Aging Process Happens at Mind

Aging process is reflected in body. But ‘aging process’ actually happens in mind, then reflected in body. Everybody has their one self-image. This self image is vary from stage to stage. During teen age, youth, middle age, at fourties, fifties, pre-sixty and post sixty, in every stage self image is vary from other stages.

This biological suit(body) changes as per change in mind. When years passed the composition , consciousness, awareness of mind is also changing. Consciousness is added with many garbage. We notice only the body’s aging process. But we miss to observe ‘psychological aging process’ in the due course of time.

People becoming fat and overweight , do not realize it day by day. But these everyday life activities slowly but steadily increase it. After few months or few years, they realize it all of sudden.

Like that mind changes slowly but steadily. But we do not realize the changes in mind forever. We let it change. Mind is a medium to interpret life. But we do not have any other tool to interpret mind.

A stress free and relaxed mind with a sense of well being can slow down ‘MENTAL AGING PROCESS’. Which ultimately slows down body’s aging process.

Job Hopping True Reasons

Job hopping is keeping the HR active in corporate world. Of course they too jump. It is very rare to find an employee working in same company for more than one year. From office boys to top management executive everybody finds difficult to work in the same company. Why people switch between jobs.

People change the working place, their colleagues, their Bosses but they do not stop working.

Polite and decent reason for job hopping are ‘Career Growth, Salary hike, Need to relocate’. Of course few job changing done for the above three reasons.

But not all the job hopping are done for the above three reasons. Real reasons are hidden. No one is daring to convey the real reason for appearing in the interview or leaving the current office.

Somebody decide to change the office but without knowing which drive them to change the office.

There are interview tips to tell ‘Career Growth’ as the reason. But the resume can tell whether career growth is the real reason or something else. If too much company names in the resume, it makes clear that Career Growth is not the only reason for that candidate. It means none of the companies he worked has scope for his/her growth. This cannot be true.

I like to introspect, what may be the other reason for job hopping, which is really ‘ changing office’. Job hopping can be termed as Office Hopping. People change office but do not quit the job.

Relationship stress

Stress is the reason in many jobs hopping. Type of stress may be anything. Here I am focusing Relationship stress.

Relationship between two people may lead the relationship stress in long run. Every relationship has impact on the people related.

Relation between colleagues, relation between superior and subordinate, relation between staff and the customer who utilize the service of the staff, here customer is a person out side of the company, a type of relationship evolved between employee and his/her family due to office.

Relationship between spouses will change according to their respective relationship with their office. Some time it may lead to break the bondage from spouse.

If the relationship between superior and subordinate is getting fractioned and stressful, the immediate solution is job hopping.

If the relationship between colleagues becomes stressful then job change will be a solution after long patience.

Relationship between office and staff. It will get stressful if the employee forced work in inhuman ways like no appreciation or recognition for work. Expect to work in long hours continuously. ‘Work theft’ by other staff with the support of office. There are many inhuman resource management practices to spoil the relationship between office and staff.

People aware of their ‘self-value’ change the office quickly or never allow others to execute inhuman practices over them.

People, who are mesmerized by loyalty and other illusions, realize after long time or after being a scapegoat.

What we eat has a by product wastage. Every food after digestion leaves wastage in our body, which has to be removed. Excretion.

Like that every relationship has a negative residue. Initially the quantity of ‘relationship wastage’ is very less. But in due course of time, it becomes piled and beyond tolerance. We do not know how to remove this relationship wastage and maintain the relationship forever.

When somebody joins the company, the new person is good to the office, and the office seems to be good to the new employee. No employee will remark negatively at the time of reporting. This is true that new staff never have any type of relationship with the company. This is same to company.

Later on their feelings will change or reverse.

How to avoid such relationship friction.

There are many etiquette to maintain relationship. Whatever you maintain that will collapse. All maintainable will collapse once maintenance is stopped.

During the interview or reporting time everybody will act, nobody behaves in their original character or attitude. Once the act ends friction begins.

You are able to move with a person with out any fear and hesitation, and you are allowed to be as you are. You are accepted as you are. You can sit as per your comfort in front of the person, speak as per your comfort, you can behave as per your comfort.

If you are not highly conscious about your behavior in front of the person, your relationship will not have residue. When you do not ‘maintain’ your relationship, and let it be as it is then your relationship is frictionless.

In simple words if your heart beat is not changing often while accompanying the person then it is frictionless.

It is very difficult to find such frictionless relationship in office atmosphere. Even in home too. It is possible only among true friends, that is why friendship last for ever.

What ever relationship is maintained which will be broken after stop maintaining it. As long as you maintain it, you will have relationship residue.

Job hopping is not a way to stop dumping wastages by relationship stress. It is not a way to stop a person who is dumping relationship wastages over you.

If the relationship stress is the true reason behind office changing, you are wrong. Soon you will get in to the same situation in the new office. Other person will dump over you soon in your new office. There will be no end.

Everything is same everywhere. You have to stay in a company learn to adapt to all the situations, learn to fight for your rights without breaking relationship. Learn to keep yourself at comfort in all the situations as possible it can. Learn to ignore rather than fight some times. Learn all politics in the office.

Everybody in the office is not stressed out like you. Learn from other colleagues who handle the situation successfully where you failed.

Never change the job if the reason for changing is everywhere.

Wrong Lifestyle Causes Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure due to Wrong Life Style

Human Blood pressure is 120/80. Many people in the world are suffering from high blood pressure. These are many reasons for blood pressure. I like to discuss here the biggest and major reason called LIFE STYLE. Life style stimulated blood pressure cannot be cured by medicine.

BP is not a disease. It is an abnormal state of body. Consistent exposure to tense situation or working without taking rest, are all leading to rise in blood pressure. Tense, fear, stress are part of life. We get tense by some incident for a while soon we will back to normal mood. But continuous exposure to tense situation, make the tense as permanent stage of body.

For example when you go to your office lately. 9’o clock office you reach by 9.45 or after, when you are going to the first time, you don’t get tense and nobody makes the issue big. If you go often your superior will shout at you. Then whenever you start lately to your office, you get tense. If you continuously go to your office then every morning will become tensed morning. Even when you start early still you feel tense. Thing is subconsciously you have programmed your body to get tense in the morning. This lead to rise in BP level.

Whatever medicine you take, your blood pressure will not come down to normal. This can come down only after you change your attitude towards office going. If you start going early to office, you feel relaxed and normal within one or two months.

People going to office lately are prone to BP in later ages.

Many wrong attitude tends to rise in BP. People who hurry, burry for anything and everything, people who do not plan and work, instead of makes thing mess up, people who always criticize others. People who are not able to accept others as they are, people who are working long hours without rest/change, people who do not have proper sleep are all subject to rise in BP. For these kind of persons changing their attitude is the only medicine.

Obsessive thinking are also prone to BP.

If you are a boss and your subordinates are not obeying you and you are not able to fire them and this is consistently existing, you are prone to get high blood pressure. Be satisfied at obedient and reliable subordinate than intelligent sub-ordinate who never obeys you. When I was leading a team of programmers, I had this issue. I have to implement a ‘office politics’ to get those ‘guys’ out of my team. After recruiting fresher or obedient people I feel comfortable. Hope God forgive me for that.

Attitude, relationship management, self and people management are playing more role than food behavior to rise BP.

If your body weight is normal your BMI(body mass index)is perfect, but you have BP then it is due to one or more reason explained in the above paragraphs. Because I had all such attitude, and my BP raised little bit of the age 30. My BMI was perfect. Doctors gave only sleeping medicine. BP goes down to normal when I am taking sleeping tablets, prescribed by Doctors. Once I stopped the tablet my Blood Pressure raised little bit. I changed doctors . Thank God, One of the doctor advised me it is my change in lifestyle can set right my blood pressure.

I analyzed my Daily life. I went to office late in all days. Tension in all morning. My working hours was long an average 14 hours per day(software). Everyday was the deadline and lot of tension and fear in my office. I thought of learning yoga for relaxation, but I didn’t have time to practice yoga.

Then I changed my office where my working hour is 8 to 10 per day. No tension . I changed my home nearer to my office. No long travel and no late goings. I start to spend more time with my family. I played with my kid, chat with friends, visit relative homes.

I changed my life style. No more fault finder. Accepted peoples as they are. Started the habit of walking long whenever I have the time. Magic happens, of course it is not a magic. My Blood Pressure come down to normal level.

I had the medical records for the rise in my BP and for normal too. Nowadays I received offers from other companies with increased pay. All are far away from my home, must have long travel everyday. May lead to Late Reporting. But I denied all and I will deny all as long as my present company gives a life style with a sense well being.

I will be happy, if any one in the world is benefited by reading this information. If anyone is aware of impact of life style on our health by reading this article, I feel pleased. Blood Pressure is not the only problem stimulated by life style. There are many mind and body problems due to wrong life style. We consult doctors take medicine, spend money but no cure. If we have the awareness of lifestyle then we can cure it. Or even we can avoid it.

Aquarium and Peace of Mind

People believe Aquarium can bring peace of mind. It keeps blood pressure at normal level, avoids heart decease, reduce stress. Is there any scientific proof for ‘medical attributes’ of Aquarium?

My hobby was aquarium. I kept lot of color fishes. My favorite is betta (we called it is ‘fighter’ in my city). I keep Gold fish, Moly family and cuppies. During my school days, I spent great deal of time with my fishes. Fighting tournament for betta, mating demonstration of betta, live view of moly and cuppy kid’s birth are sensational moments in my aquarium life.

Till I caught red hand by career, one of my favorite past time is Aquarium. I did not have time for aquarium activity after wards. Soon I have tension and stress related problems. I decided to re-setup my fish tank.

After coming from office, I spent time with my fishes. Within in a week all my tension mood disappeared. I felt a positive difference.

But, tension and stress erupted in my home after two weeks from I set up fish tank. My wife wanted me to spend time with the family. We have a kid. But I spent my time with fishes. This created a tension in my family.

Whenever I sit in front of my fish tank, I received ‘heavy firing’ from my wife. She started getting tense when I site in front of my fish tank and escalated her tension over to me.

Later, Aquarium became the source of my tension and stress.

How can we believe Aquarium give peace, reduce tension and stress? Because, it gave tension and stress to me.

What is true about aquarium? Both are true.

Aquarium has colorful fishes moving here and there. They get our attention quickly. While watching them, out thoughts about problems, tensions, family and office issues and etc are stopped slowly without our effort. Our mind is filled with fishes. Thoughts of fish do not give tension or stress. Some time it takes us to tranquility.

It is not the Aquarium, which gives peace of mind. It is the thoughts in our head gives peace or tension. Aquarium stimulate or change our thought pattern. It fills our head with the mood which gives peace or do not give tension.

So thoughts or mood stimulated by Aquarium can give peace of mind.

If we are able to change or keep your thought always cool and happy in all the situations, we do not need Aquarium to be relaxed.

Instead of Aquarium, I started spending my time with my family. Play with my kid. Have happy day dreams, remember happy moments in my life. Fill my head with happy thoughts.

Now I do not need Aquarium to have peace of mind.

Kite Meditation

If you want to meditate without effort or practice, please take a kite and fly it. What saints and yogis doing after several years of practice, which you will perform when flying a kite.

During my boyhood, one of my sport activity is ‘kite flying’. Kite flying is not a recognized sport, so I can term it as my hobby.

During evenings and holidays, I spent time in flying kite. Blowing air sufficient speed is needed to fly kite. From October onwards it is a good season to fly kite.

Many parents object their kids for flying kite. Many think it is a dirty act, which will spoil education. Many of my friends were hiding their kite from their parents. Me too. I have never seen any girl kid flying kite in my city. It seems to be a Boys hobby.

After reaching college, I stopped flying kite. Shifting house often too stopped me from kite. Once I caught up by evil hands of career, I forgot Kite from my life.

Now I am a busy software engineer in India. Whole world knows, how stressful it is in India. How much time on Indian software engineer spending per day for his work.

Recently I got three days leave(holiday) for Diwali festival.

I was spending time in my apartment terrace. Suddenly I noticed a rope was running across my terrace. I grabbed it immediately like a reflex. I rolled it. The length of the rope might be nearly half mile. At the end of the rope there was a kite knitted. This kite might be set free after loosing a ‘deal’ with another kite.

Anyway, I was so happy to get a kite with rope. My boyhood memories about kite flying re-blossomed. I decided to fly the kite.

But few negative thoughts raised hesitation to fly the kite now.

I am a software engineer now. Leading 5 to 10 programmers. I am married having a kid. I am leading a upper middle class living standard. Is it a manner or etiquette for a man with such social position to fly kite like a ‘boy’. Many ‘respectable’ people will have a evening walking in my terrace. What they might think when I will be busy with kite. Moreover, kite flying is an activity for boys from lower and lower middle class society. In my apartment video games is the right choice for boys.

So my social and self image and the area/society where I am living give me hesitation to fly kite. Everything in my thoughts, but nobody conveys me orally as ‘do not fly kite’. But my imagination and thoughts goes in such way.

I realized, I have to overcome my ‘self’ first then the society. I decided whatever shame come to me I have to fly kite. I decided to do what like to do rather than what I suppose to do. Never worry about others opinion. Even my wife laughed at me when I invite her to ‘kite flying’. Later she enjoyed it. She regularly joins with me for flying kite.

After 15 years, I fly the kite. Without any difficulty ‘my grabbed’ kite takes off. It raises and settle down quickly in the sky. My hands and fingers still remember the skills/dexterity required to fly kite. I let out 70% my rope I have. My kite goes high, it becomes tiny dot.

During kite flying, my only focus is kite. Eyes fixed at kite and keep watching it. My eye vision has a long distance focus, which is short distance always by starring at monitor. Now it is a change.

My mind stops thinking, wandering, and worrying. My conscious released from time, space, and ‘self’. It slips into tranquility. Eyes fixed at kite, hands maintaining the rope. That’s all. I do not feel anything other than rope and kite. I become empty. The overall mood I get while flying kite is absolutely similar to the mood after meditation but without any effort.

It is a great relaxation and change from my regular life.

Are you a busy professional? Do not know how to relax in your free time other than going to bar. Learn kite flying. You will enjoy it and may attain tranquility without doing meditation.

Bright Sun Shine Without Heat

Sun rays are not equally distributed in all the parts of the world. Only ‘Equatorial line’ which is running across the earth have abundance of sun rays. Moreover, different seasons have their ration in distributing sun rays. Summer gives more and winter gives less.

I like the Bright Sun rays without heat.

Sun rays is bright at noon, but it is very hot to bear. Sun rays at pre-evening time from 3pm to 6pm is a wonder. In this time, Sun rays are bright but not hot. They are neither hot or cold. The sky is clear and clean from clouds. Above your head vast blue blanket. This is ideal time for playing. This evening sun rays are free of cost. It is nature’s gift and it is precious.

If you are living in an apartment, go to your open terrace. Spend time there in the evenings. If you have small mountain near by your dwelling, claim it. You can have a different view. Birds flying below to you. Your eye vision can stretch out to few miles away. This is good to your eyes.

I like to spend time in my apartments terrace under sun rays without hot. It makes me happy and sometime leading to tranquility.

Life cycle of Beautiful Woman

Beauty has a life cycle. Woman’s beauty stays for a time period. Do its duties as instructed by nature. Finally disappears from the woman.

Beauty accompanies a woman for 15 to 20 years in her life span. If a woman lives for 70 years, beauty accompanies her for 15 years, at the maximum 20 years. Remaining 50 years she lives as only a woman but not as beautiful woman.

Beauty joins with a female when she is around 15 years old. It stays with the woman for the next 15 years. After 30+ years old, beauty bids farewell to her slowly.

Beautiful woman thinks she is beautiful. It is false. Beauty or youth is not a property we can possess and maintain. It appears and disappears on its own way during a life time of a woman.

During this ‘beauty period’ woman receives the penetrating eyes of Men. Woman mistakes as men are seeing her. Actually men are seeing and enjoying the beauty resides with her. Like people occupy a house and live, beauty occupy the body of the woman.

If any VIP reside in our neighborhood house, we tend to look the house often. When they vacate the house we do not see the house. The house looses its center of attraction.

Woman’s body is a home, where beauty resides for some time. During the time every men living in her proximity look at her. They stop looking at her when beauty vacated from her body.

Remember, nobody is seeing the woman, men are seeing the beauty in her. It is a very short period compared to the whole life time. Beautiful Women are center of attraction to men for a short span in their life time. If it is a disturbance or honor, woman may consider it in anyway but they have to bear or enjoy for a while only.

Beauty may extend its stay with some women. Like some people live more than 90 or 100 years, some woman looks beautiful even after their middle age. They are able to attract the look of men when they are 40 years old or 50+. But it is rare.

It depends on various known and unknown factors. Food, exercise, mind set, normal conscious state, economy, genetic, standard of living, level of stress in life and etc are involved in extending beauty.

Many things in our life are beyond reasoning. Average beauty period of a woman is just 15 years in her overall life span.

Safe Blogging and Risk Blogging

Here I am going to discuss two types of blogging. Safe Blogging and Risk Blogging.

Blogging is a powerful, influential, and ‘easily operatable publishing’ medium. Anybody can start a blog and write about anything. But many bloggers do not aware of the risk in blogging. Any content we feed to internet may create an impact to its reader or left unnoticed. If it impacts it’s reader, the level of impact may vary from slight stir to big bang. At the time of writing we may not know how it is going to reach the readers.

Safe blogging deals with general, entertainment, informative, hobbies, techie info, movie/audio reviews, funny things, comedy and etc. The way content is written and the subject dealt will not hurt anybody or any organization or any entity. It may be interesting or not. These type of content provider or blogger may be a non entity in the society. The content provided is mostly materialistic type, already duplicated or cloned. For example, A.R.Rahman got oscar. Safe bloggers will write about this topic. These type of blogging are not sensational normally. They never face any problem about what they have written. Even they do not have scope for critics.

Risk blogging deals with sensational issues. It is a daring expression of writers opinion about any individual or organization. These type of bloggers believe in something and strongly express their negativity against other type of believers or disbelievers. It is a sort of ideologist content normally. It stirs the emotion of readers. Reader may be in support of what is written or against. Either positively or negatively readers will get stir. Risk bloggers are ideologist. Their content is very hot and sensational. They invite both fame and problems through what they have written.

Example for Safe Blogging and Risk Blogging:

Example #1:
a)”Sachin Tendulkar is the greatest batsman of our century. He is the highest run scorer in test matches and ODI. He is playing since 16 year old boy….”. It is a safe content. Nobody can create problem for the above content.

b)Suppose one says, “Sachin Tendulkar is the greatest batsman of our century. Even though he is best as individual, he fails many times in important and pressure full matches. He succumbs to pressure. In this point Lara is a better batsman in pressure handling. He rises to the occasion when situation demands…”. This is a risky content, it may stir the public sentiment of Indian cricket fans. Even Sachin or some Sachin devotees may sue for abusing his fame.

Example #2
a)”Terrorism based on any reason should be banned. All countries should work together to stop the terrorism. Talibans moved their base to Pakistan from Afghanistan. It will be threat to India and western countries….”. This is a safe content.

b)Suppose one says, “Jihadhi based terrorism has struck the world in the last 10 years. Even the world super power America could not escape from terrorist attack. But for the last 10 years China has no such Jihadhi/islamic based terrorist attack. Chinese are not muslims, all terrorist group based on Islam or Jihadhi should attack China also. But no such incident in china. Is China so powerful as terrorist not able to attack it or the whole terrorism is the sleight of…”. This is a highly risky content. China may send a missile to the writer’s home.

Hope I have presented the difference between safe blogging and risk blogging.

If you belong to ‘Mr.Public’ society, never engage in risk blogging. You can not withstand the nemesis of your writing. You need to go office for your living. You depend on pay cheque. Your wife’ demands and children’s school fees and house rent are disturbing your sleep. You may need to work extra hours or even in weekends. You need say ‘Yes’ to your immediate boss. You curse the traffic while going to office but never mind to find a solution to it. You will watch both good and bad movies and criticize as good movies are good and bad movies are bad. You do not have any specific individuality to stand out in a crowd. Your main goal is to buy land or house and get ‘settle’ in life. Good education, good job, good salary are having important values in your belief system. Then never engage in risk blogging. Your family or you cannot survive without the salary if you are forced to face court or your day today life is disturbed. You are Mr.Public. Safe blogging is your domain, play there.

If you belong to ‘Mr.Individual’, you can blog about anything. You have nothing to loose. You can scold anybody and criticize anything. You may have ideology. You have principles. Your ideology and principles are having more value in your belief system than money. Even your family or personal commitments are secondary to you. You breath your ideology. This life is nothing to you, You are ready to sacrifice your life or you may have stupid followers to sacrifice their life for your sake. Either you may be dead poor or you may be very rich. You may be politician or public figure want more center of attraction. Facing issues, trials, problems are piece of cake to you. You have strong background. If you come under the above classification, you are ‘Mr.Individual’. You can write about anything.

Before blogging, analyze what type of content you are going to write and what type of person you are. If you are Mr.Public, engage in safe blogging. If you are Mr.Individual, engage in risk blogging and be prepared to face the nemesis of your writings.

Our government is not prohibiting us from starting a blog and express our thoughts. But it makes sure that we are responsible for the impact our expressions.

I have shown some example to distinguish between safe blogging and risk blogging. They are example only. Not my views. If it hurts you, please excuse me and don’t sue me.

I am Mr.Public. I have to go to my office tomorrow.

Dress Reflects Economy not Personality

Dress plays a major role in portraiting a man. Among men, everyone wears pant and shirt. But not the same quality. Each dress bear the wearers economic standard and status. Even dress is according to age wise.

Society is divided into three segments. Such as low class, middle class, and high class. Each class has its own quality of dress. By one’s dress, his class or status can be traced out. Prices of the cloth increases along with the improvement in quality. Price is fixed according to the products quality. Low class people can afford meekly, middle class moderately, high class inordinately. One can get the quality according to the amount he pays.

High quality dress shines, makes the man look better. It adds quality to the wearer. One who wears fine quality dress, he will get the quality of the dress he wears.

Middle quality dress portraits man as he is. It does not add extra beauty or facade to the wearer. The wearer of middle class dress, looks as he is.

Low quality dress depreciates the wearer. If reduces the personality of the wearer, wearer loose his original quality, which is suppressed by the worst quality dress.

High quality increases, low quality reduces, but middle quality portraits the same nature. The above quoted statement is for the safe of the writer, who belongs to the world largest middle class population in India. It is an out burst of a middle class self- projecting and self-justifying temperament.

Economic power plays the major role in designing the outer personality.

Dress does not determine the inner personality in real terms. Actually, economic condition of a man determines his personality for fifty percent. Rest is controlled by his mental temperament.

If a low class man after ascending to high class economic conditions, can wear high quality dress. His personality will change to rich man.

But a man in low class being in low economic condition, cannot acquire rich man’s personification, by buying high quality dress, by his hard saving. Because his mental temperament still sticks with real economic conditions.

Dress and Civilization and Globalization

Dress makes the complete man. An animal wears dress is man.

The primitive cloth of man were leaves and animal skin. There is no proper reason why man invented dress. It might be for prevention from natural forces like cold, winter, sun rays, and rain. It might be because of human’s natural instinct to look better and differently. Though dress might be for natural forces, later man developed a Sense of Dressing because of his instinct to appear beautifully.

Before the advent of dress, man was protected from natural forces by his hair running throughout the body. A thick layer of hair ran over his body. When he started to wear something, the need of hair was relaxed. Later human skin did not relay on hair for protection.

According to the theory of ‘Natural Selection’ the thick layer of hair began to fade from the body. It was fading from generation to generation. From generation to generation the quality of cloth and pattern of dress were developed better than previous form. As well as dress developed the layer of hair disappeared. Finally dress becomes like outer skin the human body.

Now dress is a mark of civilization. There are numerous civilization in the world. Like human, Civilization born, grow, change, and die. Great civilizations died in the past. Few civilizations are still thriving. Some are changing. One or two are about to born (Silicon civilization or Age of Semiconductors).

The pattern of dress depends upon the civilization and climate and major crop of its territory.

But nowadays the pattern of dress is becoming global. All over the world man wear pants and shirts for official purpose. Traditional dresses are occasional dresses. They are only for traditional festivals and functions.

In India the traditional dress of woman – ‘Sarees’ is becoming obsolete. Now in India the protocol of dress pattern for females are modernizing because of the influence of western civilization through globalization.

The traditional dress lost its value all over the world.

Very few people in small number stick with traditional wear. We can not do anything for this change of dress code.

What is traditional now was a new trend in the past. What is new today will be traditional in the future.