own version. They don’t speak out of their true experience or wisdom.

Even if few may undergo true spiritual experience by God’s will or have wisdom from birth by God’s blessing, have no need to speak and they don’t speak. Even if they speak out of their true experience or own wisdom, people can not differentiate between those who speak from what they read, listen and those who speak out of experience. Both looks same.

Nobody can understand Divine Chaos, whatever book we read, whatever speech we listen, whatever we study, analyse about mind, whatever meditation we do, what ever experience we have, whatever wisdom we have, we can not understand this Chaos.

Once, we realise that we can not understand Cosmic Chaos…. Spirituality ends, we become enlightened.

Enlightenment comes from God.