Digital Renaissance need NEW God, Religion, Philosophy.

Humans are in their age of semi-conductors, internet, digital money, AI. We are in digital Renaissance.

The Gods, religions, philosophies induced by agrarian social model will not work out any more in digital era. They are obsolete, outdated.

The human invention of God, philosophies, religions, spirituality have taken humans from barbaric or cannibalism to peaceful resource sharing society. Countries, big societies are formed due to this inventions. They helped humans to organise in a larger scale or build unity.

We have a organised ways of resource sharing across billions of people. When I say resource sharing I mean, food, shelter, sex, cloths, etc. The way resources were shared in barbaric society was ruthless. Agrarian society has a better “competitive resource sharing practices” when compared to barbaric or savage society. Evolution of Marriage played a vital role in agrarian society. Though there were inequalities here and there, by and large agrarian model was better than barbaric model. Now resource sharing practices of agrarian model is failing in digital society. Marriage is failing frequently and leading to disappointment and frustration mostly in digital age. Economically independent woman does not require a role called “husband” in long run. Financially independent wife is in no need to serve a “husband” forever unconditionally till either one dies. Digital age need new resource sharing practices better than agrarian model. Marriage has to be abandoned or better child care and old age care process has to be evolved as per digital age.

The life values of agrarian social system are expired or diluted in Digital society. We used a ladder to claim from barbaric to agrarian social setup. We cannot attach to that ladder anymore. We need new lift to claim from digital era further. Drop the ladder which we built and used to claim. Now we have to build and use a modern elevator to claim from digital Renaissance.

We need new God, religion, spirituality, philosophy to claim further from digital age.

If we continue to use the age old ladder, the nemesis will be worse and unimaginable like we consume expired medicine or rotten food.

If we, let it evolve on its own, it will take it’s sweet time to evolve, and many people will suffer in various ways or die out of resource to live during this evolving period.

After attaining freedom from British, India wrote it’s Constitution immediately. It did not wait for the Constitution to evolve. Like that, it is time now for World to create it’s new God, religion, philosophy, spirituality, resource(food, shelter, clothing, sex, comfort, luxury,status,pride) sharing practices globally according to digital era. No time for experiment, trial and error. Consciously create a new belief system and values.

Gist of Most Religions

No religion is addressing hunger. We have to fulfill our hunger.

1)Once hunger is fulfilled, next we have urges for lust, desire, comfort, fear, jealous, greedy, ego, selfish instincts. All religions address the solution for these emotions. All religion’s answer is be detached. Dont be driven by these feelings, dont act on these feelings, just skip and ignore them.

2) Next, there are external circumstance, which we dont have any control. Death, decease, accidents, loss of wealth, loss in business, loss of income, loss of lives, we may loose our loved ones. There are many external events, which are either harmful to us or beneficial to us. We dont know, why “this” is happened to me or why “this” is not happening to me. Here religions differ in their opinions. Yes opinions. Some say these are test by God to us. God is testing us by giving grievances or pleasure, God is running everything. Some say these are due to our bad or good Karma. What we did in the past lives, that accounts are settled now. Some religion accepts, we dont know why these things happening, but it happens, we have to undergo and experience both good and bad. Expect the unexpected and be flexible. The more we attached, we enjoy/suffer more when good/bad things happen to us. The more we detached, we will be neutral when good/bad things happen to us. But we dont have control over what is happening and dont know why happening. We are completely broke in External events.

Regarding External events, we may believe in any one of the hypothesis by religions as per which hypothesis we like or convincing to us. Your gene has instructions as what you have to believe. Follow it, follow your gene in what to believe. Don’t confront your gene’s instruction by your intelligence. The opportunities given to you by socio-cultural-economic aspects of your time, and how your gene will act or react to the opportunities given, is your decision. So, what you are going to believe is already decided in your gene. How intense you will believe, that is also decided in your gene. Adhere to your gene’s instructions to have moods like “be blessed, peace and tranquility” – brain chemicals responsible for these moods will secrete . Have a belief to be stable with both good and bad of life. If you are not stable, then when good happen to you, you will say it is because of you. When bad happens to you, you will say, it is because of others. There is no unconditional success or unconditional failure. All success are conditional success, all failures are conditional failures.

Mind is like a fertile land. What you sow there, it will grow. If fertile land is not cultivated, then anything will grow in it randomly by chance. Don’t let your mind be a barren or waste land. What belief you seed in your mind, that will grow. Once you start believing the belief, then Belief Magic starts. Mind’s extraordinary skill is belief magic. Belief magic will give you intuition, delusion, interpretation based on your belief to strengthen it further. By the “proof” of your mind’s belief magic , you will realise that your belief is “true”.

If you believe, there is no God, then your mind’s belief magic will make you feel, have valid reasoning that world is functioning without God.

If you believe, God exists, then you will have believe magic effects such as intuition, delusion, reasoning that God is running everything.

Belief magic will make you feel your belief is “logically” correct and proven.

Never argue with a person who has strong belief in a system. If he/she has belief magic experience, then he/she will claim his/her belief is true. They will claim their belief is true and other beliefs are false.

Sow a solid belief in your mind about life from any religion, enjoy the belief magic effects without disturbing others or other believes, be stable in the turbulence of life.

Be aware of Belief magic, Delusional magic, Bipolar magic – they can do wonders as well as blunders in human life.

Religion or religious leaders – have not discoursed anything new. What were prevailing in the human society for thousands of year are retold in a organized way by religions. They were many sayings, philosophies, ideas, opinions, results of experiments in the society. They were scattered here and there. Religious leaders gathered those “sayings” and organized them into a system or establishment called religion.

Shopping mall is new and unique. But shops inside shopping mall are not new, Shops are existing for so many years even before the creation of Shopping mall. Shops were scattered here and there. Shopping mall organized them into a single and dedicated place. Shopping mall is new, but the ingredients of shopping mall – Shops are not new, they are old and represented in a better way by Shopping mall. Like that religion is an independent, unique establishment, but it’s doctrines are age old living practices, morale, experiments of life – existing thousands of years before creation of religion.

3) Next, how the world/universe is created, what will happen after death. Here too, religions differ in their hypothesis slightly. Some say God created this universe and living beings. Some say it is created on its own, say co-incidents. Life evolved, not planned. Some religion says After death nothing, void. Some religions say, our soul will go to heaven or hell decided by our actions while living. Some religions say, we will rebirth and continue experiencing consequences of our Karma and indulge in new Karma.

Thats it. Internal triggering like fear, desire, lust, greedy, jealous, ego are addressed by all the religions in same manner, ignore them. External events – we dont have control, good or bad – experience it, reason – religions have different hypothesis. Why, who created Universe, life? what is after death? – Religions have different hypothesis.

Leave the hypothesis. They are just believes, people fight for their belief, murder for their belief, and die for their belief. Belief is not fact or proven. Leave it. Belief is a Subjective Reality. It works out to somebody, and it does not work out to many. Know the difference between Belief and Truth.

All religions concur in one thing about fear, desire, lust, greedy, jealous, ego, selfish instincts – the self or internal forces. Ignore these feelings and skip them. Never act upon these feelings/thoughts/emotions.

We have to get united over where religions concur. We should not have conflict over where religions differ. Ignore the differences. Embrace the concurrence.