Education is a serious benchmark for everybody’s survival, status, success in this materialistic world. For the last 50+ years in India or all over the world post British Colonial era – education has attained a prominent state in the society.
Without education or literacy, it is very hard to survive and lead a economically decent life in this society. Till fifty years back, people without education managed to live, earn, got married, brought up children and lived their life to the fullest. There were lot of scope for uneducated man to live on olden days. Nowadays, it is not possible to live without education.
We are living in a worst social period which is conditioned by education, and everybody is forced to educate themself.
There were times, when hunters were recognized, later farmers were recognized, later soldiers were recognized, later poets, painters, sculptures were recognized. Before independence freedom fighters were recognized, nowadays there is no scope for freedom fighters.
Everything is a niche skillset, man have it either by birth and trained it. Not everybody was a good hunter, or farmer or soldier, or poets. Each is a special skill – either trained or having by birth. Not everybody can succeed in all fields or professions.
Like that, education is a special skill set, it requires reading, comprehend, and retell/vomit what was memorized. Not all the people on the earth are good at reading, memorizing, and vomiting/retelling. Everybody can speak, but not all can be an orator. Speaking and giving a speech are different skill sets. It need to train your brain or have such brain by birth.
British, spread their western education in India to train, recruit employees for their administrative tasks. An educational system grooming students for administrative or clerical task is still practiced in post independence era. An administrative education is the benchmark or baseline for everything in India. In this context, think about the state of people who do not have skill sets to thrive in education or who can not train themselves to read, memorize, and vomit.
Today, society is enforcing everybody to read, memorize, and vomit though not everybody is good at studying. Many people may not have the brain skill sets for studying. They may have natural skill set in some other domain or fields. Society is not ready to experiment or identify the skill set of every individuals. Its only path is read, memorize, vomit. That’s it.
Assume that if everybody to is asked to run fast, Running fast is the social baseline for everything. Those who run fast will get jobs, status, recognition, etc. So every children will be given training to run fast from childhood. Those who do not or can not run fast will be dumped down. Running is a special niche or skill set, one has to train themselves or have that skill by birth. Others struggle.
In the similar way, we are – the society – the world is enforcing a specialized skill set(reading, memorizing, vomiting) on everybody globally. Those who do not have the skill set, are struggling. What a stupidity. Those who do not have the skill set to study are in pathetic situation in current era.