Work without Stress

Today’s biggest problem to developing and developed countries is Stress to their working force. Nobody cares about it. Because Stress is a slow process. It can slowly spoil the your relationship with others.

People fight because of the stress but without aware of it.

Hidden reason for many divorce is relationship stress.

Many job jumping is because of stress. Once the stress is increased in the current job by whatever reason, people change the company. Soon in the new company, the same is repeated.

The causes of stress may be anything, but stress spoils the quality of life. We will loose our sense of well being.

High expectation, committing more than what you can deliver, fear of loosing the job, under paid job, working for long hours, working without taking rest in proper intervals, and immediate boss harassment are all related to job stress. People work happily in one company and jump to another company for higher pay then trap into the stress. Because higher pay demands higher productivity.

We should aware of stress limit. Like body weight increases stress increases without our knowledge. We feel it later on ,when it becomes the issue.

We can work out everyday to avoid increasing body mass, in the same manner we can practice certain relaxation work out in our daily life. So stress level will be in control. Yoga, meditation, music, sports, walking, aquarium are better anti-stress practices. One should aware which best suits him/her for stress relaxation. Practice it everyday.

Use your leaves offered in office. Take leave in proper interval. Go to vacation. Never do over-work continuously. Never work with tension. If tension mounted then stop working. Never fear of loosing job.

Do not think the current employment is the end of job market. There is no job security in the world. World is the biggest market with vast variety. You can sell yourself at the price you expect easily. World is big.

Never work under stressful environment. This life is one time, live peacefully and happily.

If there is any immediate boss harassment in your working place, disappear from the place without even intimation. We are not here to fight with such superiors.

Long working hours will not kill you, but kill your quality of life. Beware of Long workings.

Better way to beat ‘Fear of Losing Job’ is save three months of your pay check in your bank. Whatever happens you can get another job within three months. Your savings can meat out your life needs. Do not be in a situation as if your pay check stopped, depend on others or borrow money for your expense. Save some amount to balance job hunting time.

Your loyalty to company, efficiency, expertise level , say many ‘yes’ to boss and nothing is going to protect expect your bank balance. Your ability to work consistently is the key factor of your survival and success not your loyalty to boss. There is no royalty for loyalty.

Your mental and physical fitness and skill set are the most important things to earn than anything. Preserve it. Protect it from Stress.

Power Consumption causes global warming

Power Consumption is a big threat to environmental safety of earth. The consequences of human scientific power consumption and other scientific applications lead to hole in ozone layer.

Do you thing is human scientific way of power generation right? I do not think so. It is wrong. Like bugs in software programs, which do not give much harm at the initial stage, but later result in software crash.

In long distance scaling, slightest variation may not be spotted out initially, but result in a big blunder later. Example: A missile target is set to 90 decrees angle east from its base. The target is 1000 miles away. Mistakenly the angle is set to 90.001 decrees. This may not be much different in numerical figures, but biggest difference in the final target. 1000 miles away target by 90 decrees and 90.001 decrees are two different locations.


During the course of human civilization and scientific development, a minute error happened. That is coal, oil, nuclear reactors and dams. They are sources of power generation. These errors were not spotted out in the past. Now they are fatal mistakes.

The nemesis of using coal, oil, nuclear reactors, dams may extinct Life from earth. God keeps coal and oil deep into the earth and away from human contact. But we have dug them out.

We are doing mistakes to be unmistakable. Errors are correctable. We can correct our self.

Now we have to find alternate sources for power, which are environmental friendly. We have to find it and preserve our Bio-Environment. Wind, sea waves and Solar are other best alternates. As per today’s scientific norms they are harmless to environment. Lets transform to Bio-Electicity.

But the impact of bio-electricity will come to know only in the future.

Power Consumption refers to Electricity, fuel Usage.

Is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) a Solution or Problem?

Is Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) a Solution or Problem to global warming?

Instead of reducing the carbon emission, clean the Air from carbon emitted. This is what carbon captured and storage methodology.

Assume that dons and dons of carbon captured and deposited in the CCS machine. Where will the captured carbon go? How to dispose it and where to dispose it?

There are two ideas suggested by scientists.

First is throw the captured carbon into the outer space of the earth. Assume that, it will ‘cover’ the earth from sun rays and reduce global warming.

Space is a garbage, collecting rocket and satellite wastes already. If CCS implemented, space will be a dust bin for carbon.

There is no guarantee for, carbon thrown into outer space will not come to our surface due to earth’s gravitational force. There may be ‘black rain’ in the future.

Second idea is bury the carbon deep into the earth. This seems to be better than the first idea. Let the carbon go back to its original place.

We dig out the coal. Now bury the coal in the form of carbon to its original place. So, we can re-use the carbon after few hundred years or more when the buried carbon becomes coal.

We may not know, how the land and ground water will be contaminated because of buried carbon. There may be rise of carbonated water from earth. Our scientist will come out with a solution to treat the carbon contaminated water to potable water.

We seed a problem now and find out solution to solve it when it sprouts out.

Developed countries may deposit or bury their carbon waste in developing or under developed countries. Developed countries may be cleaned from carbon by converting developing and under developed countries as carbon ‘dust bin’.


For me CCS seems to be pain killer, but not a permanent solution to the root cause. It may give some relief initially.

The money, time, effort will be invested in implementing CCS can be diverted to create new forest and protect existing forest. Forest(trees) is the natural carbon capturing and storage plant.

In overall, CCS is not going to solve the problem. It may postpone the problem and allow it to rise in different form in the future.


If you do not know what is CCS, please read further.

Carbon Capture and Storage(CCS) is a new terminology in global warming to me. Developed countries and scientists see CCS is one of the way to fight global warming and climate change.

CCS’ main focus is to filter carbon dioxide emission due to fossil fuel usage. Like Coal, Petrol, Diesel, etc.

CCS is a methodology to filter carbon from air. Assume that a huge machine size of a sky scrapper building. It sucks the air. Filter the carbon available in the air. Captured carbon is deposited. The purified air is released out.

In simple words – Assume that you have fish tank or Aquarium set up in your home. You can see a motor running in the tank. There is a filter at the bottom of the tank, which may be buried under the pebbles or sand in the tank. Excretion of fishes are filtered and deposited at the bottom of the tank. Every two or three months, filter has to be cleaned.

In common man understanding the same can be assumed with CCS process.

Instead of reducing carbon emission, it filters the carbon emitted.

As on date CCS is not yet implemented.

Sense of Wellbeing

Sense of wellbeing is the quality of your living. How we live is more important than how long we live. Till our last breadth, we should be happy and healthy.

Do not think that rich people have sense of well being and poor do not have. Money is not any way related to sense of well being. It may be one of the ingredients to get sense of well being, but not as a whole. Your economic status, social status, and other social tagging are not related to sense of well being.

What is sense of well being? It is a state of mind, which reflects in your action and speech. Sense of well being is entirely depending on the ‘emotional well being’. As long as the employees are having sense of well being their chances of job hopping is less. Relationship breaks due to lack of well being feeling.

Benefits of sense of well being are many. It reduces the aging process. Increase our immunity. It gives a cordial relationship with people around us. Sense of well being is just opposite of stress.

Enemies of Sense of well being

First enemy of sense of well being is stress. Stress can be of many types like work load stress, relationship stress, financial stress, old age stress, and many more. When you have stress you will loose sense of well being and vice versa. Lead a stress free life. Avoid getting stress or learn to relax.

Second thing which kills our sense of well being is our negative feelings or moods. Angry, fear, tension, jealous, urgency, inferiority complex, hesitation, obsessive thought pattern, hate, boring feeling, worries, depression are negative feelings or moods which take away our sense of well being.

Nothing in the universe is in our control, expect our mind. Mind is the only thing we can control. But we try to control outer world rather than inner world. We can avoid loading these negative moods into our head. It is not easy to ignore these feelings, but we can ignore these moods by practice. These negative feelings can influence you, but cannot change a single bit out of you.

If you live without stress and negative feelings, then you can realize what sense of well being is. There is no word to explain what is it? Stress management, mood regulator may be a high self management concepts. There is a simple way to have sense of well being. Which game was interesting to you when you where in childhood or boyhood or when you lived happily. Play that game again. Play with full fun and laugh. Then sense of well being will embrace you. How many of us playing after started to receive salary.

How to give up Habits

Habit means “A practice which is automated and hard to give up”. A regular tendency or sometimes an urge to be in a mood or do an action.

Habit is one of the features of human mind. The concept of habit is similar to the motion in universe.

There are countless and various types of habits in the world. According to the change of time, habits also change. Watching TV, eating snacks, drinking alcohols, smoking are all ‘known habits’.

There are unknown habits too. Often settle down in a particular ‘mood’, perform actions related to the mood. ‘Habitual Moods’ are unknown habits. We can not perceive it physically.

The reason for making acquaintance with an activity initially may be anything. The often repeated activity soon becomes habit. When an activity becomes habit we will be slave to that habit.

The expense for most of the habits are shooting up in both money and other resources like time, etch. People spend from minor to major portion of their income for their habits.

Giving up a Habit

For giving up a habit we need self control, self discipline, and mental consistency.

All who are trying to give up a habit will not succeed. Very few percentage are succeeding. In normal case we have to sacrifice few ‘failures’ in our efforts to succeeding in giving up a habit. It is like getting through Indian Government Competitive examinations. Some people succeeds instantly when they take oath to give up their habit. Most of the pledges to give up habit will go at astray.

There are two ways for giving up a habit. Slowly, but steadily we are addicted to habit. In the same way we can give up a habit. Secondly we addicted to habit suddenly like starting drinking when failed in love or something else. We can give up habit suddenly, but to give up suddenly we need formidable self control.

There is no habit in the world can be defined as beyond giving up. All habits can be given up by human effort. All men have the courage and self control to stop a habit. Escalating method is the easy and systematic way to give up any kind of habit at any stage.

Impact of Habit

There are two types are habit in practice. There are good habits and bad habits. Good habits are favorable to the practitioner and Bad habits destroy the practitioner.

Becoming a slave to a good habit is beneficial. We have to find good habits and practice it till we are slave to the habit.

In reality, becoming slave to bad habit is very easy, but giving up is very tough. Giving up a good habit is very easy, but get addicted to good habit is very tough.

Best temperament over habits is get the control over all sorts of habits. We should be able to command our habits to activate and deactivate, this is even applicable to our thought process and thought addictions.

Which will give financial freedom

Recently I heard one of my friend’s colleague is earning huge money from his blog. So he resigned his Job.

I thought if my get popular, I could have earn sufficient money to give up my job. I will be free from work and attain financial freedom. Another friend said, if he succeed in his MLM business, then he will be free financially.

Every one has their idea of satisfying their need in one or other way. But in reality things will be different.

When is monetorized I may loose the pleasure of blogging. I see it as my business not a hobby. When I start to expect something then I have to face either satisfaction or frustration. Blogging will become pressure to me when it becomes business to me. Then I have to ‘work’ to keep up the revenue generation expectation of Anyway I have to keep ‘working’ for something.

If my friend succeed in MLM, then twenty four hours a day will not be sufficient for him. He will be running on heels to ‘show the plan’ to many people. He will be busy attending or conducting more meetings. His downlines will be ringing his mobile phone.

I do not find anybody stop ‘working’ or feel their needs are satisfied after succeeding in MLM. While struggling in MLM it your part time business, when succeed in MLM it is your full time business.

Nobody in this world stop working till their last breath either directly or indirectly. There is no such thing like if you attain that then no need to work for our needs.

There is no end for need. Need creates more needs. Fulfilling one need leads to another need. If you need a car for traveling, then your car needs fuel, maintenance, and a driver, a parking space if you are in a crowded metro city. You need to work more to earn more after fulfilling your traveling need than before.

Whether MLM, Blog, innovative products, concepts, ideas, career goal, education and etc; nothing is going to fulfill your needs without ‘working’. It is the ‘working’ alone can fulfill your needs. Others are illusion or false ideologies.

So be ready and happy to ‘work’ for anything. Have enthusiasm to work.

Immediate Boss Harassment

Immediate boss harassment, one of the main reasons for job hops. People change their boss, company, but they do not quit working. They change their working environment but keep working.

This is a very critical issue to be addressed. Of course, there are few cases where immediate boss is harassed by sub-ordinates. Often, sub-ordinates are the victims.

This is mainly because of Ego. There is no way to stop the employees from moving to another company, when immediate boss and sub-ordinates get into friction.

In the management point of view, immediate boss is important. Of course, he is the one who gets the job done any way, but at the cost of losing quality human resources. He also increases the work load to human resource department by more interviews.

High human resource traffic is not good for the company. In long run there will be no stability. If you are a CEO or MD, please, think of the ‘pillars’ of your company. You cannot be where you are now, if they(pillars) were not consistent for long time. The more number of stable pillars, the more stronger and bigger the house will be. Your current pillars do not allow new pillars to rise up. The is the problem. If you like your company to be small, then you can be content with one or two pillars and need not mind about the rest of the employee force. Let them be crushed by their immediate superior(your pillar).

It is very rare to find good chemistry between immediate boss and sub-ordinate.

The reasons for friction between the superior and the sub-ordinate are Ego, workload or anything else. But, who is going to suffer? Ultimately, the company. Employee will move to another company, the boss too may get another employee. It is the company which is going to lose in the long run.

More leaders in the company will bring more productivity. More productivity leads to more business. Real leaders make leaders. The world’s ancient business model ‘religion’ is a concept of ‘making leader’. Leader has to create new leaders. Religions are alive successfully for centuries and centuries are following the ‘making leader’ strategy. This is applicable to companies too. A company needs to generate new leaders to progress consistently.

Immediate boss maintains himself as leader beyond competition. He does all gimmicks to keep his position intact and away from competition. He neglects to identify and nurture new leaders, which is very badly needed for the progress and firmness of the company.

I can not support either sub ordinate or immediate boss. I played both roles. I was harassed by my boss. Later, I moved to another company. There I was promoted to Lead few programmers, whom, I harassed in turn. I psychologically forced even talented programmers to quit. What I needed was obedience and surrender from my sub-ordinates. They had to keep my EGO satisfied. Later, I changed my attitude towards my sub ordinates. I became most lovable mentor of them..

Every individual has to change. Company has to implement strict policy towards human resource traffic stimulated by immediate boss harassment.

You do not continue if you are a sub-ordinate harassed by your immediate boss. The company is not going to listen to your grievances. It needs to get the job done anyway. Your immediate boss is vested with such power to get the job done. Depending upon your financial situation, change the company, or take leave often. Never waste your time and energy to bear or fight with your boss.

If you do not find a good chemistry, please change. This is applicable to both employee and immediate boss, because, both are not going to loose. It is the company which is going loose ultimately.

Immediate boss is also an employee. He too jumps to another company if he gets friction with his superior.

Global warming More Wealth Leads to More Pollution

More wealth leads to more pollution. It is true in case of Global warming. The more money you have, you will consume more power. Consuming Electricity, Fuels like petrol/diesel, Using Air Conditioner both at home and vehicle and office, Eating more(more burning of gas or wood), and having more cloths than actually needed, etc – everything is power consumption. The more you consume the more you are polluting your environment.

Having anything more than your basic need, leads to pollution. Both environmental pollution and Economic pollution.

If you are wealthy, you will have car. Everyday you go to your office and everywhere by car. You buy petrol to drive your car. Everywhere you go using your car, you are releasing carbon monoxide and other toxic elements by burning the petrol or diesel. You use AC and refrigerator. You will live in big house which is more than required for your family members. So you occupy more space too. Which leads to ‘space scarcity’. You are polluting our environment by your life style. You are major pollutant of our earth.

If you are moderate wealth or leading a middle class life style, you must have a two wheeler/bike. Your mobility will be using your bike. You consume some volume of petrol to ride your bike. You are releasing carbon monoxide and other toxic elements wherever you go. But the level of pollution is less compare to car owners. You may not have Air Conditioner but may have refrigerator. You may live in a house which is enough for your family members. You are polluting our environment by your life style, but not up to the level of Wealthy people. You are moderate pollutant of our earth.

Both rich and moderate income group have either major or minor role in ozone depletion.

If you are poor, you go by bicycle or bus(public transport) or walk. So for your mobility you are not polluting the environment like car or bike users. Even you go by public transport(bus), it is shared by 100 of people(in my city is more than 200+ per bus in peak hours). So your share in fuel consumption is very low since bus fuel consumption is shared by many people. You may not have refrigerator. You may have a portable TV. You live in a house which is smaller than your family members required. You live in congested house. You are minor pollutant of our earth.

If you are beggar or wondering person, your not at all polluting the earth compare to above mentioned categories. Of course, if you are such person, you are not going to read this. You do not live in house, you do not consume electricity, you do not use car/bike/bus for your mobility. You walk everywhere you go. No chemical intoxication to the environment from your side.

We need to save our planet. We need to stop or reduce the global warming. We can not live without polluting our environment. Even while breathing we release carbon dioxide. We pollute our environment by breathing. We can not live without polluting our environment but we can reduce the level of pollution.

We need not be a beggar. We need to adapt a simple life style and reduce our comfort level to reduce our individual pollution level.

The more we use public transport for our mobility, our individual level of pollution will get reduced. If you are regularly going to your workplace by car or bike, you can switch to public transport(bus) to reduce fuel consumption. It will be a great difference in terms of years. For the next 10 years either you use car or bike for your mobility or use public transport. Both have a big difference in quantity of toxic you released to the environment at the end of 10 years.

Of course bus traveling is not easy. You may not get a seat for sitting always. You may not get sufficient space for standing. You may be squeezed and you may be squeezing others. But be proud you are not polluting our environment. You are not a pollutant.
The whole passengers traveling with you are not polluting the environment like you.

If you have car or bike, but you start using public transport in your day to day life, be proud, you are sacrificing your comfort for the sake of our planet. Let our next generation have a green earth.

Have awareness about global warming. Take the individual responsibility to stop global warming.

Job Profile you never Quit

Many people desire to quit their job, want to escape from pay check/rat race. They desire for a residual income. They try to build a network in MLM. Some try to start a blog, a social networking site and etc. Some want to start their own business. By these activities they believe, they can attain financial freedom and security.

People believe job is not secure. You can list your own negative reasons for going to job.

But these are due to false belief and unnecessary fears over job.

I will tell you a job profile, you will never quit.

In your current job, you do not need to report in the morning by 9am or 10am. Of course, which is a the official time to report. But, you can decide your reporting time as per your work. You can reach 30 or 45 minutes late, no issues. At the same time if there is a need to report early, you will report.

This ‘flexible reporting’ will not affect your salary as long as you are doing your job well. An average six to eight hours you need to work per day.

There is no work pressure. Whenever a task is assigned to you, it is you have to confirm how much time and resource you need. You will not be pressured for less than what you assess.

If some of the tasks are beyond your skill or ability, you are free to convey as it is beyond your talent. The task will be re-assign to somebody else who can do the job. You will not be blamed or put down because of your inability. Both your strength and weakness are accepted.

Company will not pressure you to upgrade/improve your ability. It is you have to improve yourself. If you improve and upgrade yourself, company will appreciate in all the aspects. Otherwise, company will accept you as you are.

Salary will be paid promptly and more than enough. Every year there will be a hike depending upon your performance.

Company’s economy is very sound. Company has good business. Salary is consistent and definite.

No office politics stress. Opportunity is equal to everybody. Management maintains a ‘Win Win’ policy rather than ‘Win Lost’. At the same time, it will not interfere in relationship among staff. If you want to start a group/politics, you can but you can not put down anybody. If you do not want to participate in office politics, you will be protected against other political groups.

Nobody is allowed to put down others. Your team will be changed or different work will be given to you if you do not feel comfortable when working with somebody.

No firing. Company will not fire you at any cost. Firing is a negative management policy. So, no firing. Legal cases are exceptions.

Whenever you have problem, you can discuss with your management freely.

Yearly twice or thrice, you can have short time vocations.

You feel so comfortable in your office than your home. No fear, no tension.

If you are offered such a job profile or your current job will be changed like that, do you give up your job? Do you think of starting MLM or blog or any other residual income source?

You will find your job is better than your dream business. You focus only in your job not any other things. You will not update your resume. You will not appear for interview. You will continue in the company as long as possible.

Well, do you thing the job profile which I explain now is a joke or illusion or dream.

You are absolutely wrong. This type of job profile is available in your current company. Even your job can attain such a profile by a slight change in your attitude. You need to get rid of your imaginative fear over job. You have to get rid off over-expectation from your job.

At the same time, you should be ready to give up your job if things are not favoring or ‘Job Profile’ is bad.

Every company I worked I find one or more employees enjoying this job profile. In your company too you can find somebody enjoying this profile. They may be friend or relative or ‘piggy pather’ or extremely skillful or showing their back to their boss. Any how, they manage to get a comfort and enjoying their job.

Love the job or hate the job, both are in your control. Whichever you want you can choose. Some company – same job, for somebody it is a heaven and for somebody it is a hell. Something difference in the individual perception, but not with the company.

If you hate your job, please quit. If you love your job, please continue. Never mind anything. Sooner or later you will land up at the ‘Job Profile’ if you have courage to follow your instinct.

8hrs job without stress

Are we living to work or working to live, I feel working to live, I am going to the job, to live, to meet my expenses. I am not ready to dedicate my full day for working , then where I am living.

I do not consider working is living. Working/earning is part of living. We are spending almost 10-14hrs including travelling time of a day in working, then sleeping for some hours, spend little time with yourself, friends, family, habby and anything. Is it what we are destined to?.

In the nature, no living being is working after sunset. Birds go to their nest before sunset. Nature’s instruction is stop working after sunset. Farmers normally donot work after sunset. They live happily and healthily. Nature has tuned our body to work in such way only. Ancient man never work after sunset. Even Hindu Prunas war is conducted during day light only.

The stress of Long working hours leads to Low Productivity in both official and social life, irregular sleeping pattern, stress , de-coubling the relationship, and etc.

I accept there may be some emergency where exceptions are there. But exception should be rare not regular.

Long working hour stress is familiar with Sofware Industry but now it is extending to all industry from banking to everything.

Let us analysis what we are loosing and gaining by working more hours
(10-16 hrs a day).
There is no use of having money, when you donot have time to spend it.